Welcome to Edinburgh's
Southside Community Council

Minutes of 80th meeting, held on Wednesday 12 November 2008, from 7pm until 9pm, in the Nelson Hall, 5 Spittalfield Crescent, Edinburgh.

Abbreviations used as required:
ASCC = Association of Scottish Community Councils; CEC = The City of Edinburgh Council; CYP = Canongate Youth Project; DEG = Dumbiedykes Environmental Group; EACC = Edinburgh Association of Community Councils; EUSA = Edinburgh University Students’ Association; HMO = House(s) in Multiple Occupation; LA = Licence Application; L&BP = Lothian & Borders Police; LHC = Late Hours Catering; MMW = Multi-member ward; NP = Neighbourhood Partnership; PA = Planning Application; SCC = Southside Community Council; SCNP = South Central Neighbourhood Partnership; SG = Scottish Government; SP = Scottish Parliament; TRO = Traffic Regulation Order; UoE = University of Edinburgh; and other initials = members of the SCC.


Chairperson: Robert Beaton {RB};
Elected Members: Colin Christison (Secretary) {CC}, Linda Hendry (Vice-Chairperson) {LH}, Bob Hodgart {BH}, Hilary McDowell (Environmental Spokesperson) {HM}, Jo Scott (Planning & Licensing Convenor) {JS}, and Justine Stansfield (Treasurer) {JSt};
Local Interest Groups’ Nominated Members: Margaret Bagan {MB}, Mary Devine {MD}, Liz Mulligan {LM}, Kathleen Newis {KN}, George Pitcher {GP}, and Stewart Reid {SR};
Co-opted Members: Carol McHugh {CM};
City of Edinburgh Council: Councillor Gordon Mackenzie {GM}; and
Members of the Public: Two.

1. Welcome, and apologies for Absence

Robert Beaton welcomed those present to the meeting. Apologies for absence were received from Keith Smith, Liz Walker, and Sarah Boyack MSP. The SCC had received a thank you card and a box of biscuits from the Crags Sports Centre for the work mentioned in Item 10, below.

2. Police Report

PC Merrick was on holiday. He would be taking up a new post within the Police Force in January.

3. Minutes of meeting held on 8 October 2008

Approved; proposed by LH, and seconded by HM.

4. Matters arising

Item 5.2 – it was probable that the Nicolson Street Post Office would close in January.
Item 5.3 – the heavy undergrowth in the gardens at Haddon’s Court had been cut back.
Item 13.2 – the small coach provided for use as Service 60 has three high steps, and no handrail, which discourages use. It was agreed that the SCC writes to inform the City Council and Edinburgh Coach Lines about this, with a reminder that thought should be given to some re-routing of other services so that the Dumbiedykes areas can be served more effectively. GM mentioned the new UoE funded Service 67, and it was wondered if its route could be altered to serve Dumbiedykes.

5. Secretary’s Report

5.1 The next Edinburgh Civic Forum meeting, run by the Cockburn Association is at 4.30pm on 2 December. JS volunteered to complete a survey on the structure of meetings etc.

5.2 Free talks and workshops on home composting are available to Edinburgh residents and community groups. See www.changeworks.org.uk

5.3 Shirley-Anne Somerville MSP had sent a questionnaire as part of her consultation about the use of fireworks around November 2008; this was completed at the meeting.

5.4 The results of the CEC’s June 2008 Review of the Community Council Scheme were read out.

5.5 A management committee to run the Nelson Hall was in the process of being formed, and a representative from the SCC had been asked to join it. GP and HM put their names forward, and a decision would be made once more information was to hand.

5.6 A conference organised by Scottish Natural Heritage entitled ‘A Place for Life: environment, health, and well-being’ is to be held in Perth on 25 November 2008 and it was agreed that RB should attend, at the concessionary price of £27.50, plus fares.

5.7 The AGM of the Meadows Festival Association will take place on 25 November from 7pm until 9pm, at Tollcross Community Centre, and all are welcome to attend.

6. Association of Scottish Community Councils’ National Ballot 2008

The Secretary read out the names of the proposed candidates for the National Officer Elections, and all four were agreed, and approval was given to the annual balance sheet. Four motions had been submitted by community councils, and these are as follows:

a) that a standard period of ninety days be the norm for all local authorities when they launch consultation exercises – SCC unanimously voted ‘YES’;
b) that the ASCC urges the Scottish Government to produce appropriate guidance….on the meaning of “cumulative impact” on a community from the creation of several wind farms around its area – SCC abstained;
c) that representation is made to the SG to alter the guidance to local authorities regarding the appointment of senior officers to recommend that all Chief Executives and Directors in future be employed solely on fixed-term contracts – SCC unanimously voted ‘YES’; and
d) that we call on every local authority to provide funding to CCs specifically to pay a monthly stipend to CC secretaries, such as to reflect the increased importance of the role in recent years – the SCC voted in favour (nine for and three against).

