Welcome to Edinburgh's
Southside Community Council

Minutes of 77th meeting, held on Wednesday 11 June 2008, from 7.00pm until 9pm, in the Nelson Hall, 5 Spittalfield Crescent, Edinburgh.

Abbreviations used as required:
ASCC = Association of Scottish Community Councils; CEC = The City of Edinburgh Council; CYP = Canongate Youth Project; DEG = Dumbiedykes Environmental Group; EACC = Edinburgh Association of Community Councils; HMO = House(s) in Multiple Occupation; LA = Licence Application; L&BP = Lothian & Borders Police; LHC = Late Hours Catering; MMW = Multi-member ward; NP = Neighbourhood Partnership; PA = Planning Application; SCC = Southside Community Council; SCNP = South Central Neighbourhood Partnership; SG = Scottish Government; SP = Scottish Parliament; TRO = Traffic Regulation Order; UoE = University of Edinburgh; and other initials = members of the SCC.


Chairperson: Robert Beaton {RB};
Elected Members: Linda Hendry (Vice-Chairperson) {LH}, Robert Hodgart {RH}, Hilary McDowell (Environmental Spokesperson) {HM}, Jo Scott (Acting Secretary and Planning & Licensing Convenor) {JS}, and Justine Stansfield (Treasurer) {JSt};
Local Interest Groups’ Nominated Members: Mary Devine {MD}, Liz Mulligan {LM}, Kathleen Newis {KN}, and Julia Wilding {JW};
Co-opted Members: Carol McHugh {CM};
City of Edinburgh Council: Councillor Ian Perry {IP};
Lothian & Borders Police: PC Ben Merrick; and
Members of the Public: Two.

1. Welcome, and apologies for Absence

Robert Beaton welcomed those present to the meeting. Apologies for absence were received from Colin Christison, Liz Walker, George Pitcher, Keith Smith, and Councillor Gordon Mackenzie.

2. Police Report

A local household involved with drug dealing had been raided and individuals detained, made as a result of local information. Young people had been causing problems in the Meadows and around Brown Street and some individuals detained. A lot of drug dealing is still going on. Dumbiedykes does have a police presence although there are still problems with dealing and injecting in some of the stairs.

Edinburgh University has provided some funds to assist in increasing policing in the Meadows and surrounding area over the Festival period.

Some young people had been using fire hydrants to spray passers by with water in East Parkside. The hydrants have now been rendered inaccessible to them.

The Salvation Army Day Care Centre will soon be moving to their premises in East Adam Street from Bread Street. The Police will be working with the Salvation Army to maintain a peaceful atmosphere there.

3. Minutes of AGM held on 14 May 2008, and matters arising

Adoption of minutes was proposed by MD and seconded by LH; no matters arising.

4. Minutes of ordinary meeting held on 14 May 2008 and matters arising

Adoption of the minutes was proposed by CM and seconded by MD.

Item 5: Consultation on the Education (Additional Support for Learning) (Scotland) Act 2004-Amendment Bill 2008 - LH had read and prepared comments. JS to collate and send.

Item 7: RH, Chairperson of the West Crosscauseway Association, asked if the Community Council would support the Causey Project as part of the Neighbourhood Community Plan, and this was agreed. JS informed the meeting that it was possible for this year only to obtain more than one £500 grant from the Neighbourhood Partnership Community Engagement Fund so the CC could apply for a grant to assist the West Crosscauseway Association in getting local opinions on what should be done on a permanent basis to improve the Causey.

5. Secretary’s Report

Notice of a discussion paper on making Edinburgh a healthier place to live had been received. Copies are available from Elaine McCafferty 0131 469 3856.

A request had been received from Susan Bruce to consider use of the method used by Area Housing Boards for prioritising their projects to prioritise road improvement projects to be funded by this year’s grant of £100,000. This grant can be carried over to next year if necessary and there will funds of the same amount for three years in all. After some discussion it was agreed that Southside CC would support this method for this year only. JS to inform Susan Bruce. A project proposal form will be sent out shortly.

