Welcome to Edinburgh's
Southside Community Council

Minutes of 55th meeting, held on Wednesday 12 April 2006, from 7pm - 9pm in the Nelson Hall, 5 Spittalfield Crescent, Edinburgh.

Abbreviations used as required
ASCC = Association of Scottish Community Councils; CDP = City Development Dept; CEC = The City of Edinburgh Council; CYP = Canongate Youth Project; EACC = Edinburgh Association of Community Councils; E&CS = Environmental & Consumer Services; HMO = House(s) in Multiple Occupation; LA = Licence Application; LCPP = Local Community Planning Partnership; LDC = Local Development Committee; L&BP = Lothian & Borders Police; LEEP = Lothian & Edinburgh Environmental Partnership; LHC = Late Hours Catering; PA = Planning Application; SCC = Southside Community Council; SE = Scottish Executive; SP = Scottish Parliament; TRO = Traffic Regulation Order; and other initials = members of the SCC, as below.

PRESENT - Chairperson: Jo Scott {JS}; Elected Members: Jan Fraser {JF}(Treasurer), and Carol McHugh {CMcH}; Nominated Members: Colin Christison {CC}(Secretary), Mary Devine {MD}, Jean Downie {JD}, and Robert Hodgart {RH}; Co-opted Members: Robert Beaton {RB}, and Claire MacGregor {CMacG} (Tree Warden); South Side & Nelson Hall Community Centres Facilities Co-ordinator: Justine Stansfield {JSt}; SCOOSH: Margaret Graham; Members of the Public: Five.

1. Welcome, and apologies for absence

Jo Scott welcomed those present to the meeting. Apologies for absence were received from Linda Hendry (Vice Chairperson), Helen Butler, Keith Smith, Cllr Cairns, Cllr Cunningham, and Sarah Boyack MSP.

2. Presentation by the SCOOSH Club

Jo Scott introduced Margaret Graham, from the South & Central Out Of School Hours Club. Margaret said that the club worked within the rules set out by the Charities Commission Scotland, the Care Commission Scotland, Disclosure Scotland, the Scottish Social Services Council, and the Inland Revenue. She described the operation of the group, which is a constituted voluntary organisation, with a parent-led management committee, and which employs her as manager, to organise staff and the day-to-day running. She described the services provided in both the Nelson Hall, and Royal Mile Primary School, and outlined a typical day at SCOOSH, and some statistics about the users.

After some questions from the floor, Jo and the members thanked Margaret for her informative presentation.

3. Police Report

No officer was able to attend.

4. Minutes of Meeting of 8 March 2006

Approved; proposed by RB, and seconded by MD.

5. Matters arising

Item 7 - JSt reported that the notice board for the exterior of the Nelson Hall had been delivered, and would be installed soon.

6. Secretary’s Report

6.1 The Secretary circulated a brief questionnaire from the Edinburgh Community Safety Partnership for members to complete.

6.2 He had submitted a brief response to the review of the CEC’s Affordable Housing Policy, and this had been acknowledged.

6.3 Sarah Boyack MSP had sent thanks for the written response to her consultation paper on the Energy Efficiency and Micro-Generation Bill proposal.

6.4 He said that the Edinburgh Partnership would meet on 18 April, to discuss Edinburgh’s Structure Plan.

6.5 The EACC subscription of £10 had been refunded to the Community Council as the Edinburgh Partnership was now funding the subscriptions for all the Edinburgh CCs, and also contributing funds of £500 pa for clerking support.

6.6 He said that by 30 April 2006, all private landlords letting properties in Scotland had to be registered on the Register of Landlords (more information on www.betterrentingscotland.com). Information on the Edinburgh Landlord Accreditation scheme (www.edinburgh.gov.uk/ela), and details of landlord training programmes (www.edinburgh.gov.uk/letwise) was available.

6.7 He said that a conference on Transport, Climate Change, and the Scottish Executive’s National Transport Strategy would take place on Monday 8 May in Edinburgh.

6.8 An invitation (from the Edinburgh & Lothians Branch of the World Development Movement (www.wdm.org.uk)) to attend a meeting to discuss the possibility of holding some events to mark the anniversary of the Make Poverty History march had been declined as it was on the same night as the SCC meeting; however a report on any decisions made would be forthcoming.

6.9 A conference on Active Ageing would be held in Edinburgh on 27 April.

6.10 He had received the annual entry pack for the Calor Scottish Community of the Year Awards 2006.

7. Treasurer’s Report

The bank balance stood at £917.19.

8. Elections for Community Councils in Edinburgh

The Secretary outlined the arrangements for the new Community Council elections. The next meeting, the 56th, to be held in May, would be the last one with the current composition of the Community Council. He distributed some information leaflets, and postcards.

9. Correspondence

Various circulars, and advertising material etc were circulated, as well as:-

9.1 The Lothian & Borders Police ‘A’ Division March 2006 Newsletter.

9.2 Letter from Scottish Water about revised charges.

9.3 Letter from the Forestry Commission Scotland about the second consultation on a review of the Scottish Forestry strategy.

