Welcome to Edinburgh's
Southside Community Council

Minutes of 71st meeting, held on Wednesday 12 December 2007, from 7pm until 9pm, in the Nelson Hall, 5 Spittalfield Crescent, Edinburgh.

Abbreviations used:
ASCC = Association of Scottish Community Councils; CEC = The City of Edinburgh Council; CYP = Canongate Youth Project; DEG = Dumbiedykes Environmental Group; EACC = Edinburgh Association of Community Councils; HMO = House(s) in Multiple Occupation; LA = Licence Application; L&BP = Lothian & Borders Police; LHC = Late Hours Catering; MMW = Multi-member ward; NP = Neighbourhood Partnership; PA = Planning Application; SCC = Southside Community Council; SCNP = South Central Neighbourhood Partnership; SG = Scottish Government; SP = Scottish Parliament; TRO = Traffic Regulation Order; UoE = University of Edinburgh; and other initials = members of the SCC.


Chairperson: Robert Beaton {RB};

Elected Members: Colin Christison (Secretary) {CC}, Robert Hodgart {RH}, Hilary McDowell (Environmental Spokesperson) {HM}, Jo Scott (Planning and Licensing Convenor) {JS}, Justine Stanfield (Treasurer) {JSt}, and Liz Walker {LW};

Local Interest Groups’ Nominated Members: Liz Mulligan {LM}, Kathleen Newis {KN}, and Julia Wilding {JW};

Services for Communities Housing Regeneration Officer: Agnes Renton;

Lothian & Borders Police: PC Ben Merrick, and PC Graham Watts; and

Members of the public: Three.

1. Welcome, and apologies for Absence

Robert Beaton welcomed everyone to the meeting. Apologies for absence were received from Linda Hendry (Vice-Chairperson) {LH}, Margaret Bagan, Mary Devine, Jean Downie, Carol McHugh, Keith Smith, and Sarah Boyack MSP. Apologies for absence were received later by e-mail from Cllr Cameron Rose, and Revd Canon Fred Tomlinson. Agnes Renton was standing in for another official from Services for Communities.

2. Police Report

PC Merrick said that two officers would patrol on foot the stretch of road between Drummond Street and Bernard Terrace from 4pm until 8pm from Mondays to Thursdays, and from 4pm until 2am from Fridays to Sundays, during the Festive period, remarking that it was during these hours that most trouble occurred. He mentioned that two car criminals, recently released from prison, had teamed up with another two men, and had stolen cars from St Leonard’s Street, East Parkside, and Hermit’s Croft, and at one point a police car had been rammed by the offenders in Holyrood Park. Two out of the four had been arrested. He said that recent solve rates were good. The November newsletter had been emailed to those who had requested it. Answering a question from a member of the public, who had raised the subject at the SCC’s November meeting, on the subject of beggars, PC Merrick said that aggressive beggars would be arrested if the Police had corroborated reports about the activity, and said that Scotland no longer had a Vagrancy Act following the repeal of various laws in 1982, and vagrancy and begging was not included in the new Act. The Vagrancy Act in England worked well. The Romanian beggars who operated in Edinburgh and other cities, were based in Letterkenny in Eire. It was important to differentiate between genuine beggars, and vulnerable people, from the ones operating scams and using children to beg. He said that the City Council will not outlaw begging, and that the only way to do something about it was to bombard the Council and the Evening News with complaints. The Railways By-laws prohibited begging from stations.

It is estimated that there are between 30,000 and 50,000 Eastern Europeans living in the Edinburgh area, and the Police have a working knowledge of about 200 of them. RB said that English classes for Poles had to be moved from the Braidwood Centre to the South Bridge Resource Centre as participants had been harassed by young people. Apparently the Police had not been informed, otherwise they would have taken action. HM reported that young males were riding motor bikes on the footpath between Brown Street and the Braidwood Centre. Members thanked Ben for his report.

3. Minutes of meeting held on 14 November 2007

Subject to the correction that a former Lord Provost had not presented a statue of Greyfriars Bobby to the residents of San Diego in 1990, when in fact it had been presented to them by someone else in 1998, the minutes were agreed; proposed by JS and seconded by HM.

4. Matters arising

Item 2 (part) - re satellite dishes at Holyrood and Lochview Courts – indiscriminate siting of dishes on balconies and exterior walls was to be discouraged and offenders would be asked to remove them. Item 6.1 – visitor counter was now on website; Item 6.4 – Christmas Lights Ceremony had again been a great success; Item 9.1 – non-compliance of enforcement action order at Salisbury Hotel; Item 9.5 – no news about former Odeon, and the supposed new owner had not returned a number of phone calls in response to his request to address the SCC; Item 10.4 – railings in Brown Street still not repaired; Item 13.2 – contact had been made with the care worker concerned and it was hoped to speak to her superior about how best to help solve the anti-social behaviour of the brothers. People were advised always to obtain an incident number from the Police. Agnes Renton said that a multi-agency approach would be best, and she would contact the Community Safety team

5. Secretary’s Report

5.1 A briefing paper on the SG’s ‘Housing and Regeneration – Strategy and Investment’ had been received; comments invited by 25.1.08.

