Welcome to Edinburgh's
Southside Community Council

Minutes of 43rd Meeting, held in the Southside Community Education Centre, Nicolson Street, Edinburgh, on Wednesday 9 February 2005, at 7 pm.

Abbreviations used as required:
ASCC = Association of Scottish Community Councils; CEC = The City of Edinburgh Council; CLG = Community Liaison Group; CPOL = Council Papers on line; CYP = Canongate Youth Project; EACC = Edinburgh Association of Community Councils; HMO = House(s) in Multiple Occupation; LCPP = Local Community Planning Partnership; LDC = Local Development Committee; LEEP = Lothian & Edinburgh Environmental Partnership; LHC = Late Hours Catering; PA = Planning Application; SCC = Southside Community Council; SE = Scottish Executive; SP = Scottish Parliament; tie = Transport Initiatives Edinburgh; and other initials = members of the SCC.


Chairperson: Jo Scott; Elected Members: Derek Christie (Treasurer), Giulia Dawson, Jan Fraser, Linda Hendry (Vice Chairperson), and Carol McHugh; Nominated Members: Colin Christison (Secretary), Mary Devine, Jean Downie, and Robert Hodgart; Co-opted Member: Claire MacGregor (Tree Warden); Lothian & Borders Police: Inspector Steven Gibb; 4 Members of the Public, and David McDonald, the Director of the Cockburn Association.

1. Welcome, and apologies for absence

Jo Scott welcomed those present to the meeting. Apologies for absence were received from Keith Smith, Pamela Spiers, Jackie Henderson, Cllr Cairns, and Sarah Boyack MSP.

2. Police Report

Inspector Gibb gave a brief report, saying that vehicle crime continued to be the main problem in Wards 33 and 34, with thefts from the boots of cars parked in Holyrood Park being prevalent. With the aid of an electronic device readily purchased on the Internet, it is easy to open the boots, remove credit cards etc, misuse them, and very often the owners are unaware that their property has gone missing for some time. Arrests had been made. There were a number of problems with minor vandalism and general bad behaviour by youths in the Holyrood and Abbeyhill areas. Parents were being notified. The solve rate for crimes in the wards for January was 42.93% (LY = 33.4%). JS thanked Inspector Gibb for attending.

3. Presentation by David McDonald, Director of the Cockburn Association

Jo Scott introduced David McDonald, Director of the Cockburn Association. He said that he had been in his post for about a year, and gave a resume of his career before taking up the appointment. He gave a brief description of the Association’s history, its current structure, procedures, and membership, and gave examples of a number of planning and development matters in which the Association had been of influence. The organisation, which is the oldest environmental conservation group in the world, will celebrate its 130th Anniversary in the summer of 2005. It has an important role to play in the planning process, city-wide, even though there is the listing system for heritage buildings, and is prepared to fight vigorously where required. He distributed copies of the most recent issue of their magazine, and thanked the Community Council for joining the Association. The next Doors Open Day will be held on Saturday 24 September 2005.

After a short questions-and-answers session, Jo and the members thanked David for his talk.

4. Minutes of Meeting held on 12 January 2005

Approved; proposed by CMcH, and seconded by JF.

5. Matters arising

Item 5 JS said that £7.50 worth of postcards had been sold so far.
Item 6.9 DC said that the written Biodiversity Plan was very comprehensive.
Item 6.13 JS said that she would attend the seminar on health matters.
Item 7.5 The planning application for 85 Nicolson Street had been refused.

6. Secretary’s Report

6.1 Membership of the Community Council had fallen for various reasons, and the Secretary proposed that Robert Beaton and Helen Butler, both regular attendees at meetings, be formally invited to become co-opted members, and this was agreed. Jo Scott and the members welcomed them.

6.2 CC said that the Southside Community Council Yahoo! Group had been terminated through lack of use, and it was agreed not to reinstate it at this stage, but to concentrate on the visps website.

6.3 He had received the minutes of the Community Council Joint Meeting, held in December 2004, and these were available for perusal.

6.4 A meeting to discuss changes to Community Council boundaries will be held on 3 March, and he and JS would attend.

6.5 He said that Sarah Boyack MSP had sent information on the new Big Lottery Fund, in the hope that the Community Council could suggest possible local good causes. Applications forms will be simpler to complete, and it will be easier for the public to see where Lottery money goes. 60% - 70% of funds are expected to go to the voluntary sector (see www.biglotteryfund.org.uk).