7. Treasurer’s Report

JSt reported that the balance at 17 October 2008 was £1,291.47.

8. Correspondence

Items received: Friends of the Meadows and Bruntsfield Links Autumn Newsletter, Inside Letting Issue 17 Autumn 08, Working Capital Issue 18 Sept 08, letter and questionnaire from student about accessibility and use of local food shops – LH agreed to complete.

9. Planning and Licensing Committee Report


9.1 66 Buccleuch Street (Archers’ Hall) (08/03150/FUL & LBC & CON) – objections acknowledged.

9.2 10 Chapel Street (08/02154/FUL) – objection submitted previously - PA granted.

9.3 22a Nicolson Street (08/03399/FUL) objection lodged but consent granted.

9.4 1 Parkside Terrace (08/03446/FUL) objection lodged – not acknowledged, and applicant using the garden area as a car park without consent.

9.5 24 St Leonard’s Bank (08/01850/FUL) – consent granted.

9.6 7 Clerk Street (former cinema) (08/00197/FUL) – application granted; PA going to Scottish Ministers for final consent.

9.7 Planning Training for CCs – JS and BH attended a course on 1 November, and both considered it had been worthwhile. JS suggested that a planning officer be invited to an SCC meeting in early 2009 to discuss the many changes to the planning system, and also a licensing officer for another occasion.


9.8 The list detailing membership of the City of Edinburgh’s Licensing Forum had been requested, and received. It was agreed that the SCC writes to the Council Solicitor expressing its concern with the criteria used for electing the members of the Forum.

9.9 Objection lodged to LA for street trader on the former Crichton Street car park.

9.10 HMO LA applications – six had been received since the October meeting.

10. Environmental Report

HM submitted the following report:

Last month’s environmental report prompted a reply from an official who didn’t like its tone. Other items in that report will be monitored.
The chair of a local proprietors’ association keeps us informed of the incidents of fly posting, graffiti, drainage and lighting problems he has raised with CEC departments. His persistence on fly posting appears to have benefited the whole city by raising its profile, and the campaign by the Council and night clubs is having quite an effect.
A very useful link www.roadworksscotland.org can be used to locate planned digging by utilities. There is a great deal planned for this area.
Water leaks: 3 bad ones in 6 weeks. MSP pressure had to be used to get timely repairs.
Nicolson Square and Nicolson Street corner: An inspector from Roads is visiting this week to ask for the pavement to be cleared and reinstated quickly. It had been expected that the new flats would have been occupied in September, but they were still vacant.
Early notification has been received of Brown Bin collection dates for the winter – every 4 weeks from the start of December and every 2 weeks from March onward.
Roads project: Next month we must choose the projects we wish to propose for this. The Environmental Forum is to ask for the criteria to be relaxed to reflect what the community wants. SCC members are requested to submit suggestions for discussion at the December meeting.
Crags Sports Centre environs: The staff are delighted with the great effort and results of the gardening project. About 10 of us were present on Saturday and two of us helped the children plant the flower bed and bulbs under the trees. STV, press and O2 were present. See our website for pictures.
The last replacement bollard in Clerk Street was in place on 12 October (the day before the SCNP meeting).
Drains: 2 of the 3 blocked drains have been cleared and Bernard Terrace is due within a week (529 3686 direct line). We have again been promised a list of roads and dates for drain clearance at the next Environmental Forum.
Lighting: 2 lamps opposite the old Odeon have been dark since August despite several reportings.
Meadows: No news as the Short Life Working Group meeting was cancelled.
Trip hazards: Gas stopcocks on South Clerk Street outside PO very low and dangerous. Official response is that it is being monitored, which is not acceptable to the SCC. Urgent remedial action needed. CC to write.
Clarence: system broken down. For the last 2 months everything has been done manually. No reference numbers given. They don’t know when it will be working.

11. Reports from meetings attended

11.1 Angus Miller Lecture (13 Oct)

Attended by RB, who said that the speakers specifically referenced non-Edinburgh examples of new architecture and design to illustrate their talks on issues around developing buildings and places within areas of strong historical contexts: New Design In Heritage Settings. In the very lively Q & A period, many points were raised about what clashed and what complemented historical settings; the value of imitation and copying historic themes in new builds was questioned. More information here:

11.2 Braidwood Centre Management Committee (6 Nov)

Attended by RB, who reported as follows: Neighbourhood Plan – two consultants have been hired and the process to survey the estate is underway. Due to a resignation and an illness, two long standing volunteers, strategic to the running of the centre, have been unable to attend, resulting in some events having to be cancelled. The Christmas Lunch Party plans have been announced. The Council Officer who has both supported the Board management as well as development and delivery of programmes, has been transferred to another area, so people at the centre are going through a hand-over transition.

