Welcome to Edinburgh's
Southside Community Council

Minutes of 51st Meeting, held in the Southside Community Education Centre, Nicolson Street, Edinburgh, on Wednesday 14 December 2005, at 7.00 pm.

Abbreviations used as required:
ASCC = Association of Scottish Community Councils; CA = Cockburn Association; CEC = The City of Edinburgh Council; CLG = Community Liaison Group; CPOL = Council Papers on line; CYP = Canongate Youth Project; EACC = Edinburgh Association of Community Councils; E&CS = Environmental & Consumer Services; HMO = House(s) in Multiple Occupation; LA = Licence Application: LCPP = Local Community Planning Partnership; LDC = Local Development Committee; L&BP: Lothian & Borders Police; LEEP = Lothian & Edinburgh Environmental Partnership; LHC = Late Hours Catering; PA = Planning Application; SCC = Southside Community Council; SE = Scottish Executive; SP = Scottish Parliament; tie = Transport Initiatives Edinburgh; TRO = Traffic Regulation Order; WREN = Waste Recycling Environmental; and other initials = members of the SCC.

PRESENT - Chairperson: Jo Scott; Elected Members: Jan Fraser (Treasurer), Giulia Dawson, and Linda Hendry (Vice-Chairperson); Nominated Members: Colin Christison (Secretary), Mary Devine, and Jean Downie; Co-opted Members: Robert Beaton, Helen Butler, and Claire MacGregor (Tree Warden); Lothian & Borders Police: PC Alistair MacKenzie; Planning Dept, City Development: Karen Stevenson; Members of the Public: 3.

1. Welcome, and apologies for absence

Jo Scott welcomed everyone to the meeting. Apologies for absence were received from Carol McHugh, Sandra McCormick, Keith Smith, Cllrs Robert Cairns and Bill Cunningham, and Sarah Boyack MSP.

2. Presentation by Karen Stevenson, Planning Department, City Development, on The Edinburgh Standard for Streets, Draft for Consultation

Jo Scott introduced Karen Stevenson, who said that she was pleased to attend the meeting; she explained that the above document had been approved for consultation by the City Council, with replies to be submitted by Christmas. It was hoped that the revised document would be finalised for full approval in March 2006. The document was based on the old ‘Streetscape’ Manual, containing more detailed thinking about street management, especially for shared use, and there had been liaison with the transport section of City Development.

The Draft was in 3 sections:-

1) The Principles (trying to set out a general vision using a series of broad based principles, with examples of using streets as originally designed, minimising complicated road junctions etc, having a simpler approach to design, developing a pedestrian environment, using appropriate materials, and so on).
2) Delivery (process and protocol, tram design manual, maintenance and aftercare, asking for feedback from streetscape working groups, heritage bodies, amenity groups, community councils, etc)
3) Detailed Design Guidance (objectives for footways, carriageways, street furniture (including signage) and features, and pedestrian circulation). There would be links to the local transport and walking strategies.

After some questions from the floor, Jo and the members thanked Karen for her presentation.

Further information on the above is available from the Secretary by using the website address at the top of the page.

3. Police Report

PC Mackenzie gave a report on local crime statistics for Wards 33 and 34. These included thefts of and from motor vehicles, shoplifting, housebreaking, assaults, and robberies. He mentioned an unusual housebreaking in Lutton Place, and attempts to break into 2 businesses. There was some discussion about flagrant disregard for the ‘green man’ at pedestrian crossings by some motorists, and also drivers ignoring ‘no right turn’ signs, as well as people who cycle on pavements.

4. Minutes of Meeting of 9 November 2005

Approved; proposed by JF, and seconded by RB.

5. Matters arising

5.1 (Item 5.8 - purchase of laptop) - JS said that she was in the process of obtaining quotations for a laptop computer, printer, scanner, and software for use by SCC members, after which she would complete an LDC grant form. RB mentioned a company called Phoenix which sold reasonably priced computer equipment.

5.2 (Item 7.1 - Water Customers Panels public meeting) - this had been attended by Hilary McDowell from the Newington Residents’ Association, and concerned the area to the south of the SCC boundary where there had been problems with flooding.

