Welcome to Edinburgh's
Southside Community Council


Minutes of 101st meeting held on Wednesday 10th November 2010, from 7.00pm until 9.00pm, in the Nelson Hall, 5 Spittalfield Crescent, Edinburgh.

Meetings are held from 7pm until 9pm on the second Wednesday of the month, from September until June, in the Nelson Hall, 5 Spittalfield Crescent, Edinburgh, EH8 9QZ Telephone: 0131-667 8838

Further information on any of the items below is available from the Secretary, by using the above postal address or website

Abbreviations used as required:
ASCC = Association of Scottish Community Councils; CEC = The City of Edinburgh Council; CYP = Canongate Youth Project; DEG = Dumbiedykes Environmental Group; EACC = Edinburgh Association of Community Councils; EUSA = Edinburgh University Students’ Association; HMO = House(s) in Multiple Occupancy; LA = Licence Application; L&BP = Lothian & Borders Police; LHC = Late Hours Catering; NP = Neighbourhood Partnership; PA = Planning Application; SCC = Southside Community Council; SCNP = South Central Neighbourhood Partnership; SG = Scottish Government; SP = Scottish Parliament; TRO = Traffic Regulation Order; UoE = University of Edinburgh; and other initials = members of the SCC.

Chairperson: Hilary McDowell (HM);
Elected Members: John Largue (Treasure, JL), Susan Brown, Keith Smith (KS), Bob Hodgart (RH), Deborah Charlesworth (secretary, DC), Lisa Sibbald (LS), (representative for the South Side Association), and May Linton (ML).

City of Edinburgh Council: Councillor Ian Perry
Two members of the Public were also present.

1. Welcome and apologies for absence.
HM welcomed those present to the meeting. Apologies for absence were received from Caroline Barr, Nikki Thomson, and Michael Strain. A letter from Keith Smith requesting that we end our meetings at the proper time was read to the meeting.

2. Sarah Colqhoun gave a presentation about the New Victoria group’s plans to bid for the Odeon cinema, and their plans for its renovation, to include a cafe and bar, and a set of flexible-use auditoria for cinema and theatre, and other events. Their plans include restoration of as much as possible of the fine interior fittings, a good deal of which remain. They also have plans for the Bucchleuch St side, possibly a small hotel. The CC are very favourably inclined towards these proposals to keep the building in use as a cinema, and appreciate the conservation aspects. (NB Note that a similar proposal, also retaining use of the building for mixed usage including a cinema, presented to the Community Council at the October meeting, was also very favourably received.)

3. Police Report from Ben Merrick: Nicolson Square drinkers have been moved on and the police are monitoring where they go, and attempting to prevent their simply moving to another nearby spot. There have been arrests for crimes in the Quartermile area. “Operation Airborne” has had some success identifying receivers of stolen metal, problems have recurred, and there have been arrests. Unfortunately, this popular and effective policeman is being moved to the West End on a permanent basis.

4. The Minutes of the 13th October 2010 meeting were approved after correction of a small error in the figure mentioned the Treasurers report. Proposed JL, seconded LS.

5. Matters arising

• SB suggested that minutes should not be put on the web site until approved by the Community Council. In the following discussion, it was agreed that this causes unacceptable delay in making information known to the community, and that we would instead note explicitly that these are draft minutes (not yet approved by the Community Council).

• HM noted that ties on the Meadows railings have still not been removed. (They were removed later that week)

• HM informed us that the Environmental Forum 2 roads proposal is to deal with the stepped pavement outside Edinburgh Bargain Store, which has long been a concern.

• HM told us that the new Community Councils liaison & Development Officer is Michael Driscoll (Michael.Driscoll@edinburgh.gov.uk), replacing Eileen Hewitt.

• SB raised the question of starting a new Neighbourhood Partnership subgroup to discuss stair cleaning and common repairs. DC reported that her email to neighbouring Community Councils produced only one written response, and one telephone response and that both were negative. Some of these matters are being looked at by the HMO Working Group and other groups. In the discussion of this matter, Ian Perry told us that the Stair Partnership may cease to exist.

6. Reports from meetings attended.

• HM told us that Jo Scott attended the HMO Working Group as Southside CC representative. There did not seem to be any sign that the council will try to deal with the problem of roof parties, and the group were told that the shops below these roofs should deal with this, which is not appropriate because the shops are usually closed when the parties occur. There was a well attended and useful meeting for HMO agents.

• George Pitcher sent a report about the student event. He was impressed by the range of student activities, and reported that they plan to develop a new centre for volunteering and charities. Ian Perry was also there, and commented on the good turnout and good ideas that were raised. A list of 5 proposed activities was shown to us, but it did not include contact information for members of the community to make contact with the groups in question. However, Donald Burgess should have this information. It was suggested that, before starting activities, students organising the funded projects might come to Community Council meetings where they might meet members of the community with relevant knowledge and useful local contacts.

HM and LM went to the Environmental Forum meeting.

• The bike corridor consultation was described briefly and leaflets passed out (and the December CC meeting will include a presentation about this).
• Gully cleaning is being done in this area now, and blocked gullies should be reported as soon as possible.

HM went to the Neighbourhood Partnership meeting on 8th November.
• A survey of beggars in Nicolson Square revealed surprising diversity, with many eastern European, and, at certain times, young people.
• The pilot barbecue project in the Meadows is continuing
• There was a report on changed weightings for road and pavement repairs.
• HM told us that some future meetings will be themed, rather than updating members on multiple areas of activity.

7. Treasurer’s Report (JL)
There is a balance at the Bank of £1673.38, plus £21.19 petty cash. A scout group have agreed to deliver a newsletter throughout the area for £250.
LS requested a donation for the Southside Association to put on the usual Christmas party, and this was approved (£75, the same as last year).

8. Secretary’s Report. There were 30 emails, and 15 paper items.

9. Correspondence

DC read a letter from SB regretting that her proposal for changed arrangements for councillors surgeries at the Southside Centre will not be implemented.

10. Publicity group. The group has so far not been able to achieve much. CB has had to drop out. DC will help.

11. Planning and Licensing Committee Report. Letters objecting to three proposals were sent (Dragon Way in S. Clerk St, proposing ‘outdoor sports’, the Pear Tree pub, proposing outdoor screenings of sports events, a Fish and Chip shop at 23 South Clerk St, requesting opening hours between 8am and 1am Sunday-Thursday and 8am and 2am Friday and Saturday).

12. Environmental Report (HM). Particularly important points are the following.
• The deadline for roads projects is the end of December and HM asked CC members to note broken pavements etc needing repairs.
• LM requested that assessors should be asked to walk round with members of the community to see the problems we want solved. HM asked for lists of problems to be given to her.
• Regarding the motion by Ross Finnie to make it illegal to park cars on pedestrian ramps (see correspondence list for October meeting), HM and LM will provide answers to his questionnaire. Other CC members are encouraged to submit responses individually, using the form that has been emailed.

13. Association of Scottish Community Councils (ASCC) elections
HM outlined the ASCC constitution. Concerns were expressed about the system, and the lack of opportunities for Community Councils to nominate candidates for election to national officer posts. Because of this the CC decided to vote “No” to all nominees. The CC agreed that we should be represented at the Annual Conference on Nov. 20th, and mandated HM to attend and vote on any emergency motions, using her discretion. So far, the necessary form has not been received (this must be signed by CC members to authorise such a mandate).

14. Public Question Time: There were no questions

15. Any other business: None

16. Date of next meeting – December 8th 2010. (Agenda item 13, Bike Project carried over to December meeting)

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