Welcome to Edinburgh's
Southside Community Council

Minutes of 64th meeting, held on Wednesday 14 March 2007, from 7pm-9pm in the Nelson Hall, 5 Spittalfield Crescent, Edinburgh.

Abbreviations used:
ASCC = Association of Scottish Community Councils; CEC = The City of Edinburgh Council; CYP = Canongate Youth Project; DEG = Dumbiedykes Environmental Group; EACC = Edinburgh Association of Community Councils; HMO = House(s) in Multiple Occupation; LA = Licence Application; LDC = Local Development Committee; L&BP = Lothian & Borders Police; LHC = Late Hours Catering; NP: Neighbourhood Partnership; PA = Planning Application; SCC = Southside Community Council; SE = Scottish Executive; SP = Scottish Parliament; and other initials = members of the SCC, as below.

PRESENT: Chairperson: Robert Beaton {RB}; Elected Members: Colin Christison (Secretary) {CC}, Linda Hendry (Vice Chairperson) {LH}, Robert Hodgart {RH}, Hilary McDowell {HM}, Jo Scott {JS}, Justine Stansfield (Treasurer) {JSt}, and Liz Walker {LW}; Local Interest Groups’ Nominated Members: Margaret Bagan {MB}, Mary Devine {MD}, Liz Mulligan {LM}, Kathleen Newis {KN}, and George Pitcher {GP}; Co-opted Members: Jean Downie {JD}, and Carol McHugh {CM}; Lothian & Borders Police: PC Ben Merrick; Members of the Public: Four.

1. Welcome, and apologies for absence

Robert Beaton welcomed everyone to the meeting. Apologies for absence were received from Keith Smith, Cllr Cairns, and Sarah Boyack MSP

2. Update on the Crags Sports Centre User Survey by Malcolm Jefferson from Edinburgh Leisure

As Mr Jefferson was unable to attend, the Secretary made a report on the findings of the survey which had taken place in November 2006. The following matters were considered of significance at that time by SCC members - the poor appearance and maintenance of the surrounding area and car park, the disabled parking space being furthest from the door, lack of notice board, regular input from the community was required, perception that the Crags had become a lost resource rather than one gained, various reasons given for people not using the centre, positive comments about the quality of the equipment and value for money, and a concern that there was not enough provision for older adults including health related activities. Free taster sessions leaflets for older adults were distributed. John Wilson, a director of Edinburgh Leisure, attending the meeting as a member of the public, said that carpet bowls would be introduced to the club, and that the car park would be properly made, and it would be for the sole use of patrons. There had been a long delay in getting the mess in the surrounding area tidied up, and GP said that it appeared that CEC Depts were not talking to each other. John Wilson offered to take any questions from members to the management of Edinburgh Leisure, and was asked to inform it that the area around the Sports Centre was a real concern.

3. Police Report

PC Merrick discussed the drugs raids which had taken place in the city on 13 and 14 March, which included four individuals from Dumbiedykes being charged with 118 offences regarding Class A controlled drugs. These drugs were being traded at street level in central Edinburgh. He asked people not to hesitate to report any criminal activity to the police. Inspector Gibb was moving on, and his replacement is Inspector Tom Galbraith. Mention was made of Romanian women conducting illegal street trading of shoddy goods (gold items), and there were child beggars from the same group. John Wilson, in his role of President of the Scottish Pensioners’ Association, said that his group was often accused of ignoring young people and that the SPA had agreed to purchase a number of books on addiction problems, which would be given to secondary school pupils.

4. Minutes of meeting of 14 February 2007

Approved; proposed by JS, and seconded by JSt.

5. Matters arising

5.1 Item 11.4. CC said that he understood that negotiations for the sale of the former Odeon cinema were continuing.

5.2 Item 2. Further information on the Causey project was circulated, including details of an ideas workshop to be held on 24 March in the Southside Community Education Centre from 11am to 2.30pm.

5.3 Item 1.5. Street light in Rankeillor Street still not repaired in spite of reports to Clarence.

5.4 Item 10.7. Hole in pavement at South Clerk Street repaired.

6. Secretary’s Report

6.1 The Secretary said that the CEC was continuing its Tree Warden Scheme, and Alan Mitchell had been appointed to the post of Trees and Woodlands Project Officer. Claire Macgregor would continue as the local Tree Warden, and would inform the Secretary of any matters of interest. Members were welcome to contact Claire or the Secretary with any questions or issues regarding trees.

6.2 He said that he, RH, CM, and JS had attended a training session on engaging with communities on 27 February. As training sessions on roles and responsibilities of community councillors had been cancelled, members were asked if they would be prepared to attend a session to be held in a central location on a date to be determined; there was a positive response and the Secretary would inform the Community Council Liaison and Development Officer.

6.3 He reminded members of the EACC meeting ‘Local Government Question Time’ to be held on 17 March.

6.4 The SE intended to form a short-life Working group to examine the result of the review of CCs.

6.5 CC had written to the Director of Services for Communities to seek clarification about the role of Community Councillors in the new Neighbourhood Partnerships; he had heard that each CC would be entitled to appoint a representative. He had received detailed information on the establishment of NPs. The Southside CC required to appoint a representative to sit on the new Southside/Newington and Meadows/Morningside NP, and this would be discussed at the April meeting.

