Welcome to Edinburgh's
Southside Community Council


Meetings are held from 7pm until 9pm on the second Wednesday of the month, from September until June, in the Nelson Hall, 5 Spittalfield Crescent, Edinburgh, EH8 9QZ Telephone: 0131-667 8838

Further information on any of the items below is available from the Secretary, by using the above postal address or website

Abbreviations used as required: ASCC = Association of Scottish Community Councils; CEC = The City of Edinburgh Council; CYP = Canongate Youth Project; DEG = Dumbiedykes Environmental Group; EACC = Edinburgh Association of Community Councils; EUSA = Edinburgh University Students’ Association; HMO = House(s) in Multiple Occupancy; LA = Licence Application; L&BP = Lothian & Borders Police; LHC = Late Hours Catering; NP = Neighbourhood Partnership; PA = Planning Application; SCC = Southside Community Council; SCNP = South Central Neighbourhood Partnership; SG = Scottish Government; SP = Scottish Parliament; TRO = Traffic Regulation Order; UoE = University of Edinburgh; and other initials = members of the SCC.

Minutes of 91st meeting, held on Wednesday 11 November 2009, from 7.00pm until 8.00pm, in the Nelson Hall, 5 Spittalfield Crescent, Edinburgh.

PRESENT: Chairperson: Hilary McDowell;
Elected Members: Nikki Thomson (Secretary), John Largue (Treasurer), Robert Hodgart, Justine Stansfield, Caroline Barr, Glenys Millar, Susan Brown;
Local Interest Groups’ Nominated Members: Amy Williamson, Sandra McCormack, May Linton, Michael Strain;
City of Edinburgh Council: Councillor Ian Perry;
Lothian and Borders Police: PC Ben Merrick; and
Members of the Public: Two.

IN ATTENDANCE: City of Edinburgh Council Planning and Licensing Department: Nancy Jamieson, Ian Tame and Jo-Anne Laidlaw

1. Welcome and apologies for absence

HM welcomed those present. Apologies for absence were received from Robert Beaton (RB), Liz Mulligan (LM), Colin Symes and Keith Smith.

2. Police report

PC Ben Merrick welcomed new members of the community council and gave an update on developments.

(a) A man has been arrested in relation to the murder in Nicolson Street; there are no other suspects.
(b) The Grapes public house has reopened; staff are being proactive in working with the police to prevent disturbances. The Southern bar has also reopened.
(c) Bonfire Night was fairly uneventful this year, and the careful planning that had been put in place appears to have worked, though the weather may also have been a factor.
(d) Ben flagged up another planned period of change. Safer Neighbourhood Teams will combine staff from the City of Edinburgh Council Neighbourhood Action Units and Lothian and Borders Police from 1st March 2010. Ben will stay in post for at least six months so that there will be some continuity.
(e) Additional funding has been found for extra police coverage in hotspots over the festive period. The funding will pay for overtime so the extra coverage will not detract from regular duties.
(f) SB asked about graffiti. Ben reported that the Neighbourhood Action Unit is tackling this but proving who was responsible is a challenge. He observed that local taggers seem to be older than in the past – e.g. university students rather than younger teenagers. Council policy is that racist and offensive graffiti must be removed within 24 hours.
(g) MS asked what area officers from St Leonards police station covers. Ben responded that it covers an area from St John’s Hill to the foot of Tollcross in the north, from Cameron Toll and West Savile Road in the south, from Bruntsfield and Morningside in the west to Prestonfield and the edge of Holyrood Park up to Pollock Halls in the east. The area is covered by seven community police officers, though only five are in post at present. Ben’s patch covers St Leonards and the Southside up as far as Preston Street.
(h) JL asked about street beggars. Ben explained that as begging is not mentioned in the Civic Government (Scotland) Act 1982, it’s not illegal, although aggressive begging is an offence. Those who claim to be homeless and hungry may be committing a fraud if it is then found that they do in fact have a permanent address. The police’s role is law enforcement – where there is no law they cannot enforce it. Ben directed complaints about beggars to elected representatives who can bring in legislation.

HM thanked Ben for his report and he left the meeting at this point.

3. Presentation from Nancy Jamieson, Ian Tame and Jo-Anne Laidlaw, City of Edinburgh Council Planning Department, on Modernising Planning

A copy of their presentation is attached to this minute. (Here.) The presentation was followed by questions.

