Welcome to Edinburgh's
Southside Community Council

Minutes of 53rd meeting, held on Wednesday 8 February 2006, from 7pm - 9pm, in the Nelson Hall, 5 Spittalfield Crescent, Edinburgh.

Abbreviations used as required
ASCC = Association of Scottish Community Councils; CA = Cockburn Association; CDP = City Development Dept; CEC = The City of Edinburgh Council; CPOL = Council Papers Online; CYP = Canongate Youth Project; EACC = Edinburgh Association of Community Councils; E&CS = Environmental & Consumer Services; HMO = House(s) in Multiple Occupation; LA = Licence Application; LCPP = Local Community Planning Partnership; LDC = Local Development Committee; L&BP = Lothian & Borders Police; LEEP = Lothian & Edinburgh Environmental Partnership; LHC = Late Hours Catering; PA = Planning Application; SCC = Southside Community Council; SE = Scottish Executive; SP = Scottish Parliament; TRO = Traffic Regulation Order; WREN = Waste Recycling Environmental; and other initials = members of the SCC.

PRESENT - Chairperson: Jo Scott; Elected Members: Giulia Dawson, and Jan Fraser (Treasurer); Nominated Members: Colin Christison (Secretary), Mary Devine, Jean Downie, and Robert Hodgart; Co-opted Members: Robert Beaton, Helen Butler, and Claire MacGregor (Tree Warden); City of Edinburgh Councillors: Robert Cairns, and Gordon Mackenzie; Lothian & Borders Police: Inspector Steven Gibb; Members of the Public: Three.

1. Welcome, and apologies for absence

Jo Scott welcomed those present to the meeting, the first to be held in the refurbished Nelson Hall. Apologies for absence were received from Linda Hendry (Vice Chairperson), Keith Smith, Sarah Boyack MSP, and Sandra McCormick. The Secretary said that Sandra would be unable to attend meetings for some time, and it was noted that her contribution to the Community Council was very much appreciated.

2. Police Report

Inspector Gibb said that car crime in Ward 34 (Holyrood) was the main area of concern, with six thefts and one attempted theft. Additional patrols by the traffic police, and the community unit, had been requested. There had been an increase in reports of misdemeanours by youths, probably connected to youth discos, in the Old Town area. In spite of a shortage in resources, two police constables had been switched from uniform to plain clothes in an initiative called ‘Operation Aspire’, and they had had great success in arresting known individuals for drugs crime, assaults, thefts, etc. There had been reports of homosexual activity in the toilets in Nicolson Square, and ongoing examples of vandalism to property and vehicles. A team had been set up to analyse crime in the centre of Edinburgh, and a report was due in about a month. The Southside (Ward 33) area had not suffered any major problems; there had been an attempted break-in at the Buffalo Grill restaurant. The current L&BP solve rate was 38.2%, with a Southside figure of 40.8%.

After some questions and answers, during which Insp Gibb stressed that people should not hesitate to contact the force with any problems or information, Jo Scott and the members thanked him for his report.

3. Minutes of Meeting of 11 January 2006

Approved; proposed by RB, and seconded by MD.

4. Matters arising

4.1 Item 8.3 - JS had submitted a response.
4.2 Item 9.1P - It had been determined that Edinburgh would not be losing its World Heritage Site status following the Quartermile project revised plans, and that there had been some mis-reporting on the subject.
4.3 Item 9.7L - The Licensing Dept was following up concerns.
4.4 Item 10.1 - It had been learned that enhancement works for St Patrick Square are under consideration for inclusion in the 2006-8 capital programme of Culture and Leisure, with consultation to commence in the 2006-7 financial year.
4.5 Item 10.5 - It had been established that it was possible to obtain permission for parking by tradesmen up to an hour in the morning and up to an hour in the late afternoon outside premises where work was being carried out, provided that 24 hours notice was given, and the registration number of the vehicle supplied.
4.6 Item 10.6 - damaged manhole cover had been repaired.
4.7 Item 12.2 - Traffic lights repaired, although they were still erratic.
4.8 Item 12.3 - Planning Dept had said that they had had no further communication about Thornybauk House.
4.9 Item 12.4 - RB had written a short article for the Southsider.

5. Secretary’s Report
5.1 The Secretary confirmed that Iona Beaumont, from CEC’s Waste Aware Dept, would make a short presentation at the March meeting.
5.2 He said that any elections for Community Councils would be held on 25 May. It was necessary to appoint a Returning Officer, and he suggested that Councillor Cairns be nominated. Cllr Cairns agreed to fulfil this role. Members agreed that the Community Council contributes towards the running costs (about £75 per CC) of the election publicity expenses.

5.3 He issued members with a note of the EACC open meetings for the year. These are on the following Saturdays: 11 March (Royal Overseas League), 13 May, and 28 October (City Chambers), between 10am and 12 noon.

5.4 He said that the Holyrood Community IT Centre was threatened with closure at the end of March, and the CC had been asked to write to the Dumbiedykes Writers Group to oppose this closure; JS had done this, and Cllr Cairns thought that some short-term funding had been made available to help targets be achieved in order to secure more permanent funding.

5.5 He said that he was in the process of finalising a response to the SE’s Discussion Paper on CCs. RB agreed to look at the documents. See Item 13.7 (below).

5.6 He had received a consultation paper from Sarah Boyack MSP on the Energy Efficiency and Micro-Generation Bill Proposal; replies were required by 17 March, and JF agreed to look at the document.

6. Treasurer’s Report

JF reported that the bank balance stood at £905.86.

