Welcome to Edinburgh's
Southside Community Council

Minutes of 57th meeting, held on Wednesday 14 June 2006, from 7pm - 9pm in the Nelson Hall, 5 Spittalfield Crescent, Edinburgh.

Abbreviations used as required
CEC = The City of Edinburgh Council; CYP = Canongate Youth Project; EACC = Edinburgh Association of Community Councils; HMO = House(s) in Multiple Occupation; LA = Licence Application; LDC = Local Development Committee; L&BP = Lothian & Borders Police; LHC = Late Hours Catering; PA = Planning Application; SCC = Southside Community Council; SE = Scottish Executive; SP = Scottish Parliament; and other initials = members of the SCC, as below.

PRESENT - Vice-Chairperson: Linda Hendry {LH}; Elected Members: Colin Christison (Secretary) {CC}, Robert Hodgart {RH}, Hilary McDowell {HM}, Jo Scott {JS}, and Justine Stansfield (Treasurer) {JSt}. Local Interest Groups’ Nominated Members: Margaret Bagan {MB}, Mary Devine {MD}, Liz Mulligan {LM}, and Kathleen Newis {KN}; Co-opted Members: Claire Macgregor (Tree Warden) {CM}; Member of the Public: One.

Declaration of Interest - Justine Stansfield, when items relating to the Nelson Hall or Southside Community Education Centre are being discussed.

1. Welcome, and apologies for absence

Linda Hendry welcomed those present to the meeting. Apologies for absence were received from Robert Beaton (Chair), Liz Walker, George Pitcher, Keith Smith, Sarah Boyack MSP, James Gilmour, Inspector Steven Gibb, and PC Ben Merrick.

2. Police Report - No officer present.

3. Minutes of meeting of 10 May 2006, and matters arising

Approved; proposed by JS, and seconded by MD. There were no matters arising.

4. Minutes of AGM of 31 May 2006, and matters arising

Approved; proposed by JS, and seconded by MD. Regarding Item 6d, Hilary McDowell said that she would represent the SCC on the committee of the Friends of the Meadows and Bruntsfield Links.

5. Proposal for co-option to the Community Council of Jean Downie, Claire Macgregor, Carol McHugh, and Keith Smith.

Proposer: Jo Scott; Seconder: Colin Christison. Moved, and agreed.

6. Secretary’s Report

6.1 The Secretary distributed a draft list of the new SCC members’ details, and asked for any amendments or corrections to be made known to him.

6.2 He said that Sarah Boyack MSP would attend the SCC meeting on Wednesday 11 October 2006.

6.3 He reported that Clare Newlands was unable to continue to look after the SCC’s website, and said that unless someone else volunteered, he would try to undertake this task himself. He already received the site meter reports.

6.4 The Annual Subscription to the Cockburn Association was due, and JSt was given the renewal papers.

6.5 He said that a training event for community councils members on the National Standards for Community Engagement/Planning would be held on 27 June. He, JS, and one other member would attend.

6.6 He distributed a note of the Central and South Edinburgh LDC Meetings dates. These are - Central: 6.9.06, 8.11.06, and 17.1.07. South: 2.10.06, 4.12.06, and 19.2.07. Venues will be announced in due course.

6.7 He mentioned the necessity of purchasing a laptop computer for members’ use. Once the Nelson Hall has broadband installed, quotations will be sought. It was hoped that perhaps the costs could be funded wholly or partly by a Central LDC grant, or wholly or partly by a local firm.

7. Treasurer’s Report

7.1 JSt said that the balance on 19 May stood at £670.99.

7.2 Following the establishment of the new SCC, it was necessary for the new Treasurer to complete the relevant paperwork at the HBOS; it was agreed that Jo Scott continues as a signatory, and that Linda Hendry becomes a new signatory.

7.3 The account of £75 for the SCC’s contribution towards the costs of advertising the recent Community Council elections was now due.

