Welcome to Edinburgh's
Southside Community Council

Minutes of Annual General Meeting held on Wednesday 11 May 2005, at 7 pm
in the Southside Community Education Centre

Abbreviations used as required:
ASCC = Association of Scottish Community Councils; CEC = The City of Edinburgh Council; CLG = Community Liaison Group; CPOL = Council Papers on line; CYP = Canongate Youth Project; EACC = Edinburgh Association of Community Councils; E&CS = Environmental & Consumer Services; HMO = House(s) in Multiple Occupation; LCPP = Local Community Planning Partnership; LDC = Local Development Committee; LEEP = Lothian & Edinburgh Environmental Partnership; LHC = Late Hours Catering; PA = Planning Application; SCC = Southside Community Council; SE = Scottish Executive; SP = Scottish Parliament; tie = Transport Initiatives Edinburgh; TRO = Traffic Regulation Order; and other initials = members of the SCC.


Chairperson: Jo Scott; Elected Members: Derek Christie (Treasurer) Giulia Dawson, Jan Fraser, Linda Hendry (Vice Chairperson); Nominated Members: Colin Christison (Secretary), Jean Downie, and Sandra McCormick; Co-opted Members: Robert Beaton and Helen Butler; City of Edinburgh Council: Councillor Robert Cairns; Member of the Public: One.

1. Welcome & Apologies for Absence

Jo Scott welcomed everyone to the Annual General Meeting. She introduced Sandra McCormick, the new representative from the Southside Association. Apologies for absence were received from Mary Devine, Carol McHugh, Claire MacGregor, Keith Smith, and Sarah Boyack MSP.

2. Secretary’s Report

Colin Christison said that the Community Council had held 10 meetings from May 2004 until April 2005. There had been reports from Lothian & Borders Police at 9 of these meetings. Some 20 planning representations had been made, as well as 8 objections to licence applications, mainly for late hour hot food takeaway shops. The SCC had attended 4 seminars throughout the year. Various members had attended at least 84 meetings, including the Southside Association (8), the South Side Community Education Centre Management Committee (10), Central and South Local Development Committees (10), Canongate Youth Project (7), Transport Initiatives Edinburgh (4), University Forum (6), South LDC Environmental Forum (6), Southside & Old Town Community Safety Forum (5), Edinburgh Civic Forum (3), Southside Action Plan Working Group (4), Nelson Hall (2), and about 20 other meetings. Responses had been submitted to 11 consultations or questionnaires.

SCC meetings all had full agendas, and only one speaker (David McDonald from the Cockburn Association) had made a presentation.

The Secretary thanked Claire MacGregor for her work as the SCC’s Tree Warden, and for her monthly reports.

The membership of the SCC had changed over the year, with 3 resignations from the list of elected members (Andrew Purves, Fiona Scott, and at this meeting, Derek Christie. The Secretary read and circulated Derek’s letter of resignation). 2 new members (Robert Beaton and Helen Butler) had been co-opted, and Sandra McCormick had been appointed as a representative from the Southside Association.

The Community Council had again been involved with other local groups in organising the annual Christmas Lights Ceremony at St Patrick Square, and the subsequent party in the Community Centre. These events were considered to have been very successful.

Derek Christie’s photographic exhibition of various aspects of life in the Southside had been held in Newington Library, and some postcards of 4 of these photographs had been produced.

Recipients of the monthly minutes had risen from about 60 to over 100, and the Secretary said that he was slowly increasing the list to inform more local businesses as well as residents.

He distributed lists detailing the SCC meetings dates for the next year, and the dates for the Central and South LDC meetings. He said that the next elections for Community Councils were due to be held in May 2006.

Finally he thanked Eileen Hewitt (Community Council Liaison Officer), Councillor Cairns, and the other SCC office bearers (Jo Scott, Linda Hendry, and Derek Christie), and the members, for their help and interest throughout the year.

Jo Scott thanked the Secretary for his report.

3. Treasurer’s Report and Presentation of Annual Accounts

Derek Christie distributed copies of the audited accounts, and discussed aspects of them. The current account balance stood at £889.93 and petty cash amounted to £43.68. The CEC grant had amounted to £887.61, after a deduction for the annual insurance premium. Adoption of the accounts was proposed by Robert Beaton, and seconded by Linda Hendry.

Jo Scott thanked the Treasurer for his report. She also thanked him for his work as web master for the Community Council. He said that he would be happy to continue in this role until an alternative was found.

On the subject of finance, Jo Scott suggested that a donation be given to the Community Centre. The SCC is grateful for the use of the accommodation for meetings. It was proposed and agreed that £100 be donated.

4. Election of New Treasurer

It was proposed by Derek Christie, and seconded by Robert Beaton, that Jan Fraser be appointed as Treasurer for the following year. Jan is a signatory for the bank account, so no new mandates will have to be completed.

5. Any other competent business

Jo Scott thanked members for attending, and expressed the gratitude of all for the contributions made by Derek Christie as Treasurer, and Andrew Purves, who had offered invaluable advice and guidance on planning and architectural matters. The planning sub-committee had learned much from him.

She thanked Linda Hendry for her help and advice, Colin Christison for his administration, and all the members for their input at meetings, at which matters were discussed freely, and with good humour. She thanked Councillor Cairns for his interest in the success of the SCC, and said that although he had many commitments with the City Council, the connection by e-mail was of great value as a means of rapid communication.

She said that some people think that the SCC has not achieved much in its 4 years and 8 months. She felt pleased that the Community Council was working well with the Southside Association. She remarked that the SCC had responded to many consultations papers, helped curb the spread of hot-food takeaway shops in the area, helped by liaising with the City Council on street cleaning issues, kept on eye on empty shops, and had been very involved in the preliminary work for Community Planning. She felt that after the election next year, the new office bearers would have a flying start.

6. Date of next Annual General Meeting

This will be arranged for as soon as possible after the election in May 2006.

The AGM closed at 7.25 pm.