Welcome to Edinburgh's
Southside Community Council

Minutes of 73rd meeting, held on Wednesday 13 February 2008, from 7pm until 9pm, in the Nelson Hall, 5 Spittalfield Crescent, Edinburgh.

Abbreviations used:
ASCC = Association of Scottish Community Councils; CEC = The City of Edinburgh Council; CYP = Canongate Youth Project; DEG = Dumbiedykes Environmental Group; EACC = Edinburgh Association of Community Councils; HMO = House(s) in Multiple Occupation; LA = Licence Application; L&BP = Lothian & Borders Police; LHC = Late Hours Catering; MMW = Multi-member ward; NP = Neighbourhood Partnership; PA = Planning Application; SCC = Southside Community Council; SCNP = South Central Neighbourhood Partnership; SG = Scottish Government; SP = Scottish Parliament; TRO = Traffic Regulation Order; UoE = University of Edinburgh; and other initials = members of the SCC.


Chairperson: Robert Beaton {RB};

Elected Members: Colin Christison (Secretary) {CC}, Robert Hodgart {RH}, Hilary McDowell (Environmental Spokesperson) {HM}, Jo Scott (Planning and Licensing Convenor) {JS}, and Justine Stansfield (Treasurer) {JSt};

Local Interest Groups’ Nominated Members: Margaret Bagan {MB}, Mary Devine {MD}, Liz Mulligan {LM}, Kathleen Newis {KN}, and Julia Wilding {JW};

Co-opted Members: Carol McHugh {CM}, and Keith Smith {KS};

Services for Communities: Archie Enwood {AE}, and Paul Swan;

City of Edinburgh Council: Councillor Ian Perry {IP}; and

Members of the public: Four.

1. Welcome, and apologies for Absence

Robert Beaton welcomed everyone to the meeting. Apologies for absence were received from Linda Hendry (Vice-Chairperson) {LH}, Elizabeth Walker, Jean Downie, George Pitcher, PC Ben Merrick, and Sarah Boyack MSP. There was a slight change to the published agenda, since there was not to be a police report, and that space was taken by the subject minuted at Item 2.

2. West Crosscauseway Association – future plans for The Causey

Robert introduced Isobel Leckie, Treasurer of the West Crosscauseway Association, who discussed the Causey Project, which had taken place over the long weekend at the end of May 2007, in which the traffic island and road at the west of West Crosscauseway had been transformed into a car-free zone (thereby reclaiming it for people) to resemble a tropical island for the period, following an award from the Six Cities Design Festival. The project had opened people’s eyes to the potential for such car free zones, both there and elsewhere, and there had been an overwhelmingly positive response from the public. The Association had formed a steering group to run the project, and Isobel hoped that the SCC would be able to nominate a member to join it to assist with the next project of creating a permanent new use for the island without closing the road. She outlined the various stages which the project would take, mentioning fund-raising, feasibility and community engagement, exhibitions and presentations (to include example of such work done elsewhere), professionally-led workshops, with consultation with the city council and the community at each stage, until the final implementation. There were number of questions and comments from the floor, and Cllr Perry suggested that Council officials be contacted soon for advice. The next meeting of the steering group is on 27 February in the Community Centre, and Isobel can be contacted on isobel.leckie@btinternet.com for more information.

It was pointed out that this public space appears to feature in the University of Edinburgh’s Central Masterplan, and JS suggested that their Estates and Buildings Department be contacted for verification.

3. Minutes of meeting held on 9 January 2008

Subject to the modification at Item 9.10 where “said” was replaced by “questioned why”, the minutes were approved; proposed by JS, and seconded by JW.

4. Matters arising

Item 12.3: MD said that it would not be appropriate for the Old Town & Southside Crime Prevention Panel to help fund such a project. AE said that smoking in common stairs was not included in the smoking in public places legislation, although it was in England.

5. Secretary’s Report

5.1 Meetings: fourth SCNP meeting is at 7pm on Monday 10 March, in St Peter’s Church Hall, Lutton Place, and the next ASCC meeting is on Saturday 15 March at 10am in the City Chambers.

5.2 A request for members of the community to be trained as volunteers to become Custody Visitors had been received from the Lothian and Borders Police Board.

6. Treasurer’s Report

Justine Stansfield reported that the bank balance at 18 January 2008 was £944.13.

