Welcome to Edinburgh's
Southside Community Council

Minutes of 63rd meeting, held on Wednesday 14 February 2007, from 7pm-9pm in the Nelson Hall, 5 Spittalfield Crescent, Edinburgh.

Abbreviations used:
ASCC = Association of Scottish Community Councils; CEC = The City of Edinburgh Council; CYP = Canongate Youth Project; DEG = Dumbiedykes Environmental Group; EACC = Edinburgh Association of Community Councils; HMO = House(s) in Multiple Occupation; LA = Licence Application; LDC = Local Development Committee; L&BP = Lothian & Borders Police; LHC = Late Hours Catering; NP: Neighbourhood Partnership; PA = Planning Application; SCC = Southside Community Council; SE = Scottish Executive; SP = Scottish Parliament; and other initials = members of the SCC, as below.

PRESENT: Chairperson: Robert Beaton{RB}; Elected Members: Colin Christison (Secretary) {CC}, Linda Hendry (Vice Chairperson) {LH}, Robert Hodgart {RH}, Hilary McDowell {HM}, Jo Scott {JS}, Justine Stansfield (Treasurer) {JSt}, and Liz Walker {LW}; Local Interest Groups’ Nominated Members: Margaret Bagan {MB}, Mary Devine {MD}, Liz Mulligan {LM}, Kathleen Newis {KN}; Co-opted Members: Jean Downie {JD}, Carol McHugh {CM}, and Keith Smith {KS}; Lothian & Borders Police: PC Ben Merrick; Members of the Public: Three.

1. Welcome, and apologies for absence

Robert Beaton welcomed everyone to the meeting. Miss Hatsuki, a PhD student from Japan, made a return visit to observe proceedings as part of her research. Apologies for absence were received from George Pitcher {GP}, Cllr Cairns, Cllr Cunningham, and Sarah Boyack MSP.

2. Presentation by Alison Blamire from Arcade Architects on the 6 Cities Design Festival Award for transforming the Causey (West Crosscauseway) to a usable and vibrant part of the urban fabric

The Chairperson introduced Alison Blamire and Thomas Hamilton from Arcade Architects, who made a brief presentation about the above subject. The Six Cities (Aberdeen, Dundee, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Inverness, and Stirling) Design Festival is a Scottish Executive funded initiative aimed at unlocking Scotland’s creativity and innovation as a means of competing in the global marketplace, and aims to increase public engagement with design in its broadest definition. The Festival will take place between 17 May and 3 June this year. (See www.six-cities.com). Forty projects of various types will take place in Edinburgh, and Arcade Architects (www.arcadearchitects.com/thecausey) were chosen for their idea of transforming the large traffic island at the west end of West Crosscauseway to reclaim it for people and make it free from cars, if only for the long weekend of 18-21 May, initially. Arcade Architects wants to involve the local community in the project, which would see a temporary road closure for its duration. Ideas could include musical or theatrical activities; plasma screens; sports such as petanque; horticulture; arts and crafts; with the potential for a permanent space. There is to be a public meeting on 19 February, at which a steering group will be formed, to include Cllr Cairns, Carol McHugh, and Robert Hodgart, and all ideas from the public will be carefully considered. Further funding to pay for the road closure, safety barriers, etc was required.

3. Police Report

PC Merrick said that Operation Align, reflecting Force boundary changes, would start on 1 April 2007. The new boundaries would be co-terminous with the new multi-member ward Council boundaries. He went on to describe some local criminal activity, and stressed that the public should report any criminal or suspicious behaviour. LM mentioned the problem experienced by householders in the Dumbiedykes area who had new locks fitted to their front doors; children are able to put their hands through letterboxes and open the doors from the inside. CM said that she was worried that there would be an accident in Buccleuch Place, caused by youths cycling at speed down the steps outside the University building there.

4. Minutes of meeting of 10 January 2007

Approved; proposed by JS, and seconded by LW.

5. Matters arising

Item 3: HM said that following good advice from the Police she had been successful in her attempts to prevent cars being parked illegally on Salisbury Road on Sundays. It was considered that double yellow lines were urgently required on that street, and it was agreed to write in support of the proposal.

6. Secretary’s Report

6.1 The Secretary said that Malcolm Jefferson from Edinburgh Leisure would make a brief presentation on the results of the Crags Sports Centre survey which had been carried out towards the end of 2006. He will be accompanied by Gordon Forsyth, the Facility’s new Manager. CC would ask for copies of the report for advance consideration.

6.2 He said that the meeting with the Head of Media and Communications from the University of Edinburgh to discuss its community relations strategy would take place on 15 February. Attendees: RB, CC, LH, GP, JS, JSt, LW, and Dr Gilmour.

6.3 He said that there had been problems with had led to the cancellation of the first couple of training sessions for Community Council members; other scheduled ones were going ahead. There had been comments from other Community Councils that a more central location be used for training, and members agreed with this.