6.6 A series of meetings would be held in the next few days to help explain the different voting systems to be used in the SP and LG elections to be held on 3 May. Full information will be sent to each household in the city, and the next edition of Edinburgh Outlook will have a supplement on the subject. Electronic counting for the SP elections will start at 10pm on 3 May, and at 12.30pm on 4 May for LG votes, all at Meadowbank. George Pitcher announced his intention of standing for election as an independent candidate in the local elections, and said that Colin Christison would act as his agent.

6.7 The Secretary said that Josh MacAlister had been elected as President of the Edinburgh University Students’ Association for 2007-8. It was hoped that he would take in interest in community matters.

6.8 The ASCC is undergoing a complete revamp; more information will follow.

7. Treasurer’s Report

JSt reported that the bank balance at 19.2.07 was £681.07.

8. Correspondence

Various items were circulated, including copy letter from the Secretary of Dumbiedykes Residents’ Association to Sarah Boyack MSP on the regeneration of Dumbiedykes/Viewcraig low-rise flats; research document by Craigmillar CC on how best to involve young people in decision-making forums; Cockburn Association’s recent newsletter; advance notice about proposed amendments to waiting and turning restrictions at Crichton and Marshall streets; summary of achievements for 2003-7 for the SP; Edinburgh’s Community Engagement Strategy 2006-8; CEC performance summary; information about meeting to be held on 21 March by the Edinburgh Tenants’ Federation; SE National Planning Framework mini-survey; February minutes from Tollcross CC; L&B Police ‘A’ division March newsletter; March issue of centrepiece; Information on the Edinburgh Traffic Forum’s ‘Transport and Traffic Hustings’ Meeting on 21 March; and Issue 12 of Magpie’s Newsletter.

9. Planning & Licensing Committee Report


9.1 PA for erection of four flats at Reekie’s Court had been withdrawn.

9.2 Objection to PA to subdivide lounge of flat at 38 2F1 Rankeillor Street to form two bedrooms had been considered material.

9.3 PA for sound attenuating acoustic splitters at Scottish Widows premises granted.
9.4 There was a discussion about the appearance of the tattoo parlour at Newington Road, and it was decided to write to the Planning Dept pointing out that the designs were not those shown on the original PA.

9.5 The SE had sent literature on Planning Reform and Community Engagement.

9.6 The Secretary was asked to write to the Planning Dept about the garish shade of paint applied to a shop front at 84 Nicolson Street, and also comment that there were other premises using colours which were inappropriate for the Southside Conservation area.


9.7 Cllr Wigglesworth (Tollcross) had sent a copy e-mail he had written to the Licensing Dept about the mobile trailer sited at the north end of Middle Meadow Walk. Following complaints by locals about the poor state of the trailer, its irregular periods of trading, and the space it permanently occupies at a prominent location on a busy pedestrian route in a heritage area, it transpired that the trader does not hold a current valid licence. As the trailer is sited on the boundary of Tollcross and Southside Wards, and Community Councils, Cllr Cairns had supported Cllr Wigglesworth’s views, and SCC members also endorsed these.

9.8 LA for second hand dealership received for 7 St Patrick Square; no action required.

9.9 Six copy HMO LAs had been received.

9.10 JSt asked about HMO Licences notification procedures. It was possible to obtain a list of approved HMO Licences from the CEC.

9.11 MB pointed out that two premises in West Richmond Street had not renewed their tables and chairs licences since 2005, and another business in the same street had put out tables and chairs even though they did not operate as a cafe. JS would contact the licensing dept.

10. Environmental Matters

10.1 Cllr Cairns had sent a copy letter from the CEC’s Road Services Manager about a redundant CCTV concrete box on South Clerk Street; it would be removed once the power supply had been disconnected.

10.2 L& B Police had endorsed the request for double yellow lines to be placed on the south side of Salisbury Road.

10.3 Following comments and complaints that some paper recycling bins were not being emptied often enough, JS reported that there had been problems with one of the vehicles.

10.4 HM expressed concerns that drivers going both north and south often did not see the pedestrian crossing traffic lights in Newington Road, outside the Metropole cafe, because a preponderance of signage obscured these lights, and people were often in danger when trying to cross the road. It was noted that signage elsewhere, including the Nicolson Street/West Richmond Street junction, had a similar effect.

10.5 HM reported that the touch sensitive buttons on the pedestrian crossing in Pleasance/Bowmont Street do not work if people are wearing gloves or have cold, dry hands.

10.6 It was noted that there a number of defective manhole covers throughout the area, and HM said that she would make a list of them. An example is at Nicolson Street/West Richmond Street (previously repaired, but now again defective), and a full list would be prepared.

10.7 More information would be sought on complaints about late night noise from St Peter’s Church Hall, Lutton Place.

10.8 It was noted that the pavement on each side of Nicolson Street from Surgeon’s Hall to Tesco’s was in a very poor state.

