Welcome to Edinburgh's
Southside Community Council

Minutes of 81st meeting, held on Wednesday 10 December 2008, from 7pm until 9pm, in the Nelson Hall, 5 Spittalfield Crescent, Edinburgh.

Abbreviations used as required:
ASCC = Association of Scottish Community Councils; CEC = The City of Edinburgh Council; CYP = Canongate Youth Project; DEG = Dumbiedykes Environmental Group; EACC = Edinburgh Association of Community Councils; EUSA = Edinburgh University Students’ Association; HMO = House(s) in Multiple Occupation; LA = Licence Application; L&BP = Lothian & Borders Police; LHC = Late Hours Catering; MMW = Multi-member ward; NP = Neighbourhood Partnership; PA = Planning Application; SCC = Southside Community Council; SCNP = South Central Neighbourhood Partnership; SG = Scottish Government; SP = Scottish Parliament; TRO = Traffic Regulation Order; UoE = University of Edinburgh; and other initials = members of the SCC.


Chairperson: Robert Beaton {RB};
Elected Members: Colin Christison (Secretary) {CC}, Linda Hendry (Vice-Chairperson) {LH}, Bob Hodgart {BH}, Hilary McDowell (Environmental Spokesperson) {HM}, Jo Scott (Planning & Licensing Convenor) {JS}, Justine Stansfield (Treasurer) {JSt}, and Liz Walker {LW}; Local Interest Groups’ Nominated Members: Margaret Bagan {MB}, Liz Mulligan {LM}, and Stewart Reid {SR};
Co-opted Members: Carol McHugh {CM};
City of Edinburgh Council: Councillor Ian Perry {IP};
Lothian & Borders Police: PC Ben Merrick {BM}; and
Members of the Public: Two.

1. Welcome, and apologies for Absence

Robert Beaton welcomed those present to the meeting. Apologies for absence were received from Mary Devine, Kathleen Newis, George Pitcher, Keith Smith, and Sarah Boyack MSP.

2. Police Report

PC Merrick reported that several arrests relating to various drug issues had been made in the area. There was a heroin drought and dealers were operating in the South Bridge to Cameron Toll corridor. Drug crime was up, and youth crime was down. He described Operation Allegro in which two specifically funded extra officers were on patrol in the Southside, Operation Arctic which aimed to prevent retail crime, and Operation Aura which was looking at problem behaviour by youths. LH commented that there seemed to a bigger police presence on the streets, and HM mentioned the more or less problem free Guy Fawkes Night in Holyrood Park. Lily Laing, a Park Ranger, was responsible for the good order there that night.

Ben would shortly take up a new post within the L&B Police, after four and a half years as CBO, and members wished him well for the future. He would attend the SCC’s January meeting to introduce his replacement, PC Tom Hopper.

3. Minutes of meeting held on 12 November 2008

Subject to the following correction at Item 6c, where ‘SCC unanimously voted YES’ should read ‘SCC except for one member agreed with the motion’, the minutes were approved; proposed by JS and seconded by MB.

4. Matters arising

Item 5.1 – JS had not completed the Cockburn Association survey as the SCC cannot attend their meetings at present due to their early start time.

Item 5.5 - It was agreed that HM joins the Nelson Hall committee as the SCC’s representative.

5. Secretary’s Report

5.1 Food and Drink Establishments Guideline, Draft for Consultation. The revised guidance states that the Nicolson Street/Clerk Street area is no longer identified as an Area of Sensitivity. The SCC did not agree with this revision, and JS would take the matter up with the SCNP next week with concerns and questions about the model used, under which the CEC figured that the proportion of residents was not out of step with the number of outlets. It was considered that there was an already an overprovision of food and drink establishments in the area, and it was wondered if empty premises (not all of which were readily identifiable as holding food licenses) were taken into account. It was felt that food premises on side streets were less of a problem. There was a discussion about the closing times of cafes.

5.2 The Edinburgh Community Councils’ Liaison Officer had asked community council secretaries to find out how many members had accessed facilities available in libraries to help them with community council business; no member of the SCC had availed themselves of these facilities.

5.3 The Causey Project had asked to attend the SCC January meeting with a group of young people who had participated in the recent Causey 2 workshop. It was felt that there was not enough time at a regular meeting for the participants to make an effective presentation, and that normal SCC business would have to be rushed or curtailed, and it was suggested that the Causey Project should approach the Southside Association for space, and hold a combined meeting with SCC members.

5.4 Park Green Parking Consultation from the CEC’s parking operation manager – members were invited to complete an online survey at www.edinburgh.gov.uk/permitconsultation

5.5 The next Neighbourhood Partnership Meeting is on 15 December in the Business Centre of the City Chambers. Papers available online.