7. Correspondence

The following items had been received: Information on ‘Dare to Care’ about ending child poverty, NHS Lothian ‘At Your Service’ newsletter, L&BP Newsletters Issues 40 and 41, CentrePulse Annual Report 2007, Working Capital Issue 16, Inside Letting Issue 14, newsletter from the Friends of the Meadows and Bruntsfield Links, and papers relating to the Health Bill proposing public elections for Health Boards.

8. Planning and Licensing Committee Report


8.1 Thornybauk House, 24 St Leonard’s Bank – PA submitted to convert premises into 4 domestic maisonettes; no comment (08/00175/FUL)

8.2 22a Nicolson Street – alter and extend restaurant at rear; PA refused (07/05052/FUL)

8.3 128 Nicolson Street – attic conversion of top floor flat inclusive of dormer windows; objection submitted on grounds on incompatibility considered material (07/04995/FUL).

8.4 74 East Crosscauseway – PA for internal alterations, change of use from public house to dance school and café bar, new use to operate under existing PH licence; representation submitted pointing out concerns about soundproofing and increased traffic considered material. PA was granted subject to conditions to safeguard the amenity of neighbouring residents (07/05212/FUL).

8.5 106 Holyrood Road – 5 new car parking spaces; PA granted (07/04970/FUL).

8.6 140 Nicolson Street – alterations to shopfront; PA granted (07/04380/FUL).

8.7 67 Clerk Street – a refused PA from August 2007 for change of use from sandwich bar to hot food takeway and café was the subject of an appeal to the SG, and the Reporter had visited the site on 5 February.

8.8 119 Nicolson Street – the enforcement section of the Planning Dept had been informed that these premises were operating as a café and takeaway without the required change of use consent and licence.

8.9 38-39 West Preston Street - the enforcement section of the Planning Dept had been informed that roller shutter doors had been installed on the door and double shopfront without consent, contrary to the guidelines of the Southside Conservation area.

8.10 7 Clerk Street – partial demolition and conversion of former cinema (in part) and new development to create hotel (incorporating bar/restaurant facilities), artists’ studios/galleries, community facilities (08/00197/FUL). The planning group would examine the full plans, which include an enormous amount of text (see the planning portal) in the near future. After a summary of the proposals was given a lengthy discussion was held and although it was acknowledged that the site requires to be re-opened before it deteriorates any further, the Community Council decided to submit an objection on grounds of high density (230 small bedrooms was considered to be about 80 too many); that the proposed public space in the centre of the development was inappropriate, likely to be poorly lit, and damp; there would be a strain on parking; and that the proposals would have a detrimental effect on the amenity of local residents.

8.11 25-29 Clerk Street – PA for change of use from retail to drop-in centre had been assessed as incomplete (08/00365/FUL). A number of representations had been made to the SCC about this PA from members of the public, and it would be examined if and when it was resubmitted.


8.12 Teviot Place – LA for street trader food (objection lodged previously) – refused.

8.13 59- 61 Newington Road – skin piercing/tattoing LA; no comment.

8.14 HMO LAs – 7 received. Following representations from neighbours, the SCC agreed to object to one at 50A East Crosscauseway on grounds that the premises are unsuitable for HMO use, there have already been minor irritations from the occupants, and there is no fire escape.

9. Environmental Report

9.1 HM reported that she felt greatly angered and frustrated that the Environmental Forum meeting (on 23 January, which she attended with CC and JS) was a complete waste of time, and continued as follows:

“The Environmental Manager was not present as he had a domestic crisis to attend to, so Susan Bruce chaired the meeting. Unfortunately none of the information which should have been brought to the meeting was supplied, even though secretarial assistance was present. Various reports had been promised as well as outcomes from matters arising in the minutes. We have asked for this information to be emailed to us prior to tonight’s meeting, rather than have to wait for another 2 months, but silence. Jo and I have asked for reports to be sent to us prior to meetings so that we can make considered comments.

Still very little action on the points I keep bringing up such as the various Allied bins on the streets, for which there is no planning permission. An email I have received in the last couple of days indicates that environmental wardens don’t appear to know that planning permission is required to keep bins on the front street and that the Council say that such permission is not forthcoming for commercial bins. Still silence from John Gill on the bollards, despite a promise that they would be in place by December. I have spoken to him on the phone and sent a list of missing bollards to him via Susan Bruce and emailed him to ask if he has received it, but still no action.

The only real way to get action appears to be to threaten legal action. My husband buckled his wheel on a cycle lane which was covered with leaves. I had been reporting this for two to three months. After the accident it was cleared within hours.