5.2 The Neighbourhood Partnerships Community Engagement Fund for Community Councils had been agreed by the City Council. The £20,000 will be managed locally by the each local Neighbourhood Manager, who will consider applications and make funding decisions in consultation with NPs, for grants of up to £500.

5.3 Shirley-Anne Sommerville MSP (Lothians) had written about the War Memorial Trust, and its remit of maintaining and conserving memorials. It was thought that there were very few in the area, and those were in good condition.

5.4 He said that the CEC had arranged for a customer service strategy consultation to be held on 10.1.08 from 10am until 12 noon. More details from CC.

5.5 The Lothian Joint Physical and Complex Disability Strategy Consultation papers had been received, with any comments requested by 31.1.08.

5.6 The next Edinburgh Civic Forum meeting will take place on 12.2.08 at 4.30pm in the Business Centre, with the main agenda item being a discursive workshop on design issues, led by Riccardo Marini, the City Design Leader. More details from CC.

5.7 The Secretary reported that Philip McDowell (webmaster) had attended a blog training course arranged by the City Council. Members were asked to think about establishing a blog for the SCC, and to have a look at other blogs before the next meeting.

5.8 Further training courses were to be arranged for members of Community Councils, and the Secretary distributed a questionnaire for completion and return to him at the January meeting.

5.9 CC said that he had received a letter from the City Council Solicitor concerning Robert Beaton’s failure to sign the Council’s Code of Conduct and Registration of Interest papers in his capacity as first substitute member of the South Central Neighbourhood Partnership. He said that he would reply to inform the Solicitor that he would himself take on the role of first substitute, as opposed to second, if required, until RB had finished his deliberations about the matter. RB said that he would be happy to sign the Code of Conduct, but pointed out that he was unhappy that his questions to Council officials about the Registration of Interests had not been answered.

6. Treasurer’s Report

JSt reported that the most recent bank balance was £1096.94. She had ascertained that the annual grant to city Community Councils from the City Council consisted of a lump sum of £522, plus the sum of 2p per person on the electoral register, which amounted to a further £185 for the SCC.

7. Correspondence

The following items had been received: WREN (Waste Recycling Environmental) funding leaflet; minutes of the Edinburgh Civic Forum meeting held on 18.9.07; Postwatch Scotland newsletter Issue 17; Working Capital Magazine Issue 15; Places for People November newsletter; Tenants’ Voice Issue 66; L&B Police ‘A’ Division November Newsletter; Causey Project DVD playable on a PC; centrepiece December Issue; TIE newsletter. JS had received an invitation to attend a pre-planning application consultation meeting on housing in South Edinburgh with just one day’s notice.

8. Planning and Licensing Committee Report


8.1 Representation lodged about proposed alterations to shopfront at 140 Nicolson Street considered material. (07/04380/FUL).

8.2 Representation lodged about PA to demolish existing store and erect 10 flats and shop with caretaker’s office at 65 Dumbiedykes Road considered material (07/04584/FUL). PA was then withdrawn. New PA for outline permission for same lodged instead (07/05063/OUT).

8.3 The planning committee would examine PA for new extension, refurbishment and glazed link to John McIntyre Centre to provide additional conference, bar and refectory facilities at Pollock Halls of Residence (07/05005/FUL).

8.4 An appeal to the Scottish Ministers had been lodged by the applicant following failure to secure planning consent for change of use from coffee shop to hot food carry-out at 67 Clerk Street. (07/03424/FUL).

8.5 Some members had attended a community consultation exercise on 22 November arranged by Hillcrest Housing Association Ltd, and their architects, about their proposals for Thornybauk House, 24 St Leonard’s Bank, which were to create four family sized duplex flats within the building. It was clear from the views expressed that those present were unhappy with the proposals, particularly the mono pitch green roof, and a further meeting at which revised proposals would be presented had been arranged for 20 December.

8.6 PA for change of use from shop to office at 17 Clerk Street had been lodged. This was the former Lairds hardware shop, and as the premises had been long neglected, it was decided to write in support of the application, even although the area already had its maximum quota of offices under the terms of the Local Plan.


8.7 Three copy HMO licence applications had been received since the last meeting.

9. Environmental Report

9.1 As a result of police advice and a call to the Tradings Standard Dept, the stock of fireworks being sold outwith the permitted period at Edinburgh Bargain Stores was seized, and the two partners questioned.

9.2 A number of complaints had been made about rubbish being dumped in West Newington Place, and requests that the street gets special attention have been ignored. Agnes Renton said that she would inform the appropriate person.

9.3 No action had been taken to repair railings or clear the nettles from the pavement at Brown Street.

9.4 JW in her capacity of Chairperson of the Parkside Terrace Residents’ Association said that the group had been trying for a number of years to get the City Council to adopt two lamp posts on the estate. These lights have not been working for years, and as such present a security risk, for both individuals and property, including vehicles. These lamps are in the car park to the rear of 16 Parkside Terrace, to the south of Homebase. There have been thefts of number plates from cars here, and the whole area is very dark. CC said that he would write to the Lighting Section.