5.6 Braidwood Neighbourhood Centre – Christmas ‘Fayre’ 13.12.08, 2-4pm.

5.7 South Edinburgh Echo – contributions desired for future editions. See CC.

5.8 Copies of the Edinburgh Community Council News were distributed.

6. Treasurer’s Report

JS said that the balance at 19.11.08 was £1291.63.

7. Correspondence

The following items had been received: Edinburgh Community Representatives Network Briefing Winter 2008, Scottish Natural Heritage Magazine Autumn 2008, update from the Cockburn Association, Christmas card from The Lord Provost, and invitation to the CEC Labour Group’s Christmas Party.

8. Road Programme suggestions

The SCNP have asked for project proposals for the Neighbourhood Roads Capital Programme for 2009-2010 by 30 January 2009. HM said that a request would be made at the forthcoming SCNP meeting that the period for submissions be extended by one month, and that the criteria are made clearer.

Suggestions made included provision of traffic lights at the east end of Bernard Terrace (although it was thought that this idea had been examined previously and was rejected), or a pedestrian refuge there (again likely to be rejected as the route was frequently used by emergency vehicles); that the roads and pavements around Lismore Rugby Club and Beaumont Place be improved; and that the phasing of the traffic lights and pedestrian crossing indicators at the Newington Road, Minto Street, and Salisbury Place intersection be realigned in order to improve safety. HM asked for more suggestions for members for the January meeting. IP suggested that a walkabout with a roads engineer to examine ideas and explain practice and procedures could perhaps be arranged.

9. Planning and Licensing Committee Report


9.1 1 Parkside Terrace, PA refused and enforced (08/03446/FUL). The applicant is parking vehicle(s) there in spite of the refusal. The planning dept had received complaints from neighbours and the SCC.

9.2 Telefonica O2 UK Ltd. Proposed Telecommunications Installation in the spire of St Peter’s Church, Lutton Place. Deadline is past but as there is at least one there already it was considered pointless to object.

9.3 Planning Aid for Scotland is holding a presentation on how the group is expanding and reshaping its services, as well as the new planning legislation, on 4 February 2009 – details from CC.

9.4 95-97 St Leonard’s Street, PA refused and enforced (08/03576/FUL). Cedar cladding was inappropriate.

9.5 Extension to University of Edinburgh’s existing centre for sport and exercise, consisting of a ground floor and two upper storeys at 42 - 76 Pleasance, Edinburgh, EH8 9TJ (08/03896/FUL) – planning group would meet to examine the plans.


9.6 Acknowledgement of our objection to street trader LA, Crichton Street. Hearing on 12 December.

9.7 HMO application – one.

10. Environmental Report

HM submitted the following report -

There was a joint initiative between the Police and Holyrood Park Rangers on the evening of 5 November. The park was closed to prevent fires which had done so much damage in previous years. Those wishing to use the park for firework parties were directed to level areas near the entrances, and nobody was allowed near the long grass or hilly slopes. It was very successful and no area was damaged. It is to be hoped that this exercise will be repeated in future years.

There are still seven lights not working on the Newington Road / South Bridge corridor, despite multiple reporting. The Head of Lighting claimed not to know of any problems, and he promised to send out an inspection team at night last week and report back. If necessary enquires will be made under the Freedom of Information legislation.

The Clarence reporting system has failed, and there is no promise of anything to replace it in the foreseeable future. Reports are being dealt with manually.

Kathy Evans has promised to ensure that the environmental Wardens are better aware of the restrictions on ‘A’ boards. The oversized one outside Peckham’s has been removed, as has the extra board on the opposite side of Causewayside from the Borough Hotel.

A local resident has been diligently reporting graffiti in the Innocent Railway tunnel. Last week two teams were operating there for three days to remove graffiti. As the temperatures were so cold the teams could not have operated elsewhere as the water freezing on pavements would have made them dangerous.

Drains: No list of roads for drain clearance was given at the Environmental Forum despite promises. The Bernard Terrace drain was cleared by the builders working there. No action on the trip hazards. New litter bin at Holyrood park entrance on the south side; also new notice boards.

11. Reports from meetings attended

11.1 Association of Scottish Community Councils AGM (22 Nov)

JS reported that the occasion had been a good networking opportunity, with an interesting agenda. The Assistant Chief Constable of Strathclyde made a presentation on community policing in Strathclyde.