6. Items held over from November meeting

6.1 (11.7) Friends of the Meadows & Bruntsfield Links (24 October)
6.2 (11.8) Edinburgh Association of Community Councils AGM (15 October)
6.3 (11.9) HMO Partnership Group (24 October)
6.4 (11.10) Licensing Forum (17 October)
6.5 (11.12) Central Area Housing Board (25 October)

Jo Scott, who had attended the above meetings, made a brief report on each of them, and said that minutes and other papers were available.

7. Secretary’s Report

7.1 The Secretary said that the Nelson Hall refurbishment had been completed. Members of the public had the opportunity to visit the Hall on 2 occasions recently, and the feeling was that the improvements were of a very high standard and that the Hall would be a great asset to the community.

7.2 He said that the SCC had been fortunate in obtaining the voluntary services of Clare Newlands to look after the website. Derek Christie would liaise with her about the particulars.

7.3 He circulated a copy of the recent ASCC Newsletter, which included an article on common good land.

7.4 He referred to his e~mail in mid November to members in which he had advised that the Scottish Health Council Local Advisory Council was looking for volunteers from local organisations. Members felt that they were unable to make a commitment, and the closing date had now passed.

7.6 Also in an e~mail, he had advised members of a meeting of the Edinburgh Partnership to take place on 15 December. JS hoped to attend.

7.7 He mentioned that the jointly-arranged Community Christmas Lights Ceremony and Party on 6 December had been a great success.

7.8 The revised Community Council Scheme for Edinburgh, together with the revised CC boundaries, would be presented to the City Council on 15 December. He had received a copy of the associated papers and maps, and hoped to obtain further copies once approval had been given. The only change for the SCC regarding boundaries was the transfer of the south-east part of the Grassmarket, plus Candlemaker Row, to Canongate CC, and parts of Lauriston (Keir St and George Heriot’s School) to Tollcross CC.

7.9 He said that he, LH, and JS, had attended the Civic Reception in the City Chambers on 12 December to mark the 25th Anniversary of CCs in the city. The history of CCs was described, and some activities of certain CCs were highlighted. 3 new CCs would be established in the north of Edinburgh in the New Year. It was clear that the City Council valued the contribution of so many volunteers throughout the city. Certificates to mark the occasion were presented to representatives from CCs.

Further information on any of the above is available from the Secretary

8. Treasurer’s Report

JF reported that the latest balance was £992.35.

9. Correspondence

Advertising material etc was circulated, as well as the following items:-

9.1 Inside Letting, Issue 6.

9.2 An e~mail from a local worker who wondered if St Patrick Square could be opened to the public for recreation purposes especially in the summer.

9.3 The City Council Leader’s Reports for November and December.

9.4 The L&BP November Report for ‘A’ Division.

9.5 E~mail from the Canongate Community Forum re proposed sale of council land (outwith the SCC area).

9.6 Working Capital - November issue.

Further information on any of the above is available from the Secretary

10. Planning & Licensing Committee Report

P = Planning matter, L = Licensing matter

CC reported on the following -

10.1P The CEC’s City Development Dept had had reports that some CCs did not always receive acknowledgements of representations, or a copy of the decision notice. The SCC has no complaints in this regard.

10.2L It was noted that The Sunday Herald had mentioned that the SCC had objected to a Hot Food takeaway licence for a caravan in Middle Meadow Walk. The Secretary said that this application highlighted the lack of information provided on such applications, as this one turned out to be for permission to sell organic hot porridge, and not, as assumed, for burgers. The LA was granted.

10.3P Objection to PA for alterations to 58 Newington Road had been considered material.

10.4P Objection to PA for mixed development of retail unit and student residences at 36-40 Potterrow had been considered material.

10.5L Second Hand Dealer’s New 3 Year LA at 31 East Crosscauseway - no comment made.

10.6P Representation made on PA to install solid roller shutters at 29-35 St Leonard’s St considered material.

10.7P ASCC and Scottish Environment LINK Petition to the SP on third party right of appeal in the planning system was circulated and signed as desired.

10.8P PA to demolish existing building and erect new dwelling house at 50 East Crosscauseway (to which an objection had been lodged previously) - granted.