9.4 Cockburn Association Magazine.

9.5 Issue 1 of ‘Earl Express’ - the Edinburgh Airport Rail Link fact sheet.

9.6 An e-mail from Hilary McDowell (Chair of the Newington Residents’ Association) explaining the long delay over the final settlement of the account for the installation of the new pavement bollards on Salisbury Place.

10. Planning & Licensing Committee Report

10.1 Planning - The SE Reporter had dismissed a planning appeal for extended hours at 87 Grassmarket.

10.2 Planning - An objection had been lodged to a PA for the subdivision of a room in a flat at 55 South Clerk Street; however it was stated that the objection had arrived too late, which the Secretary felt to be wrong.

10.3 Planning - The SCC had submitted a response to the Edinburgh Standards for Sustainable Buildings Consultation, and this had been acknowledged.

10.4 Planning - The Secretary said that he had not been receiving acknowledgements from the Planning Dept for some representations; he would contact them to find out why.

10.5 Licensing - A letter had been received from the CEC’s Legal Services Division to say that the Police had advised the licence holder of the premises at 46a South Clerk Street that he was in breach of the terms of his second hand dealer’s licence by storing goods on the pavement; he assured Officers that the items would be removed from the street. He was also warned that there were anomalies in his record keeping. It was noted that there were still goods kept outside on the pavement.

10.6 HMO Licence Applications - The Secretary said that he had not received any since the March meeting.

11. Environmental Issues, including Tree Warden’s Report

11.1 It was noted that the restoration work at Nicolson Square was proceeding.

11.2 Part of the hedge at East Meadow Park had been removed, but the Pavilion remains on site. The Magnet Playground would be constructed in due course. There was some discussion about whether or not ‘No Cycling’ notices would be repainted on the pathways.

11.3 Dr Gilmour reported some incidents of rowdy behaviour and vandalism at East Parkside.

12. Consultation: ‘Age & Experience - strategy for a Scotland with an ageing population’

The Secretary described the purpose of this consultation, and some members agreed to read the papers and comment so that JS & CC could compile a response.

13. Reports from Meetings, Seminars, & Conferences Attended:-

13.1 Southside Association (5 April)

Attended by various members; apart from routine matters, there had been a Police Report, and George Pitcher had outlined the structure and aims of the Community Voices Network.

13.2 Southside Community Education Centre Management Committee (14 March & 11 April)

Attended by CC, CMcH, JSt, and KS. There had been an update on staff, the cafe, future lets (inc the Fringe let), and the Gala fundraiser on 5 May.

13.3 Canongate Youth Project (29 March)

Report not available until May.

13.4 Edinburgh Civic Forum (9 March)

Attended by JS. There had been a talk on standards for streets. Minutes would be available.

13.5 Southside & Old Town Crime Prevention Panel (21 March)

Attended by CC, JF, JS, and MD, who reported that this had been a routine meeting. The public meeting on Tuesday 16 May would have a presentation from Craig Hamilton on ASBOs, and a senior police officer would be present.

13.6 Seminar: Making the Planning System Work for Edinburgh (18 March)

Attended by RB, who reported that 99% of participants appeared to be dissatisfied with present arrangements. Once PAs had been granted, there was no incentive to inform people about any changes to the plans. There would be new processes to make things clearer.

13.7 Central Area Housing Board (14 March & 11 April)

Attended by JS. There was still some funding available, and it had been agreed to improve the gardens to the front of the New Pleasance flats. The Board was reminded that maintenance through the Environmental Task Force must be monitored.

13.8 Licensing Forum (13 March)

Attended by JS. There had been updates on the subjects of table and chairs on public footpaths, and on door stewarding regulations. There would be an attempt to link fly-posting with licence applications and renewals.

13.9 Planning for the Public Participation Forum for the NHS

Attended by JS. Information from the public will be used to inform the Health Council via the PPF. JS will let members know when the PPF is set up, and members are being sought.

14. Any other Competent Business

14.1 JD had noticed that there did not seem to be a system to remove redundant temporary notices from lamp posts and railings; indeed some remained for a considerable time, and various examples were cited. It was thought that two CEC employees attended to such signs throughout the entire city.

14.2 JS mentioned how successful and enjoyable the official opening of the Nelson Hall had been.

14.3 RB said that there was a large gap in the hoarding around the gap site on the south-east corner of Nicolson Square.

15. Open Forum

15.1 Dr Gilmour mentioned that the management of Holyrood Park were using railings to display small notices advertising staff vacancies and various events. Since it was acknowledged that such advertising material was detrimental to the local amenity, and that some individuals were in the habit of removing posters advertising music venues etc, and the CEC was looking at ways to prevent such fly-posting, it was felt that that the Park management were going against the environmental spirit. JS to contact the Park management.

15.2 Margaret Bagan said that the proprietor of a local shop had been disconcerted to find that they had to pay £175 for a licence to play music from a radio in the shop. It was confirmed that this was indeed the case.

15.3 Molly Ross said there was a missing drain cover on the pavement on the south side of Bernard Terrace, which was causing a hazard to pedestrians; this had been reported many times to no avail. CC said that its absence had been noted by Network Services on a recent walkabout.

16. Date of Next Meeting

Wednesday 10 May 2006, from 7pm - 9pm in the Nelson Hall.