The Community Council had been asked to comment on the priorities for the Neighbourhood plan discussed at the Partnership Away Day on 7 May. These are now being discussed by groups in the area. This matter was discussed at some length. It was felt that the outcomes listed were not helpful and were not clear or easy for the public to understand - ‘town centre’ means the centre of the city i.e. Princes Street rather than the local shops to many. There was a lot of discussion and it was agreed that the environment in all its aspects was the main concern. The improvements to Dumbiedykes demonstrate what can be done to encourage positive attitudes by improving the environment. It was also felt that this is all being proposed in a ‘top down’ way rather than ‘bottom up’. There is no mention of health in the outcomes, and it was felt that this should be included.

6. Treasurer’s Report

The bank balance remains £895.47 from the most recent statement received (May 2008). The accounts are now back from the auditor and copies will be sent with the minutes

7. Correspondence

Friends of the Meadows and Bruntsfield Links summer newsletter; Letter informing that formal objections can now be made to the proposed bus lane amendments on George 1V Bridge (no action required); Tollcross Community Council Minutes; L&BP ‘A’ Division Community News; Edinburgh Community Representatives Network information; and information from the War Memorials Trust about grants to preserve war memorials.

8. Planning and Licensing Committee Report

8.1 Applications forms received for Licensing Forum. Southside Community Council will propose Chris Wigglesworth, as will the Old Town Community Council.

8.2 Consent granted for Urban Circus (Lady Boys etc.) to be on the Meadows from 2 August until 30 August.

8.3 Applications for HMO Licences at 10 (3F2) Parkside Terrace, and 11 Rankeillor Street.

8.4 Planning applications for poster boards at Potterrow Port - these are part of the effort to prevent fly-posting.

8.5 Notice of an appeal site inspection on by the Planning Reporter on 11 June at 1F 24 Nicolson Street.

9. Guest Speaker: Martin Higgins from NHS Lothian on ‘The way the Commonwealth Pool functions in the local community and the value it has for local residents’

Robert Beaton introduced Mr Higgins, who explained that he was seeking information from local people on how they use and feel about the Commonwealth Pool to inform his Health Impact Assessment Research. He pointed out that the planned renovations were limited to some extent as the pool building is listed. The pool is to be closed in ten months’ time for two years. He had information from Edinburgh Leisure on who uses the pool. Many points were raised. The pool acts as a social centre for older people who use it and groups are likely to break up when the pool closes. It was pointed out that the pool itself is not easy for disabled users to access and that when it closes it will be difficult for families to get to other pools in the city. The café was not considered appealing. Martin will be happy to hear any other comments, which may be passed on to JS to be forwarded to him. RB and the members thanked Martin for attending, and hoped the information from the SCC and the members of the public present would be useful for his research.