10.9 Complaints had been made about commercial vehicles parking on East Meadow Park. A report would be made to the Meadows Short-Life working group.

10.10 A request was made that consideration be given by the CEC to place notices on Dalkeith Road to indicate when Holyrood Park is closed to vehicles on Sundays and other times. Although this would involve more signage, it could help with the problem of the illegal use of park roads, and a letter would be sent to the Roads Dept.

10.11 The Royal Commonwealth Pool would shortly close for a period of 26 months for major upgrading. It was hoped that a ‘Good Neighbour’ type group would be set up to inform the community of progress, to receive comments from locals, and resolve any difficulties during upgrading.

11. Reports from meetings, conferences, and seminars etc attended

11.1 Canongate Youth Project Management Committee (5 March)

Attended by LH, who said that the CYP was celebrating its 30th Anniversary this year. A reception would be held at the Scottish Parliament on 19 March, and a special report with reminiscences would be produced later in the year, as well as a new website. Other activities to celebrate the work and success of the project include a family event ‘The Lark in the Park’, and musical/social event, and a time capsule in conjunction with the National Archive. The Training Services section of the CYP are looking for work experience opportunities for youths in trades or horticulture.

11.2 Community Health Partnership (7 March)

Attended by JS, who reported that there is now provision for dental care in both private and public nurseries, with the issuing of toothpaste and brushes for the children. Financial reports were discussed, and a presentation on community planning will be on a future agenda.

11.3 Communities Scotland Workshop on Placemaking (1 March)

Attended by RB, who said that the theme was ‘How can successful placemaking help community regeneration’. He said that placemaking is about evidenced based best practice of development at the levels of city/town, neighbourhood/street, and place, and is a collaborative process between developers, architects, and communities to bring benefits for all.

11.4 Public Partnership Forum (5 March)

Attended by MB and JS. It had been noted that prescriptions were now being supplied in different packaging, and different shapes and colours of tablets. Members agreed that this causes confusion, and could mean that patients take the wrong tablets or dosages. JS would report this to the CHP.

11.5 South LDC (19 February)

Attended by HM and JS. Various subjects had been discussed, including ASBOs, expansion of public cctv, core paths, safety on the Meadows, and city-wide sporting facilities.

11.6 Southside Association (6 March)

Attended by MB, RB, CC, MD, CM, GP, and JS. There had been a presentation on the Causey Project by Arcade Architects, which had occasioned a lively debate, a police report, and routine matters. The AGM will be on 29 May.

11.7 South Side Community Education Centre Management Committee (13 March)

Attended by MB, CC, CM, JS, and JSt. The 20th Anniversary of the Centre was in May, and a book of reminiscences will be produced, and all contributions will be gratefully received. Routine management and budgetary issues had been discussed.

11.8 University of Edinburgh Community Relations Focus Group (15 February)

Attended by RB, CC, LH, GP, JS, JSt, LW, and Dr Gilmour. Attendees submitted written responses to some questions about their perception of the University, and its relationship with the local, and city-wide community, followed by a frank discussion. A summary of this discussion was later supplied.

11.9 Meadows Festival meeting (8 March)

Attended by LH and JSt. Representatives from Tollcross and Marchmont & Sciennes CC were also present. There will not be a Meadows Festival in 2007, and in the meantime it is hoped that a feasibility study will be started, and similar Festivals elsewhere investigated. Next meeting is on 4 April, and representation from Merchiston and Old Town CCs will be invited.

11.10 Licensing Forum (12 March)

Attended by JS. A new Licensing Forum is to be formed after the May LG election, and again two community representatives will be asked to join it. Members discussed the matter. JS said that procedures for the ongoing training of door stewards were now complete. There had been a discussion about the late night licensing of tables and chairs outside cafes and pubs, following the CEC’s decision not to permit 11pm licences at the moment. It had been reported that balloons filled with nitrous oxide (laughing gas) were on sale at certain night-clubs, and this was considered to be a dangerous activity.

12. Any other competent business

12.1 MD invited members and others to attend the Crime Prevention Panel meeting on 20 March.

12.2 GP said that he had been invited to attend the press/photo session at the Magnet Play Area, East Meadow Park, on 16 March.

12.3 JD confirmed that she has been invited to join the NHS Pharmacy Planning Committee, and gave details of two future meetings.

12.4 LM expressed her concern about the services at the Braidwood Centre, following the move of the Housing Officer to Market Street. Although a Housing Officer will be present for surgeries three times a week, she felt that this was not enough to cover the gap in communication between residents, CEC officers, and the police, and that the change was a regressive move. She also reported that there had been instances of threatening behaviour by very young children towards teenagers in Holyrood Park.

13. Open Forum

Caroline Barr said that the recycling bin at the east end of Montague Street was too close to the pavement ramp access, and occasionally blocked the way.

14. Date of next meeting

Wednesday 11 April 2007, at 7pm, in the Gray Room, Nelson Hall Community Centre.