9.5 It was reported that graffiti was re-appearing in the Innocent Railway Tunnel. The Council had succeeded in removing it earlier in the year. Some light bulbs required replacing.

9.6 There was a general discussion about lighting matters and the inability of the Council, through Clarence, to deal with problems effectively.

9.7 It was noted that the Evening News was featuring the blocked drain outside Simpsons the Florists in West Preston Street, in its ‘Action Wanted’ section.

9.8 Volunteers were required to help plant 500 daffodil bulbs in the Meadows.

10. Reports from meetings attended:-

10.1 Canongate Youth Project Annual Report (23 November)

Attended by LH, RB, GP, and CC, who said that the annual report was well-attended, with excellent presentations and performances to reflect the organisation’s 30 years’ work.

10.2 Meadows Short Life Working Group (15 November)

Attended by JS, and HM, who reported that this had been a lively meeting at which it was strongly determined that there is too much activity in the Meadows from big events leading to great damage. It was requested that the booking strategy is fair to all users of the Meadows, and that overuse be curtailed. A joint meeting with the local Community Councils is to be arranged. The next meeting is to take place on 10.1.08.

10.3 South Central Neighbourhood Partnership (19 November)

Attended by JS in her capacity as a member, plus CC and HM. She reported that the approved minutes of the previous meeting are available including online. The main presentation was from L&BP about the Force Communications Centre at Bilston. It is widely felt that public questions should be introduced to the meetings. New members of the NP were present and introduced – Kate Arnott (Chairperson of Prestonfield/Grange Community Council), and Josh MacAlister (President of the Edinburgh University Students’ Association).

10.4 South Central Neighbourhood Partnership Environmental Forum (28 Nov)

Attended by HM, who said that as the meeting clashed with that of the Prestonfield/Grange Community Council’s it was poorly attended, and that no chairperson was appointed. The same old concerns had been raised - fly posting; A-boards; information notices on bins (Jo Scott’s Project) - David Doig has been personally attaching these notices in our area, but the Planning Dept have stopped him from doing Morningside); gully cleaning, (D Doig cannot get a timetable from the department – it has been retained as a core service); and street cleaning (there is only one green machine for the whole of South Edinburgh). There was a request for the brown bins to be serviced all year round, in view of the much later leaf fall, winter pruning, and dealing with Christmas trees. Concern was expressed that the excess rubbish piled up round communal bins is not collected as it should be. It seems that the operatives run round the routes so fast because as soon as they complete their route they are free to leave, even though they are paid from 6.45 am to 5 pm. They are often seen leaving the depot before midday. A review is being carried out by a private firm, which it is hoped will mean a change of contracts. David Doig said we should expect a “bumpy” time ahead. Future Environmental Forum meetings will be every two months. All welcome.

10.5 South Side Community Education Centre Management Committee (11 Dec)

Routine business meeting. The Centre was very busy in the run-up to Christmas.

10.6 Southside & Old Town Crime Prevention Panel (20 November)

Members and guests made a visit to the City Council’s closed circuit television centre, and this was followed by a short meeting in the Nicolson Street Community centre.

10.7 Meadows Festival Association AGM (29 November)

JSt reported that she had been made Minutes Secretary, with Linda Hendry as Chair, and Sheila Burke as Secretary. The previous organisers of the Festival (Mr and Mrs Dougall) had been present and had handed over all relevant paperwork and they agreed to hand over the financial records when the signatories are changed. Mr Taylor reported the funfair had applied to be from 28 May - 1st June, and it was recommended that the same weekend is chosen for the Meadows Festival. The next meeting will be on Thursday 10th January, at 7pm at the Meadows Pavilion, and anyone who is interested in helping with the Meadows Festival will be welcome.

10.8 Dewar Arts Award

RB had attended the annual Donald Dewar Arts Award at the Scottish Parliament. He said that these were set up in 2002 to assist anyone under 30 living in Scotland to fulfil their potential in any branch of the arts. Anyone can nominate an artist/performer who is eligible. The nominees have to demonstrate ability. There is provision for quick decision making and nominations can be made at any time, year round. Further information and nomination forms are available on the website: www.dewarawards.org

11. Any other business

11.1 The Draft Licensing Policy is now available.

11.2 CC was asked why his article for the December issue of The Southsider had not appeared; he said that he had understood that it had been removed so that another last minute article could be published instead.

11.3 RH referred to the plans for the replanting of Nicolson Square, and it was agreed that the Secretary should write to plea for cherry trees with pink or lilac blossom rather than white.

12. Open Forum

Some issues raised had been included in Item 2, above.

Jeff Haddow said that he had attended the recent Old Town Community Council meeting, where the number 60 bus service had been discussed. The OTCC would be getting in touch with the SCC to see if a joint effort could help get the service to operate longer than 4.30pm during weekdays, and be reinstated at the weekends. It was pointed out that there had already been a fruitless campaign, but with the new Councillors in place, it was considered that the matter be re-examined.

13. Date of next meeting - Wednesday 9 January 2008, from 7pm until 9pm, in the Nelson Hall.