Still nothing on the repairs to the railings on Brown St and clearance of weeds etc. A new dangerous hole has appeared on the corner of Salisbury Road, which was reported via Cameron Rose and Clarence on 8/2/08, but no action as yet.”

9.2 It was further reported by HM that a temporary repair using soft tarmac on the pavement at Salisbury Road had rendered the area less safe than it had been before. On the subject of flyposting on Holyrood Park Road, Environmental Wardens had reported no problem; it was assumed that they have visited shortly after the dedicated team of locals had removed the posters. Similarly they reported no mess or litter around the bins in Gifford Park, presumably just after the area had been tidied. As this location is usually in a disgraceful state, it was hoped that it was receiving extra attention from the cleansing staff.

9.2 CC said that he had heard from the Lighting Dept that there was no hope of the Council adopting the non-functioning street lamps at Parkside Terrace which were off the public highway, and any repairs would have to be funded by the Residents’ Association.

9.3 Dr Gilmour said that the outstanding lighting improvements at East Parkside would be completed during the year.

9.4 LM said that the Dumbiedykes Environmental Forum had been delighted to receive an award from the British Urban Awards, and that the presentation had been made in the House of Lords. Members congratulated Liz and her colleagues.

10. Reports from meetings attended

10.1. Canongate Youth Project (14 January)

LH will report at next SCC meeting.

10.2 Crags Sports Centre Consultative Group (28 January)

RB reported that initial plans were under way for a Sports Day in early September. Some support had been given to the Canongate Youth Project. No-one from NHS Lothian had attended the meeting.

10.3 Meadows Festival Association (10 & 21 January, 8 February)

Attended by LH, and JSt who reported that it was hoped to hold the Meadows Festival over the 7/8 June weekend. Volunteers were required, and some funding applications had been made. There would not be a funfair on this occasion. Next meeting is on 21 February.

10.4 Quartermile Good Neighbours Group (16 January)

Attended by HM. JS, and KS. A tour of a flat in a new building had been made.

10.5 South Area Housing Board (16 January)

Attended by AE and JS, who said that there was a discussion about ongoing projects, and suggestions for new environmental projects could be put forward.

10.6 South Central Neighbourhood Partnership (14 January)

Attended by JS, who reported that there was discussion about the NP work plan. The Meadows and Tollcross sub-groups were progressing well. Community representatives feel that that they are being listened to, and are able to influence decisions. A presentation on cctv was given. The South Side Community Education Centre had been awarded funding for its Youth Group. It was recommended that applications for any funding be made early. There are still grant funds in the SCNP.

10.7 SCNP Environmental Forum 2 (23 January)

See Item 9 (above).

10.8 South Side Community Education Centre Management Committee (12 Feb)

KS said that apart from the usual business meeting, there had been a discussion about the possible impact of forthcoming budget reductions. There were some staff vacancies in the Centre, for which interviews were about to be held.

10.9 Southside Association (5 February)

Following the well-received presentation from members of the Lothian & Borders Fire and Rescue Service described below at 10.10, another presentation was made to this larger different audience. CC said that the Editor of the Evening News would be guest speaker at the meeting on 1 April.

10.10 Southside & Old Town Crime Prevention Panel (23 January)

An excellent presentation had been made by members of the Lothian & Borders Fire and Rescue Service on Home Safety. Advice on this, and arrangements to have free new or replacement smoke alarms can be obtained by ringing 0800 169 0320. The next meeting is on 18 March, with a talk from the Wildlife Crime Officer form L&BP.

11. Any other business

11.1 RB said that the Braidwood Centre was gradually building its programme of activities.

11.2 JS said that it was unsatisfactory to have induction loop cables on the floor in the Gray Room, and as the loop did not work very well, asked that costings for a better system, including microphones, be obtained by the Nelson Hall Facilities Co-ordinator.

12. Open Forum

12.1 Jeff Haddow asked if there were plans to upgrade the digital aerials in the low rise flats at Dumbiedykes. AE replied that no decisions about the area had been made, but upgrading would be done on a city-wide basis in due course, in good time for the digital switchover in two or three years.

12.2 Caroline Barr said (not for the first time) that there 16 examples of undropped kerbs between St Leonard’s Street and Newington Library, which were tricky for wheelchair users. AE noted her concerns.

13. Date of next meeting

Wednesday 12 March, from 7pm until 9pm, in the same venue.

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