11.3 Canongate Youth Project Management Committee (3 November)

Attended by LH, who said that the CYP had a new website - www.canongateyouthproject.org

11.4 Crags Gym Advisory Group (27 Oct)

Attended by RB, who said that although attendance was poor, the executive meeting was held. The past year has seen several successful events to engage with a wider public. This month, lead by Crags Sports Centre and local school liaison staff, there was a litter pick, ground preparation and planting of flowers and bushes in the garden. The Crags received an O2 grant to develop the garden with Preston Street school pupils. Important advice and gardening information, bulbs and tools were provided by CEC staff. Much elbow grease and help was given by many people from local groups and members of the community.

11.5 Friends of the Meadows & Bruntsfield Links (3 Nov)

Attended by HM, and JS, who reported that David Jamieson discussed the possibility of working towards achieving Green Flag status, although the Friends of the Meadows will not support this move until new arrangements are made concerning the various events which are held in the park. The Meadows and Bruntsfield Links Management Group has not yet met, but will do so shortly.

11.6 Meadows & Bruntsfield Links Short Life Working Group (6 Nov) Meeting cancelled.

11.7 Opening of the Centre for Scottish Diaspora Studies (30 Oct)

RB said that this was the launch of the world's first advanced research centre for the study of the nature, origins and global impact of the emigrations of the Scottish people. It was launched with Lecture: The Global Scot: Emigration, Empire and Impact by Professor Tom Devine, then a Panel Debate chaired by Joyce MacMillan, which was followed by a reception in the Informatics Forum.

11.8 South Central Neighbourhood Partnership (13 Oct)

RB reported that the meeting attempted to cover a wide agenda, presenting reports and receiving feedback. A lot of issues raised were contentious, receiving negative responses. The reaction of the public indicated a wide gap and incongruity between what was reported by CEC staff and people’s actual experiences of services and delivery. He felt that the NP needs to invest further resources in development of consultative relationships if it is to have credibility with the public. There has been enough of shaming and blaming, and there is a need to muster clear and transparent processes to measure and honestly reflect the NP’s effectiveness. Vacuous branding and spin is already known.

HM said that few members of the public attended NP meetings. JS had a DVD describing how NPs worked, which was available for members to view.

11.9 South Side Community Education Centre Management Committee (11 Nov)

The ongoing staffing problems had been discussed at length. There were great concerns about the future of the two community centres. It was agreed to write to Council officials about these concerns. GP outlined how community ownership works, and suggested that this was a possible way forward.

11.10 Southside Association (4 Nov)

CC reported that a discussion had been held with a representative from the Square Centre, Nicolson Square, about the possibility of working with the SA on future matters and projects of mutual interest. Routine business was also conducted.

11.11 Tackling Climate Change in the Community (6 Nov)

RB said that the Nelson Hall had been packed, with many people from the Southside attending the meeting to learn about about ways a community can take real action. There was information about Climate Challenge Fund which has grants available for community projects to reduce climate-changing pollution. The evening consisted of presentations and workshops to develop response plans.

11.12 Meadows Marathon Launch Night (10 Nov)

RB reported that this was an Edinburgh University student run charity event. The Meadows Marathon 2009 is planned to take place on March 15, 2009. In terms of actual distance, people will only run a half marathon if they do the whole course. People may sign up for a variety of other 5 km runs. There are many ways to participate and all are welcome. The route is still being worked out with the CEC. The organisers are working to resolve issues like the use of plastic water bottles, and recycling. They are keen to work with community groups to minimise impact on the environment of the Meadows. For further information see the website which should be up this week at www.meadowsmarathon.org.uk

11.13 City Student Forum (30 Oct)

Attended by GP, who said that this had been a useful meeting of city and student groups.

12. Public Question Time

A resident from Haddon’s Court said that there had been some improvement to the general environment there.

13. Any other business

13.1 LH said that she considered the length of the queues in the Tesco Metro branch at Nicolson Street to be dangerous at certain times of day in the event of an emergency such as fire, which could lead to people being crushed.

13.2 JSt reminded members of the Christmas Event at St Patrick Square at 6pm on 9 December.

13.3 MD said that the next local Crime Prevention Panel meeting would be on Tuesday 18 November; there would be two guest speakers, from Victim Support, and the Witness Protection Agency, and a videotape would be shown.

13.4 BH gave an update on the Causey Project, mentioning the recent successful workshop which had been held for about 30 young people, at which there had been representation from the Canongate Youth Project, First Bite Theatre, Muslim Scouts, and some of the University of Edinburgh’s architecture students. Various proposals had been put forward, including using the space for market stalls, adding a sloping surface to include benches, special lighting effects, a fountain, a pond covered with a transparent lid, and a human chessboard. The next workshop, to be held in April or May 2009 will be for heritage groups and older people. Bob said that the West Crosscauseway Association would be interested in presenting developments to the SCC at a future date. The next meeting is on 2 December in the Community centre. Website is www.thecausey.org

14. Date of next meeting - 10 December 2008, at 7pm, same venue.

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