Welcome to Edinburgh's
Southside Community Council

Minutes of 48th Meeting, held in the Southside Community Education Centre, Nicolson Street, Edinburgh, on Wednesday 14 September 2005, at 7.00 pm.

Abbreviations used as required:
ASCC = Association of Scottish Community Councils; CA = Cockburn Association; CEC = The City of Edinburgh Council; CLG = Community Liaison Group; CPOL = Council Papers on line; CYP = Canongate Youth Project; EACC = Edinburgh Association of Community Councils; E&CS = Environmental & Consumer Services; HMO = House(s) in Multiple Occupation; LA = Licence Application: LCPP = Local Community Planning Partnership; LDC = Local Development Committee; LEEP = Lothian & Edinburgh Environmental Partnership; LHC = Late Hours Catering; PA = Planning Application; SCC = Southside Community Council; SE = Scottish Executive; SP = Scottish Parliament; tie = Transport Initiatives Edinburgh; TRO = Traffic Regulation Order; and other initials = members of the SCC.

PRESENT - Chairperson: Jo Scott; Elected Members: Jan Fraser (Treasurer), Linda Hendry (Vice-Chairperson), and Carol McHugh; Nominated Members: Colin Christison (Secretary), Mary Devine, Jean Downie, Robert Hodgart, and Sandra McCormick; Co-opted Members: Robert Beaton, Helen Butler, and Claire MacGregor; City of Edinburgh Council: Cllr Bill Cunningham; Member of the Public: One.

1. Welcome & Apologies for absence

Jo Scott welcomed everyone to the meeting. Apologies for absence were received from Keith Smith, Cllr Robert Cairns, and Sarah Boyack MSP.

2. Police Report - None.

3. Minutes of Meeting of 8 June 2005

Approved; proposed by JF, and seconded by RB.

4. Matters arising

Item 6.9 - no response from Dumbiedykes Residents’ Association.
Item 6.10 - no response from Gavin Strang MP.
Item 7 - JF said that she had completed the paperwork for her position as Treasurer.
Item 8.11 - It was decided to invite a Safety Officer from Lothian & Borders Fire Brigade to an SCC meeting.
Item 10.4 - the hole in the pavement has now been repaired.

5. Secretary’s Report

5.1 The Secretary outlined the draft proposals for the triennial elections for Community Councils in 2006, and said that more information about these, and the publicity for them, would be forthcoming in due course.

5.2 Information from Sarah Boyack MSP on the Big Lottery Fund was available.

5.3 A copy of the CEC’s Chief Executive’s Annual report 2004/5 was circulated.

5.4 The Secretary had sent members a copy of the proposals for the public realm improvements between the Royal Mile and Nicolson Square/Hill Place. The main element of these is upgraded Caithness stone paving, as well as new litter bins, bicycle racks, and improved street lighting. Members were able to comment on these plans if they wished.

5.5 An information session for CCs to explain the recent changes to the Edinburgh Partnership will be held on 28 September. CC/LH to attend if possible.

5.6 He informed members about the EACC programme of activities for the autumn. These include item 5.5 above, and an open meeting of EACC on Community Safety at the City Chambers from 10am - 12 noon on Saturday 15 October.

5.7 The SE and Home Zones Scotland Network 4th Conference would take place on 26 September, at a cost of £90 per participant.

5.8 He said that he had received an explanatory leaflet about the traffic calming measures in Rankeillor Street, Montague Street, and Lutton Place.

5.9 Newsletter 4 about traffic management in Central Edinburgh had been received.

5.10 National Standards for Community Engagement information was available on www.communitiesscotland.gov.uk.

Further information on any of the above is available from the Secretary.

6. Treasurer’s Report

JF said that the account balance was £1264.11. It was decided that LH would become a signatory to the account in due course.

7. Correspondence

A number of advertising leaflets etc were circulated, and the following material -

7.1 The Postwatch Summer 2005 newsletter.
7.2 Lothian & Borders Police ‘A’ Division Community & Neighbourhood Watch News Issues for June, July, and August.
7.3 Information on a review of the Scottish Forestry Commission Strategy.
7.4 The CEC’s Leader’s reports for August and September.
7.5 Service improvements for the Lothian & Borders Fire & Rescue Service.
7.6 Information on extending double yellow lines at Bowmont Place and St John’s Place.
7.7 The Ark Trust newsletter.
7.8 Quartermile newsletter and magazine.
7.9 ‘Working Capital’, the CEC’s Employment newsletter.
7.10 Letter from the CEC’s Licensing Dept about the availability of information on licensed premises.