7. Community Council Boundary/New Multi-Member Ward Boundary

The proposals for the revisions of both sets of the above boundaries have been the subject of discussion for some time. The SCC had been asked to consider some changes to its boundary in order to achieve co-terminosity with part of the proposed new Southside & Newington multi-member ward. After some discussion, members felt that the following recommendations be adopted

a) that the small area known as Kaim Head (near East Parkside) be added to the SCC area;
b) that the high rise flats at Dumbiedykes be added (meaning that all of Dumbiedykes would be in the one CC area);
c) that the area to the north of Drummond St (inc Infirmary St, Chambers St, Bristo St, Forrest Rd) be relinquished to the Canongate CC.

However it was strongly felt that the fourth recommendation, that East Meadow Park move to Tollcross CC, be resisted.

Jo Scott would contact the appropriate department the next day.

8. Meadows Festival 2006, and beyond

Jo Scott said that she had heard from Tollcross Community Council that, after some 30 years of running the Meadows Festival, the organisers had declared that they were unable to continue. After some discussion it was decided to seek more information to ascertain if the SCC could assist other groups and community councils to ensure its survival.

9. Action Plan for shops in the Newington area

Cllr Mackenzie said that following the extensive utility and road works in the Newington Road, East Preston Street, and Salisbury Road areas, some local businesses had lost as much as 70% of their trade, and although it was not the responsibility of the CEC to compensate the businesses, he wanted to encourage ideas to help promote the area as a shopping venue, and to help improve the area as a whole. There was a general discussion including thoughts on the new short stay parking which was in operation, the impact of more cafes and takeaways, especially at night, improvements to the streetscape, help with bidding for environmental grants, advertising, planters, hanging baskets, good paving, fewer cars, advertising boards, flyposting, and home zones. Cllr Mackenzie would take the information given to his meeting with City Development.

10. Correspondence

Advertising material etc was circulated, and the following items mentioned:-

10.1 Issue 3 of traveltime, the proposed tram network newsletter.
10.2 Proposed amendments to the controlled parking scheme, St Leonard’s Street.
10.3 Winter edition of postwatch scotland.
10.4 L&BP ‘A’ Division. January edition.
10.5 Minutes from Tollcross CC January meeting.
10.6 Acknowledgement of submission about Streetscape consultation.
10.7 Edinburgh University Students’ Association - minutes of the recent Community Forum.
10.8 Information on an exhibition on the Marchmont & Meadows Draft Conservation Character Appraisal (13-17 Feb)
10.9 CEC’s Leader’s Report for January.
10.10 ASCC’s newsletter.

11. Planning & Licensing Committee Report

P = Planning issue, L = Licensing issue, H = HMO issue.
11.1P A comment on the window and exterior paintwork had been sent regarding PA for change of use from religious meeting house to flat at 1F 24 Nicolson Street.
11.2L An application for LHC licence at 87 Grassmarket, previously refused, was the subject of an appeal to the SE; a Reporter would visit the site on 14 March.
11.3P PA for anemometry mast in Holyrood Park had been refused.
11.4P Scottish Awards for Quality in Planning will take place on 9 March; all places have been taken.
11.5L The City Council had acknowledged that the occupier of the premises at 47a South Clerk Street was in breach of the terms of his licence, and the Highways Division has been asked to make an inspection.
11.6H Six HMO LAs had been received since the January meeting, as well as a list of decisions.

12. Environmental Issues, including Tree Warden’s Report

12.1 Grants for Green Communities information was circulated.

12.2 Cllr Cairns, with a Council Official and others had made an inspection of local items such as damaged paving stones, manhole covers, broken bollards, redundant or damaged signage poles etc and the problems were noted.

12.3 It was noted that the new paving in Hill Street was a great improvement.

13. Reports from Meetings Attended

13.1 Southside Association (7 February)

Attended by JF, JS, and CC, who said that the Association had held a well-attended meeting in the Nelson Hall to let members see the premises. The speaker had been Rory Brown, a final year architecture student, who presented his project on the use of space in the area to improve community involvement. A police report had been given, and environmental and routine matters discussed.

13.2 Southside Community Education Centre Management Committee (17 January).

CC summarised the minutes which he had received.

13.3 Southside & Old Town Crime Prevention Panel (17 January)

Attended by CC, MD, and JF, who reported that PC Everitt, a Juvenile Liaison Officer, had given a talk on his work. MD, Chair of the Panel, said that the meeting to be held on 16 May at 7 pm in the Community Centre, would have Craig Hamilton as a guest speaker to discuss ASBOs, and a senior police officer would also attend. She stressed that this meeting was open to all.

13.4 Central Area Housing Board (17 January)

Attended by RC and JS, who said that following the stock transfer not going through, a decision remained to be made on the future function of the area housing boards, especially since community planning would soon be formalised.

13.5 South LDC Environmental Forum (30 January)

Attended by JS, who said that a review of the Community Action Plan had taken place in preparation for the SLDC meeting.

13.6 South LDC (6 February)

Attended by JS; the main discussion had been on the review as above (13.5) with input from the public on perceptions of the achievements.

13.7 EACC (28 January)

Attended by RB, LH, and JS, who said that a very useful presentation on the future role of Community Councils had been given.

13.8 Canongate Youth Project

Attended by RC, and LH. It was said that subject to some conditions being met, it was likely that the organisation would move from Infirmary Street to St Anns Community Centre.

14. Any other Competent Business

GD was concerned that different organisations seemed to be emptying CEC bin in East Preston Street.

15. Open Forum

Julie Logan, representing the Canongate Community Forum, outlined the organisation’s aims, and its concerns about the redevelopment of the Canongate and New Street area, and she asked for the SCC’s support. This will be discussed at the March meeting.

16. Date of Next Meeting

Wednesday 8 March 2006, from 7pm-9pm, in the Nelson Hall.