6.6 The Dumbiedykes Residents’ Association will hold a meeting on 15 February to adopt its constitution. A debate will be held to determine if residents feel that they identify with Southside or Canongate Community Council area. JS and CC will attend.

6.7 CC distributed copies of the revised HMO Licence booklet.

6.8 CC said that he had accepted an invitation from the Lothian & Borders Police to visit the new Force Communications Centre at Bilston. This would take place on Monday 21 March at 7.30 pm. He asked members to let him know at the March meeting if they were able to attend. Transport will be required.

6.9 Carol Duncan, Housing Officer, at Dumbiedykes, had contacted JS to ask if the SCC would like to be represented on the area housing board; JS has asked for more information, which should be available for the March meeting.

6.10 The EACC has arranged the following meetings, all of which take place on Saturdays between 10 am and noon, at the City Chambers:-

5 March - Cllr Andrew Burns - Edinburgh’s Transport Policy after the Referendum: Where next?

4 June - Michael Dyer, Dept of Politics, Aberdeen University - Proportional Representation in the 2007 Local Government Elections. How it will work and its implications for Community Councils

15 October - AGM

Members please advise CC if they wish to attend any or all of these.

6.11 The ASCC has arranged a meeting on Saturday 18 June, from 10 am - 3.30 pm at the Quaker Meeting House, 7 Victoria Terrace, for members of Edinburgh and Lothians CCs. There will be a general discussion on strengthening CCs, and after lunch, the opportunity of question an all-party panel of Lothian MSPs. Members please advise CC if they wish to attend.

6.12 The next Edinburgh Civic Forum meeting is on Thursday 17 February. JS will attend.

6.13 The Review of Marches and Parades in Scotland by Sir John Orr had been received. JF and MD will read.

6.14 CC said that JS had prepared a short article and photograph for submission to the Editor of the Southsider for possible inclusion in the March edition. It was suggested that members consider articles for future editions.

6.15 In an article in the Evening News about the future of the former Odeon cinema, it was reported that a spokeswoman for the Southside Association had made certain comments. The Association had not been consulted about this, and disassociated itself from these comments.

7. Treasurer’s Report

DC reported that the balance stood at £812.75.

8. Correspondence

Minor correspondence and advertising material was circulated.

8.1 The January CEC’s Leader’s Report was circulated.

8.2 The Cockburn Association Newsletter and Magazine was circulated.

8.3 Some local Traffic Regulation Orders were circulated.

8.4 Centrepiece newsletter circulated.

8.5 Minutes of the December meeting of the Strategic Programme Partnership were circulated.

8.6 The Capital City Partnership's Social Inclusion News, February 2005 issue, was circulated.

8.7 A letter from Vodafone detailing a preliminary planning application for 3 antennae for the Lister Building, Roxburgh Place had been received.

9. Planning & Licensing Committee Report

9.1 Objection to alterations at 85 Nicolson Street considered material - PA refused.

9.2 Objection lodged for PA for change of use from retail to restaurant at 50-54 South Clerk Street.

9.3 Objection lodged for temporary erection of anemometry mast at 1 Queen’s Drive, Holyrood Park. It was believed that this had been submitted as a prank.

9.4 The PA for alterations to convert A listed university building from student halls residence to university hotel at Pollock Halls was discussed; more information would be sought by JS.

10. Environmental Issues, including Tree Warden’s Report

10.1 Claire MacGregor outlined the programme for the Tree Wardens’ meetings for the year ahead. She reported that she had attended a good meeting at the Inch Tree Nursery.

10.2 She said that the CEC’s Townscheme project (in association with Historic Scotland) had awarded a £2000 grant for the restoration of railings outside the flats at the north-west end of Montague Street.

10.3 She expressed her concern at the evidence of spitting in numerous locations, and it was agreed to mention this at the next South LDC Environmental Forum.

10.4 CC said that a letter had been received from Cllr Cairns about raising the awareness of waste issues amongst residents. A new Waste Action Grant Programme is available for groups or residents for individual grants of up to £2,500 to help with start up costs for projects involving recycling and waste minimisation. Contact details available.

10.5 There was a discussion about fly-posting on railings around the Pollock Halls area. The reduction in fly-posting may be due to discussions between the CEC and venue owners.

10.6 CC said that he had written to the Director of Environmental and Consumer Services about problems with containerisation mentioned at the January meeting.