Further information on any of the above is available from the Secretary.

8. Consultations

8.1 Edinburgh City Local Plan - response submitted in August.

8.2 Private Renting in Edinburgh - response to be submitted by 7 October, although it was considered none was required.

9. Planning & Licensing Committee Report

P = Planning matter, L = Licensing matter

9.1P 87 Grassmarket - PA to extend opening hours (SCC objected in March) refused.

9.2P Gilmour St/Pleasance - PA for telecoms monopole etc previously refused now subject to appeal to the SE. JS attended the site meeting with the Reporter.

9.3P Info on 2005 Scottish Awards for Quality in Planning had been received.

9.4P 7 Clerk Street (former cinema) - PA withdrawn.

9.5P 50 East Crosscauseway - PA to demolish existing building and erect new dwelling house - objection submitted and considered material.

9.6P The SE White Paper on modernising the planning system had been received.

9.7P The Communities Committee Civic Participation event on modernising the planning system in Scotland will take place in the chamber of the Scottish Parliament on Saturday 29 October. JS/CC have applied for places.

9.8L 4 Teviot Place - LHC LA; objection sent.

9.9L 44 South Clerk Street - LHC LA; objection sent.

9.10L North Meadow Walk - street trader with food LA; objection lodged.

9.11L Middle Meadow Walk - street trader with food LA; objection lodged.

9.12L Bristo Square - street trader with food LA; objection lodged.

9.13L 47a South Clerk Street - second hand dealers; objection lodged.

9.14P 37 South Bridge - PA for part change of use to form restaurant (objection raised previously) - refused.

9.15P 39 St Leonard’s Street - PA for change of use from shop to office - supported.

9.16P 50-54 South Clerk Street - PA for change of use to restaurant previously refused now the subject of appeal to the SE. JS attended the site meeting with the Reporter.

9.17L 10 Forrest Road - LHC LA (previous objection acknowledged) was granted subject to the permitted hours being restricted by 1 hour from those in the application.

9.18L 21 South Clerk Street - second hand dealers LA. More information would be sought.

9.19 18 HMO applications had been received since the SCC’s June meeting, as well as notifications of decisions.

9.20P 4 Nicolson Square - restoration of stone cope to front face of Nicolson Square and reinstatement of railings on cope to front face - JS to inspect plans.

9.21P Commonwealth Pool - install a 12m high streetworks monopole etc on Dalkeith Road; objection would be lodged.

9.22 The Chair and the Secretary of the Community Council spoke of their concerns about how licensing matters are handled by the City Council. For comparison, the Planning Dept produces a weekly list of applications. Individuals and groups may make representations, which are acknowledged, and then the decision is notified and publicised in due course. Licensing procedures for notifications and outcomes are different from planning ones. It was noted that the liquor licence applications are sent to CCs as a matter of courtesy, and this is appreciated. The Southside CC has not however received these on the last 3 occasions, and has had to consult the local press.

For all other licensing matters it is difficult to comment as we are not always sure that copy applications are sent, whether new or renewals. We rarely receive renewals so do not know if there is a procedure for advertising these. It used to be that all representations were acknowledged but that has not been happening on a regular basis. Further, there is no way of knowing the outcome of applications, even by consulting the Council’s website. It has been stated that determinations are made known to those who objected or commented. This is simply untrue - although the SCC received one last week, for the first time. Occasionally we are asked to attend the Licensing Board meetings, which is of little value as there would be nothing to add to the content of a letter of objection.

Our concern is especially with late hours hot food takeaway licences. With the present system it is impossible to tell which premises have been granted specific hours. It is not practicable to trail round streets to see which places are trading in the middle of the night, and even if we did, there is no way of knowing which of these premises had been granted LHC licences, and for which hours, as it is unlikely the occupants would tell us, and there is no notice about hours on display. Is there any enforcement of the rules? Do licensing staff make spot checks to see that premises have paid for licences, and that they operate the agreed hours?

There is great concern in the Southside about the noise and mess made by patrons of LHC premises during antisocial hours. It is desirable for all that the system is transparent so that it can be determined that it is working properly.

10. Environmental Issues, including Tree Warden’s Report

10.1 CMacG said that the crowns of the whitebeam trees in Lutton Place had been lifted. New trees to replace the cherry trees removed earlier in the year would be replaced in November and December, and pavements would be improved. She thanked Mike Shields for his help.