10. Environmental Report

10.1 Litter Pick
LM, LH, JSt, RB, HM, plus Philip McDowell and Cat Wilson (from Crags Sports Centre) collected 20 bags of rubbish from the Brown St/Crags area. As a result of this contact, HM met Gordon Forsyth, Crags Manager, to discuss plans for the grounds. He has linked with Preston St School to design and plant a flowerbed, and is applying for funding to plant shrubs on the currently weedy steep bank. The suggestion was made that the SCC might be able to help obtain funding through the NP, or other avenues.
10.2 Crags Sports Centre
Lighting has failed and despite 18 months of requests the department has failed to fix this. The SCC has approached the Lighting Dept but as yet have had no response. A request to prune the trees in the area was responded to immediately by Mike Shields.
10.3 Bike Racks
One rack on the corner of West Newington Place was unattached from the pavement, and another had a long length of pipe tangled round it for 6 months, and the Environmental Manager thought it was full of gas and too dangerous to remove. The Cycling Officer and Cllr Perry were approached, and both racks were fixed within a week. (The “pipe” was in fact a lightning conductor).
10.3 Double Yellow Lines
The long awaited double yellow lines have appeared on Salisbury Road.
10.4 Gas Main replacement
Permits for this work expired at the end of May, but work continues very slowly and intermittently.
10.5 Water Leak
Water leak in the middle of the junction Melville Drive/Summerhall. It has been reported to Scottish Water and the Council. Now Mike Pringle MSP has been asked to help.
10.6 Nicolson Square Lighting
One of the lamps is still dark, and a light survey has been requested because there are no lamps on the north side.
10.7 Meadows
The Events site looked very poor after the greatly enlarged Taste of Edinburgh event. Concern about the overuse of the Meadows is growing. Last year’s fair had a large shanty town with it, and the vehicles leaked so much oil that the grass is still dead where they stood. If the Council is minded to grant permission, as they almost definitely will, we should ask for restrictions on how many people should live on site, and ask for containers to be placed to catch the leaking oil.
10.8 Walkabout, 25th April.
The Environmental Manager has yet to produce the list of defects found.
10.9 Trespassing on Roofs
Another barbecue was curtailed by the Police on a shop roof in Newington Road on Sat 7 June. This is a persistent problem where HMOs have flat shop roofs in front of them.
10.10 A Boards
The environmental Wardens are visiting premises in this area to try to regulate this. The huge board outside Browns Stationers was absent on Tue 10 June.
10.11 Toilets
Hunter Square toilets are to reopen sometime. The Gents at the George IV Library has reopened, but those at the top of Middle Meadow Walk will take to some time as the sewer has collapsed.

11. Reports from meetings attended

11.1. Canongate Youth Project Management Committee (26 May)

CYP are looking for new committee members. A representative from Lothian and Borders Police Force would be very welcome.

11.2 Crags Sports Centre Advisory Committee (9 June)

It is intended to hold a Sports Fair Day in September. A list of groups that wish to be involved is being compiled. There will be free taster sessions and all will be welcome. More information regarding dates and times will appear in due course.

11.3 Edinburgh Civic Forum (27 May)

No one was available from the SCC to attend this meeting.

11.4 Environmental Forum (28 May)

Kathy Evans has replaced David Doig as attending official and Sue Tritton is to take over as Chair. The papers for the meeting arrived extremely late.

11.5 South Area Housing Board (28 May)

No one was available from the SCC to attend this meeting.

11.6 South Side Community Education Centre Management Committee (10 June)

Problems with the Devolved Centre Management budget were discussed.

11.7 South Side & Old Town Crime Prevention Panel (20 May)

A very successful visit to Tollcross Fire Station took place. Fourteen members thoroughly enjoyed this and were amazed at the amount of equipment in each fire engine.

11.8 Southside Association (3 June)

Concerns expressed about environmental cleanliness. A meeting with David Doig to be requested.

11.9 Braidwood Centre Management Committee.

There is to be an open day 21 June. Community Council and Crime Prevention Panel asked to be involved. RB, LM, and MD will be there and any other help welcomed. Agnes Renton will be organising tables etc.

12. Any other business

12.1 Julia Wilding informed the meeting that she will be replaced as the representative for Parkside Terrace Residents’ Association on the SCC by Stewart Reid, as agreed at their recent AGM.

12.2 West Crosscauseway Association is holding a meeting at the Southside Community Education Centre on 30 June to discuss fund raising for Community Engagement.

12.3 Appreciation was expressed for the work done by LH and JSt in setting up the Meadows Festival, and to others for taking part over the weekend.

12.4 A reminder that the AGM of the Association of Edinburgh Community Councils was taking place on 21 June at the City Chambers at 10am.

12.5 A decision was made to donate £25 to the Neo natal ward at the Royal Infirmary in memory of Jean Downie.

13. Open Forum - No issues raised.

14. Date of next meeting - Wednesday 10 September 2008 from 7pm until 9pm, in the Gray Room, Nelson Hall.

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