11.2 Canongate Youth Project Annual Report Launch (5 Dec)

LH and CC had attended. LH said that the launch had been successful, with an introduction from Ronnie Wilkes, the CYP Chairperson, a presentation from Stuart Mair, the project co-ordinator, and a speech from Gillian Tee, Director of the Council’s Children and Families Dept. CC said that there had been moving musical performances from some of the members. Hard work was required to maintain future funding. Copies of the annual report were available. See http://www.canongateyouthproject.org/reports.html

11.3 Edinburgh Association of Community Councils (6 Dec)

JS reported that the meeting had been poorly attended but the ‘question time’ format with the attending City Councillors had been useful.

11.4 Environmental Forum Group 2 (26 Nov)

Attended by JS, and HM who reported that items covered were ‘A’ boards, street cleaning, a review of the Forum’s membership, the forthcoming Action Week, etc.

11.5 Friends of the Meadows & Bruntsfield Links Committee (3 Dec)

HM said that the new acting convenor was Chris Wigglesworth; he had taken over from Dr Peng Lee Yap, who had chaired FoMBL since its inception.

11.6 Meadows & Bruntsfield Links Management Plan Group (26 Nov, 3 Dec, 10 Dec)

HM said that the group consisted of herself, Chris Wigglesworth (Tollcross CC), Mike Shields (Parks), David Doig (Environmental Manager), and Alan Bell (Parks), and she reported that every time the problem of the big events is raised, we are told yet again that we are awaiting the paper drawn up by the events group. It is believed that it will recommend that nothing at all goes on the Meadows for 2009. This would mean no Meadows Festival, Fringe Sunday, Fun runs etc. When it is pointed out that these more low key events cause no damage we are told that they can't say ‘no’ to one event and ‘yes’ to another and we must await this report. There are great concerns that FoMBL and Community Councils will be blamed for this Council policy for 2009. Another hint was that the future strategy would be that no event should be on the Meadows for more than two weeks from 2010, which wouldn't help with the damage caused by the Moonwalk or Taste. The Events Strategy paper will not be going to full Council before February. Timing is such that they are almost bound to miss the Green Flag deadline for 2009. LH remarked that a distinction should be made between events for which admission is charged such as the Taste of Edinburgh, circuses, etc, and Fringe Sunday etc. The use of security fencing is another indicator.

CC said that he had received a reply from the Council about his query that Urban Circus are advertising tickets for their shows to take place in the Meadows from 7 August to 5 September 2009. This stated that no permission has been granted, and that a decision is awaited on the events policy paper.

11.7 Southside Association (2 Dec)

CC said that there had been a good environmental update from Susan Bruce, and a useful wide-ranging discussion with Cllr Mackenzie. The matter of double parking outside Preston Street PS had been raised by MB, who said that the long standing practice of double parking and other irresponsible or illegal parking by parents there was dangerous and inconvenienced bus passengers and others. She recounted an example where a parent refused a request by a bus driver to move her car so that a disabled passenger could leave his bus.

11.8 Meadows Festival AGM (25 Nov)

Attended by JSt, and LH who said that the meeting was not quorate, and another meeting would be held in mid January, when it was hoped that the people who sent apologies would be able to attend.

11.9 Braidwood Management Committee

Attended by RB, who reported that due to a lack of volunteers some of the programme had been cancelled; LM said that the Council had provided keyholders so that the premises could be opened some of the time.

11.10 Scottish Natural Heritage Conference (25 Nov)

Attended by RB, who reported that the Conference, entitled ‘A place for life: environment, health, and well-being’ was interesting, involving presentations and discussions to examine links between physical environment, health & well-being. We discussed issues arising in working to create places that encourage and support health and well-being: safer streets, active travel and the NHS community allotment project.

12. Public Question Time

Caroline Barr, with reference to Item 5.1 (above) felt that commercial and economic factors would take care of any excess food outlets, with the best ones remaining; she mentioned the absence of dropped kerbs at the Braidwood Centre; she wondered about the work being carried out by Scottish Water at the east end of Rankeillor Street, with holes being dug and filled repeatedly; and she also referred to the scruffy appearance of an ‘A’ board at a shop in Clerk Street.

13. Any other business

13.1 CM questioned the presence of a hot drinks van in the Meadows, wondering if consent had been granted.

Afternote It was confirmed by the Licensing Section that a Street Traders Licence was granted on 29 August 2008 to Mark Thompson to sell coffee, hot and cold drinks and baked goods in the Meadows, east of the Magnet Play Area on tarmac adjacent to the entrance gate. The licence expires on 30 June 2009.

13.2 CM said that there were trip hazards (broken and uneven paving) in Buccleuch Street at the rear of the former cinema; JS to phone for action.

13.3 LM asked about the positioning of cctv cameras in Dumbiedykes.

13.4 JS mentioned the successful Christmas Lights event which had taken place the previous evening at St Patrick Square.

14. Date of next meeting

Wednesday 14 January 2009, at 7pm, same venue.

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