10.2 She said that a basement flat’s area in Montague Street which had become an eyesore had been cleared out by the City Council. She thanked Cllr Cairns for his assistance.

10.3 She felt that on occasions when flags were flown at half-mast in the city, the correct placing of the flag was not adopted. Too often, flags were half way down the flagpole instead of the correct flag and a half’s width from the top.

10.4 CC said that the 4 planters were installed in the Pleasance ‘triangle’ on 16 June, and that the flowers were no longer in bloom. It was decided to plant bulbs for the spring, with funding perhaps being obtained from local traders.

10.5 CC had sent information on the 2005 Edinburgh Swift Survey, and he hoped that some members had been able to participate.

10.6 It was noted that the Dragon Way Chinese Restaurant appeared to be keeping their refuse bin inside, more or less all the time.

10.7 It was noted that new gas mains were being installed in Newington Road and East Preston Street. This was happening at the same time as the traffic calming measures mentioned at 5.8 (above), causing some traffic problems in surrounding streets.

11. Reports from Meetings Attended:-

11.1 Southside Association (6 September) - attended by CC, MD, JF, JS, and SMcC, who reported that a police report on the G8 and Festival periods had been made, as well as reports from 2 members of the Environmental & Consumer Services Dept, who were taking up concerns of members. Routine business was discussed.

11.2 Southside Community Education Centre Management Committee (14 June, 12 July, 9 August, and 13 September) -attended by CC, MD, and CMcH, who said that apart from routine business and the Fringe let, the continuing refurbishment of the Nelson Hall occupied much of the time.

11.3 Association of Scottish Community Councils (18 June), and attended by JS, who said that the SE was referring to the ASCC for information and opinions. The AGM would be held at Pitlochry on 8 October, and it was hoped that a member of the SCC would be able to attend. AFTERNOTE - THE AGM HAS BEEN CANCELLED

11.4 Southside & Old Town Community Safety Forum (19 July) AGM attended by CC, JF, JS, and MD who reported that Jan Fraser had become Treasurer, and PC Antoni Kot was the new Secretary. Plans for the forthcoming year had been discussed, and ideas for a new logo.

11.5 Friends of the Meadows & Bruntsfield Links (20 June) AGM at George Heriot’s School attended by CC and JS who reported that most of the meeting had been devoted to concerns about the Make Poverty History march (the Meadows in fact were cleared in 24 hours after this march), followed by a short musical recital. The next meeting will take place in St Catherine’s Convent, Lauriston Place, on Monday 24 October, at 7.30pm.

11.6 South Edinburgh Local Development Committee Environmental Forum (5 July) attended by CC and JS. The Action Plan had been reviewed.

11.7 Central LDC (31 August) attended by HB, CC, and LH. A presentation by the Chair of the Edinburgh Drugs and Alcohol Action Team (Tom Wood) had been given, with a question and answer session, followed with a statistical presentation from Margaret Lane (E&CS Environmental Warden).

11.8 Nelson Hall meeting (22 August) attended by CMcH who reported that the Hall was scheduled to open at the end of October. Following the removal of funding for furniture and fittings, efforts were being made to obtain these from elsewhere.

11.9 Canongate Youth Project Management Committee (26 August) attended by LH who said that the annual accounts had been presented, and that there was an improvement from the previous year.

11.10 Community Council Joint Meeting (20 June) attended by RB and RH, who said that the emphasis was on involving young people in community affairs.

Minutes of many of these meetings are usually available from the Secretary.

12. Any other Competent Business

12.1 It was noted that the SCC’s website required a new web master. JF to take forward.

12.2 Cllr Cunningham briefly updated members on housing stock transfer. He also said that Mark Turley had been appointed Director of the new Community Services Dept in the Council. This will become operational around March 2006, and will deal with street cleansing, refuse collection, road and pavement maintenance, and other services.

12.3 CMcH was concerned at the speed of vehicles using Bernard Terrace, particularly after the traffic calming measures are installed in neighbouring streets, and with the imminent reopening of the Nelson Hall, which would mean many more people in the area, including the patrons of Scoosh (the out of school hours group). It was decided that a letter be written to City Development asking for improved traffic controls in this street.

12.4 JS said that she had received a letter from Keith Smith (Community Education Worker in the Centre) asking for a contribution towards the purchase of a bench in the late Robin Cook’s memory. It was agreed to donate the sum of £50.00.

13. Open Forum - None.

14. Date of Next Meeting

Wednesday 12 October 2005, at 7 pm, in the same venue.