6.4 The Lord Provost had asked for nominations for the new annual Edinburgh Award, the first of which will be presented in April; however very little time had been allowed for consideration and the deadline for replies had passed.

6.5 An invitation for a member to attend the Community Voices Network event ‘Getting people back into work’ on 22 February in Glasgow had been received; no-one from the SCC was able to attend.

6.6 He said that website usage was rising slowly each week.

6.7 He asked members to contribute to an article for the March edition of the Southsider.

6.8 Scottish Water had invited a member to attend a meeting with its Board on 27 February at 6pm to hear an update on its progress since its creation in 2002.

6.9 The Secretary had received an invitation to attend ‘Ask Jack Question Time’ on 19 February, an opportunity to put questions to the First Minister, Jack McConnell. He was unable to attend and the invitation was not transferable.

It was considered that too many invitations to attend meetings, project launches, make nominations, reply to some surveys and consultations, and so forth, were received far too close to the response date for members to respond meaningfully and or timeously, and it was agreed that the Secretary points this out to the organisers as required.

7. Treasurer’s Report

The Treasurer reported that the bank balance at 19 January 2007 was £805.43.

8. Correspondence

The following items were circulated: Friends of the Meadows and Bruntsfield Links recent newsletter, L&BP Newsletter Issue 29, acknowledgement from Scottish Water for contributing to their Edinburgh Drinking Water Project consultation, Inside Letting Issue 10, TramTime January edition, Working Capital Issue 12, information on the CEC’s Children & Families Dept’s Service Improvement Plan 2007-2010, centrepiece February edition, CEC’s Leader’s two recent reports, letter from MAGPIE (Marchmont Environmental Group) pleading for new committee members, and the Cockburn Association’s newsletter referring to the Edinburgh Skyline Exhibition (various venues and dates - nearest ones being Cameron Toll Shopping Centre, 13-18 March, Central Library, 20-24 March, and Waverley Court Council Offices, 27 March-13 April).

9. Planning & Licensing Committee Reports


9.1 Alterations and change of use from religious building to bedroom accommodation etc at Potterrow (SCC commented) - consent granted

9.2 Installation of sound attenuating acoustic splitters etc for the Scottish Widows’ building at 15 Dalkeith Road; SCC comments considered material.

9.3 Erection of four flats at Reekies Court; SCC objection considered material.

9.4 Internal alterations to flat at 55 South Clerk Street; objection lodged.

9.5 JS had sent a response to a letter from the Planning Dept which asked for views about its performance.

9.6 Other very recent PAs will be scrutinised by the committee.

9.7 The Secretary reported that the objection from the SCC to a PA for the erection of two houses at 15 Dumbiedykes Road had been disregarded, while a letter of support from the Old Town Community Council had been considered material, in spite of the fact that the premises were in the SCC’s area. He had complained to the appropriate officers. Publication of the decision had not appeared in the weekly lists.


9.8 Ten HMO applications for new licences had been received since the last meeting. There was a discussion about the apparent lack of clarity in the procedures for HMO neighbour notification. It was noted that the CEC seems to be taking action on letting companies which are unable to control the bad behaviour of their tenants.

10. Environmental Matters

10.1 CC said that the gardeners from the Inch Nursery were experimenting with a new style of planter, constructed from six half barrels, at the Pleasance ‘triangle’.

10.2 CC had ascertained that there was no new information about the continuance of the Tree Warden scheme in the City Council. He had been approached by someone who wanted more information on the responsibilities of a Tree Warden.

10.3 LM said that the replacement street lighting had been completed in Dumbiedykes.

10.4 LM reported that there had been complaints about the quality of the new concrete slabs installation in Dumbiedykes; gaps between the slabs were causing people to trip.

10.5 JSt said that a street light at the east end of Rankeillor Street had still not been repaired, but one in Forbes Street had.

10.6 HM questioned the efficiency of communication channels within lighting, roads, and other sections of the Council, and requested that the SCC invites a senior official to a meeting for information and discussion. It was hoped that the new NPs would help solve some problems.

10.7 MB referred to the hole in the pavement outside the launderette in Clerk Street which was still there in spite of complaints. A plastic cover had eventually been placed over it.

10.8 There was a general comment that missing lids from black containers were slow to be replaced, if they were replaced at all.

10.9 KS said that the small landscaped area between the Community Centre and the pizza shop was in a disgraceful state, with rubbish and litter all through it.

11. Reports from meetings, conferences, and seminars attended

11.1 Canongate Youth Project Management Committee (15 January)

Attended by LH, who said that the CYP was celebrating its 30th Anniversary this year, and various plans were afoot.