10.9 There had been 14 HMO LAs in the period since the previous meeting.

10.10 The Secretary said that the City Council was reviewing its guidelines on HMO Licences. It is considered that HMOs, if too concentrated, can have an adverse impact on the amenity of an area. Replies are required by 3 February 2006, and some members agreed to read the draft papers and comment.

Further information on any of the above is available from the Secretary

11 Environmental Issues, including Tree Warden’s Report, & St Patrick Square regeneration

11.1 CMacG reported that there was continuing discussion about replacing the tree at St Patrick Square. Various options were being explored, and the possibility of new flowerbeds, especially when new trees were growing, is being considered by Council departments. The replacement of coping stones and railings in Nicolson Square prompted the idea of a similar exercise at St Patrick Square, and it was decided to write to City Development to suggest these improvements. (See also 11.2)

11.2 JS said that she, CC, and CMacG had inspected the Pleasance ‘triangle’, and St Patrick Square, with Jack Gillon, from the Conservation planning section of City Development. It was hoped to ask landscape architecture students from Edinburgh College of Art to devise plans to improve the small area in Pleasance.

11.3 A list of WREN application dates for 2006 had been received. These are 6.1.06, 7.4.06, 21.7.06, and 29.9.06.

11.4 Dr James Gilmour had e~mailed the SCC to say how useful a presentation by the City Council’s Waste Aware Team had been. The Southside Association had already had this group’s Education Officer, Iona Beaumont, to speak at a meeting, and it was agreed that the SCC would invite her to attend a future meeting, probably in February.

11.5 CMacG distributed some information from the Edinburgh Stair Partnership.

12. Reports from Meetings Attended:-

12.1 Southside Community Education Centre Management Committee (13 December)

Attended by CC, who said that apart from routine matters, the meeting considered staffing and letting issues.

12.2 Southside & Old Town Crime Prevention Panel (15 November)

Attended by CC, JF, JS, and MD who reported that police officers Martin and Kirsty White had discussed the police initiative to help prevent, and to solve, crimes on or relating to buses. Both the major bus companies were glad to have the help of plain clothes officers travelling on the buses to help catch stone-throwers, vandals, people who use buses to escape from scenes of crime, people who threaten drivers and passengers, and so on. She distributed some anticrime material.

12.3 South LDC (28 November)

Held at Liberton High School, and attended by JS. A presentation on the Council review of Services for Communities was given by the Director (Designate) of that new department. Minutes of the previous meeting are available.

12.4 Canongate Youth Project (28 November)

Attended by LH, who said that the Annual Report had been presented. The Commissioner for Children and Young People, Kathleen Marshall, had made a speech. There was discussion about a possible move from the South Bridge Resource Centre in Infirmary Street to St Ann’s Community Centre, and it was hoped to canvass option from local residents. SCC members felt that there should not be a move, as the Resource Centre was a more suitable and well-positioned building.

12.5 ASCC Annual Conference (19 November)

Attended by JS, who reported that there had been useful information from Scottish Executive speakers in the morning, followed by a chaotic AGM in the afternoon.

12.6 Positive Change Event, organised by Media Education (2 December)

Held in The Lot, Grassmarket, and attended by JS, who said that it had been an interesting experience, with some good ideas about communication. Following on from this, JS wondered if it would be possible to record the views of locals by videotape on how to improve St Patrick Square.

12.7 Climate Change Meeting (4 December)

Arranged by Mark Lazarowicz MP, and Sarah Boyack MSP to inform and promote the Westminster climate bill.

13. Lothian Road/Cowgate/Grassmarket Action Plan

Following a discussion about the feasibility and/or desirability of reopening Cowgate to traffic during the night, and in view of the fact that a council report will be forthcoming on the subject, it was decided to make a holding reply to Cllr Wigglesworth.

14. Any other Competent Business

14.1 JF asked about any regulations which existed to restrict domestic workmen carrying out their activities in the early morning. She was advised to consult Environmental Services, Noise Control Dept.

15. Open Forum


16. Date of Next Meeting

This was confirmed for 11 January 2006, from 7 pm - 9 pm. The venue will be advised on the agenda.