7.4 The annual insurance premium would be deducted from the annual grant from the CEC.

8. Correspondence

8.1 Letter of thanks from the CYP for the SCC’s recent donation towards the group’s residential programme.

8.2 Letter from Moira Tasker, the new Director of the Cockburn Association, and the organisation’s 2005 AGM minutes.

8.3 Invitation from the CEC to a Common Repairs event to be held at the Hub on 29.6.06.

8.4 L&BP May and June Newsletters; The CEC’s Leader’s June report; WarmHomes Update Issue 1; traveltime Issue 4; centrepiece Apr/May Issue; recent newsletter from postwatch scotland; and Scottish Health newsletter.

9. Planning & Licensing Committee Reports

9.1 Edinburgh City Local Plan, Consultation
9.2 A Vision for Capital Growth, Draft for Consultation
9.3 Edinburgh & The Lothians, Structure Plan Review 2020, Consultation

These subjects will be discussed at a meeting of the planning committee once members had fully read the associated paperwork, and responses will be made to the appropriate departments.

It was decided that to assist Jo Scott with planning issues, Colin Christison, Linda Hendry, Hilary McDowell, and Claire Macgregor would join her on the committee.

9.4 Planning - A letter in support of Dr Gilmour’s plea that consideration be given to the use of combined masts and lampposts where appropriate had been sent to the Head of Planning and to two Principal Planners.

9.5 Planning - PA for hot food consent at 8 Forrest Road (objection lodged previously) - refused.

9.6 Planning - Objection submitted for relocation of rooms at 32a St Patrick Square had been considered immaterial.

9.7 Licensing - Applications had been received for new or extended LHC licences at 22 Nicolson Street, 12 and 56 South Clerk Street, and 6 Clerk Street, and it was agreed to lodge objections.

9.8 Licensing - Tollcross Community Council had received details of a temporary LA by Urban Circus Ltd (Ladyboys of Bangkok) for an area of the Meadows which was within the SCC’s boundary, and had sent an objection. After some debate it was decided not to object, but to point out concerns over the caravan encampment especially with regard to sanitation issues, and about fly-posting.

9.9 Licensing - the new liquor LAs had been received; no action required.

9.10 HMO Licence Applications - there were four in the period since the April meeting.

9.11 Presentation about Nicolson Square

Simon Lievesley, Senior Project Manager, from the CEC’s Services for Communities (Development & Regeneration) Dept then arrived to make a short presentation on the second phase of the redevelopment of Nicolson Square, under the Southside Town Centre Improvements Scheme.

Simon explained that Phase One, which saw high quality paving installed on South Bridge and Nicolson St, costing about £1M, was nearly complete, with restored coping stones and railings to Nicolson Sq, and that consultation was soon to take place about Phase Two, with a public meeting in July, and an exhibition of the proposals. Lothian Transport, local traders, and residents would be consulted. He pointed out suggested proposals on a large scale diagram. Paving around the Square would be a continuation of the Caithness stone used on South Bridge and Nicolson Street, and there would be an extension to the pavement to the west. New pathways, one running roughly north to south, and the other west to east, would be installed in the Square, together with 3 strong planting beds for more colour. The monuments would be retained, and the structure of the fountain would be restored, although it would not operate. He said that none of the trees were in good condition and most would need to be removed. The 30 cherry trees had not been well maintained, and although attractive at blossom time, had a very invasive root system, with a heavy canopy. It was to be decided whether to remove them all now, or over a period. There was a proposal to replace these trees with a mix of species, including some cherry, which might be more interesting all year round. Proposed replacements would be semi-mature (i.e large trees). (Afternote – it was later confirmed that there are actually 21 cherry trees and a thorn tree in the Square).

There was a debate about the merits or otherwise about cherry trees, and cherry blossom, and after numerous questions, Linda and the members thanked Simon for attending. The SCC would make a response to the consultation in due course.

10. Environmental Issues, and Tree Warden’s Report

10.1 Claire Macgregor described the tree nursery at the Inch, and said that many trees there, including rowans and alders, were ready for planting, She expressed her amazement and concern that 120 mature pin oaks were being imported from Germany for replanting at the Quartermile site (the old Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh), saying that she feared that they would not survive, particularly when the general principle is for trees to be moved south for replanting, not north.