11.2 Central LDC (17 January)

Attended by CC and JS. Main topic was the SE’s and the CEC’s strategies for older people. There had also been a presentation from the Head of Performance and Community Engagement (Angela Leitch) on the new Neighbourhood Partnerships. Under the new electoral boundary system, there will be 17 multi-member wards in Edinburgh, and 12 Neighbourhood Partnerships. The new council ward of Southside/Newington would form an NP with the new ward of Meadows/Morningside. There would be four elected members in each of these new wards, and six Community Councils (although only Southside, Marchmont & Sciennes, Merchiston, and Morningside are active; Grange and Prestonfield have not been established). NP membership will consist of elected members, and representatives from the community, NHS Lothian, the Police, the Voluntary Sector, and other organisations nominated by the NP. It would appear that each NP would have one, or two, representatives from Community Councils, although this is not yet clear. It was hoped the NPs would be in place from May 2007. It was the view of the SCC that each Community Council within a NP area should be represented, and not one or two from potentially six Community Councils. The Secretary was asked to write to the Chief Executive of the CEC, and to the Leader of the CEC, to express this view.

11.3 Friends of the Meadows & Bruntsfield Links (5 February)

Attended by CC, HM, and JS. Meeting was in Barclay Church, and had featured a discussion with the local policeman about policing the Meadows and Links, a discussion with Cllr Wigglesworth about planning and licensing in relation to the area, and a tour of the Church. The Museum is likely to conserve the whalebone at Jawbone Walk. AGM is on 18 June at the Southside Community Centre. Dr Gilmour pointed out that new access legislation and disability legislation prevents the CEC from painting ‘No Cycling’ signs on the pathways in the Meadows.

11.4 Southside Association (6 February)

Attended by MB, CC, MD, CM, and GP. There had been a police report from PC Merrick, and the welcome return of Ron Dymond who gave a detailed environmental report. Most of the meeting was devoted to a presentation by Dale Gibson, who represented the consortium which wished to buy the former Odeon cinema from its current owners, Duddingston House Properties. Mr Gibson outlined his proposals for the site, which centred on retaining the present Screen One, for use at film premieres, including UK Bollywood ones, and supporting this by revenue from the remaining space (measuring up to 40,000 square feet) which he hoped could be used for artists’ studio space, rehearsal space, receptions, conferences, a cafe, and so on, while retaining as much of the architectural merit as possible, and giving the whole place a luxurious feel. The Association had formed a sub-committee in an effort to help resolve the stalemate which appeared to exist between the proprietors and any potential purchasers.

11.5 South Side Community Education Centre Management Committee (13 February)

Attended by MB, CC, CM, JS, JSt, and KS, who referred to the forthcoming 20th Anniversary of the Centre, and outlined some of the celebratory events which would mark it. He mentioned that one former local resident, now aged 105, had reminisced to him about the building, a former church, in which she had been married. An exhibition of photographs and other memorabilia would be mounted, and the Heritage Group would be involved. He said that the Management Committee had recently determined a new new lettings policy. The Youth Club had been awarded an LDC grant to continue their outdoor education, including a Canadian canoeing course. The cafe has a new menu. There was a presentation by Alison Blamire and Thomas Hamilton about the Causey Project (as Item 2, above).

11.6 Southside & Old Town Crime Prevention Panel (23 January)

Attended by CC, and MD, who had already sent minutes to members about the meeting, which was an update about ASBOs. She said that the next meeting, on Tuesday 20 March, at 7pm, in the Community Centre, would be attended by PC Jim McGovern, the Wildlife Officer for the Lothian & Borders Police, and invited any interested parties to attend.

11.7 NHS Lothian Primary Care Modernisation Strategy (31 January)

Attended by MB, JD, and HM, who reported that patients had said there were difficulties with the GP appointment system, there was a lack of knowledge on the public’s behalf about who to see, a lack of care co-ordination, and concerns about confidentiality. It was proposed to introduce self-referral to physiotherapists, and a central system to see specialists, as well as reducing hospital referrals by developing GP facilities and activities. JS circulated a draft letter summarising the SCC response to the strategy consultation.

11.8 South LDC Local Environmental Forum (12 February)

Attended by RB and JS. There was a presentation on core paths, and a discussion on general environmental matters. Members were asked to review the environmental community action plan, and to inform the South LDC Co-ordinator of their thoughts. In future, the Environmental Forum may be absorbed into a Neighbourhood Partnership.

12. Any other competent business

12.1 JSt asked for clarification about the rules governing the registration of private landlords scheme.

12.2 LH said that a meeting would be held on 14 March at Sciennes Primary School about the impact of the Royal Hospital for Sick Children being relocated to Little France.

12.3 LH said that she had been invited to attend a breakfast marking the Fair Trade Fortnight 2007 to be held in the City Chambers at 8 am on Thursday 1 March. She was unable to attend, and asked if other member(s) would like to go. The breakfast will be followed by a ‘Global Journey’ procession down the Royal Mile to the Scottish Parliament.

13. Open Forum

No matters were raised.

14. Date of next meeting

Wednesday 14 March 2007, at 7pm in the Nelson Hall.