10.7 JS had also contacted CEC officials about queries raised by a member of the public who had attended the January meeting, and who was present at this meeting, particularly about the issuing of fixed penalty notices (their frequency and effectiveness) by environmental wardens. JS had been given a list of various categories of such notices, which were non-specific in relation to actual streets. She said that CEC bins were emptied on Mondays and Thursdays, and bins owned by commercial firms were emptied daily depending on the contract with particular premises. She and CMacG would shortly distribute information about the Keep Edinburgh Clean Awards to some local shops, and discuss the scheme with the shopkeepers so that they were properly informed about its aims. The member of the public was not satisfied with the responses he had had from the CEC about his repeated complaints that certain refuse containers were stored permanently in South Clerk Street, and not in the inside of the premises concerned, and he was not satisfied at what he saw as lack of progress. JS explained that these matters do take time, and that his concerns were acknowledged and taken seriously.

11. Reports from Meetings Attended:-

a) Southside Association

Held on 1.2.05, and attended by CC, CMcH, and JS. Sarah Boyack MSP had discussed the initiative Retire Into Action and described the benefits of volunteering. Other routine matters were discussed.

b) Southside Community Education Centre Management Committee

Held on 8.2.05 and attended by CC and CMcH. The refurbishment of the Nelson Hall was due to start at the end of April. CEC has allocated a further £150,000 towards the project, bringing the budget up to £650,000. There was concern that SCOOSH would become homeless if the Hall was not ready at the end of July, which was when the let of the Community Centre to Komedia for the Festival Fringe would start. It was hoped to speed up the work. A further report would be made on 8.3.05. Other routine matters including maintenance and staffing were discussed, and minutes will be available. The centre had raised about £300 for the tsunami relief fund during one day. LH suggested, and it was agreed, that the SCC donate £20 towards this. Afternote - the Centre had already submitted the funds, so no action until March meeting.

c) South LDC

Held at Liberton High School on 7.2.05, and attended by JS. There had been a discussion about community safety initiatives, and the South Edinburgh Environmental Improvement Action Plan.

d) South LDC - Environmental Forum

Held at the Royal Commonwealth Pool Crèche on 20.1.05, and attended by RB and CC. Apart from routine updates on various matters, time was spent setting priorities for topics for future meetings.

e) Canongate Youth Project Management Committee

Attended by LH who reported that staffing issues were now resolved. The CYP would be 30 years old in 2 years. As an extension of practice at Christmas whereby new tenancies were donated new household items, it was decided to continue the practice throughout the year. A grant had been awarded for the promotion of a healthy living strategy involving fresh fruit and vegetables.

f) Southside & Old Town Community Safety Forum

Held on 18.1.05, and attended by CC, JF, JS, and MD, who reported that PC Douglas McInnes had given a talk on drugs awareness. Next meeting is on 15.3.05, at which a retired community police officer will speak.

g) University of Edinburgh Community Forum

Meeting held on 1.2.05; no-one from the SCC could attend, but papers are available.

h) University of Edinburgh Tsunami Meeting

Attended by RH who gave a brief report. The key theme was the preparatory work required for any future tsunamis, and effective preparation would be cheaper than the costs of relief work.

i) Private Rented Housing

Meeting, arranged by CEC, held at Pollock Halls on 28.1.05, and attended by JS. A Strategy for a Quality Private Rented Housing Market in Edinburgh was discussed. Papers available.

12. Any other Competent Business

12.1 JD raised the subject of the shop previously known as Scotts on Newington Road. It was thought that refitting was taking place on an intermittent basis.

13. Open Forum

13.1 A member of the public mentioned that the abandoned pink bicycle tied to railings in Lutton Place had been joined by another bike. He suggested that the provision of 2 litter bins near the bus stop on the west side of South Clerk Street might help the litter problem there. He said that he had written a detailed account of the life of the local photographer, James Tunny, and wondered if anyone could help with its publication. JS was lent a copy to read. It was suggested that he contact the local Heritage Group, the Scottish National Photographic Collection, and the Saltire Society.

13.2 Another member of the public said that a quantity of broken glass and debris was to be found in the little triangle between the Engine Shed and Hermit’s Croft. JS to call CEC. He also said that the work on Thornybauk Steps would start in early March, and notices announcing the temporary closure of the steps would shortly be displayed.

13.3 RB said that he was looking for a copy of a book by Howard Denton entitled The Happy Land.

14. Date of Next Meeting

Wednesday 9 March 2005, at 7pm, same venue.