10.2 CM said that there was a water overflow at Buccleuch Pend; JS would contact Edinvar.

10.3 Jo Scott said that she, CC, and CM had met Mr Tulloch from the CEC’s Parks Dept, and had examined the plans for the Magnet Playground in the east Meadows. Copy drawings are available.

10.4 A copy of the Waste Action Grant Programme May Newsletter was circulated, as well as information on the Neighbourhood Awards 2006, run by Beautiful Scotland in Bloom.

11. Holyrood Community ICT Centre

As members were aware, the Holyrood Community Information and Computer Technology Centre was under threat of closure. The SCC had been requested to give 10 hours per month in an effort to assist although it was felt that clarification of exactly what members could do was required. It was understood that they were applying for grants, and it was agreed to send a letter of support.

12. Reports from meetings, conferences, and seminars attended

12.1 Canongate Youth Project Management Committee (29 May)

Attended by LH who said that funding was down. Next meeting is in July.

12.2 Central LDC (17 May)

Held in a function suite at Tynecastle Football Stadium, and attended by CC, LH, and JS, who said that that there had been a presentation about the Edinburgh City Local Plan, and workshops to discuss community planning.

12.3 Edinburgh Civic Forum (18 May)

Attended by CC, and JS, who said that Ken Tippen from City Development had given a presentation on the Edinburgh & Lothians structure plan review, and Alan Henderson (Head of Planning) gave a report about ongoing planning matters.

12.4 South LDC (12 June)

Attended by HM, and JS, who said that the agenda had been similar to 12.2 (above). HM had asked two questions - one on when the remedial work required as a result of the gas mains work in autumn 2005 would be completed (drains blocked by debris, and bollards required replacing), and on the costs and efficiency of ‘Clarence’.

12.5 South Side Community Education Centre Management Committee (!3 June)

Attended by JS, and JSt, who reported that apart from routine matters, a request by Ballenden House to use the Nelson Hall as a drop-in centre had been discussed. A fun day is planned for late summer or early autumn.

12.6 South Side & Old Town Crime Prevention Panel (16 May)

Attended by MB, CC, JS, and MD, who said that this open meeting consisted of a presentation on the subject of ASBOs, and this had been well received. PC Merrick had also made an interesting contribution.

12.7 Southside Association (6 June)

Attended by MB, MD, JS, and CC, who said that Sarah Boyack MSP had given an informative summary of legislation and activity in the Scottish Parliament.

12.8 Quartermile Good Neighbour Relations Meeting (9 May)

Attended by JS, who said that work was proceeding apace. A tour of the site was to be arranged. There was concern about the naming of the new streets, most of which featured the word ‘quartermile’. Minutes are available.

12.9 Licensing Forum (12 June)

Attended by JS. Discussion papers are available, including a pilot study by Queen Margaret University College on the Sensible Drinking Message. It was hoped that official sites for posters could become available to help end fly-posting.

12.10 NHS Lothian Patient Participation Forum Working Group (29 May)

Attended by JS, who said that the Patient Participation Forum was about to be set up, and she would be able to put any volunteers in touch with the organisers.

12.11 Caltongate Masterplan Community Consultation (22 April)

Papers were now available.

12.12 Southside Community Network Meeting (14 June)

Held just before the SCC meeting at Nicolson Square Methodist Church cafe, and attended by LH, KN, and JS. Subject was local health needs of the elderly in the Southside, discussed by Prof Scott Murray.

13. Any other competent business

13.1 MB sought clarification on the permitted hours for licensed premises to place tables and chairs outside. JS confirmed that these were from 10.30am until 9.00pm.

13.2 MB mentioned that the feeding of pigeons here and there was causing a mess.

13.3 MB mentioned that there was overgrown clematis obstructing the pavement in West Richmond Street.

13.4 JSt said that the concrete surround of the flower bed outside the Nelson Hall required repair.

13.5 LM asked about an aerial, thought to be on University of Edinburgh property, which prevented some people from receiving television signals in the Viewcraig area. LM and JS would investigate.

14. Open Forum


15. Date of next meeting

Wednesday 13 September 2006, from 7pm until 9pm, in the Nelson Hall.