(a) SB asked whether planning permission was required to install double glazing in a B listed building. Nancy said that there is no fee for listed building consents, but that double glazing is not generally permitted in listed buildings, and in conservation areas permission is only granted for double glazing with wooden frames.
(b) JS and BH asked about the Odeon site. Nancy replied that the pre-application planning consultation outlined for major developments wouldn’t cover the Odeon as its acreage is small. Scottish Ministers are making the final decision in the appeal over the Odeon, and planners are waiting to hear the outcome.
(c) HM remarked that developers responsible for two applications (Archers Hall and the Odeon) under the previous community council felt that consultation means insisting on holding meetings with the community council and that this ‘ticks the box’. Nancy said that the Concordat is not a developers’ charter but sets out that community engagement is necessary and that help should be provided to enable community councils to consult more widely.
(d) JL announced that we had received notification of our first pre-application planning consultation for a proposed development in Sugarhouse Close.
(e) MS expressed concern about the increasing number hot food outlets on the Southside Corridor. Nancy said that the new local plan is geared to keeping urban centres viable and thriving. There might be restrictions on opening hours under the Council’s food and drink policy. Councillors sometimes overturn planners’ recommendations on this though.
(f) MS asked how much latitude premises have to bend or stretch the rules. Would they need a licence to sell cold food, e.g. sandwiches? Nancy said there was a difference between selling heated food and cooking on the premises – for instance Greggs is a bakers’, whereas a café has tables and chairs. There is a problem with shops opening and applying for permission retrospectively.

Nancy concluded by encouraging the community council to complain and object to planning applications because their views are important. HM thanked Nancy for the presentation and asked if the team would come back to a future meeting.

4. Minutes of the final meeting of the old Community Council held on 14 October 2009

NT proposed an amendment to the minutes, at paragraph 3.1.1:
"Although registered with the City Council, East Parkside Proprietors' Association did not wish to have a representative on the SCC, but wishes to be kept in close contact as before."
After this they were approved; proposed by HM and seconded by MS.

HM reported that Old Town & Southside Crime Prevention Panel no longer wished to be members of the Community Council.

5. Minutes of the inaugural meeting of the new Community Council held on 14 October 2009

These were approved; proposed by JL and seconded by CB.

HM proposed that Colin Syme should be invited to register Kings Hall as a local interest group rather than as a co-optee. This was agreed.

6. Standing Orders

HM explained that she had spoken to Eileen Hewitt and that we have very little scope for amending either the Standing Orders or the Constitution, except for deciding our sub-structures / committees.

It was agreed to set up a planning and licensing committee, convened by JL and with membership comprising JS, HM and RH.

The Standing Orders were agreed and signed.

7. Constitution

RH asked a question about quoracy and who can vote: NT directed him to the relevant section of the constitution.

It was agreed to continue to meet on the second Wednesday of each month between September and June. The constitution was then agreed and signed.

8. Secretary’s Report and
9. Representation on other Groups

(a) Tree Warden NT announced that the previous Tree Warden no longer wanted to continue. After some discussion about the role, SB volunteered to be the Tree Warden.

(b) Association of Scottish Community Councils conference, 14 November RB and HM will represent Southside Community Council at this event. No further registrations are required as the conference is already over-subscribed.

(c) Edinburgh Association of Community Councils Executive RB has volunteered to represent Southside Community Council, with CB as his deputy. Neither is available to attend the meeting on 12 November.

(d) Meadows and Bruntsfield Links Management Group NT explained that this was a new group being set up following the short life working group that Southside Community Council had been involved with. The CC is invited to nominate a representative on the new group. HM reported that Linda Hendry, formerly vice-chair, had offered to be co-opted onto the Community Council in order to represent it on the Management Group. This was agreed.

(e) Induction training for new Community Councillors, 5 December, City Chambers NT announced this half day training course; CB said she had already registered. SB, AW, SM, JL and NT will also attend.

(f) South Central Neighbourhood Partnership RB is the representative for Southside Community Council with LM and RH as his substitutes. RH reported that he has not yet received registration forms from RB.

(g) South Housing Area Board A representative is needed. It was agreed to check whether LM will do this.

10. Treasurer’s Report

JL reported that the most recent balance was £1840.44. It was agreed to donate £70 towards the Southside Christmas Event.

11. Correspondence

The following items had been received: Letter re: Your Edinburgh website, email from Energy Saving Scotland re: water efficiency, Working Capital newsletter, invitation to Inclusion Scotland Roadshow, Apostolic Church re: change of name to Life Church, proposals re: the Forth Diet, IOG Scotsturf exhibition 2009, Capital City Partnership’s Social Inclusion News, and Edinburgh University Settlement re Roxy Art Centre.

12. Planning and Licensing Committee Report


JL reported that there were three objections in the pipeline.

67 Nicolson Street (’10-10 Delhi’) is trading without planning permission but has been asked to apply for retrospective permission. It was a café before so this is likely to be granted.

There are applications for 51 Nicolson Street and 77 Nicolson Street, both of which want to be cafés and takeaways.

A discussion ensued about an application for an Italian shop/takeaway being put in for the old Copy Cat copying shop and the adjoining Potteroll on Marshall Street. The Methodist Church in Nicolson Square has put in an objection, and formally asked the Community Council to support their objection. The question was put to a vote at which there were 3 votes to object to the proposal and 4 votes cast not to object.

13. Environmental Report

As the meeting was running late, HM submitted the following report for inclusion with the minutes:

“Bus Stop at East Preston Street. A request for an urgent repair was made, carried out within 2 days. I’ve asked for an investigation as to how we can get work done to prevent surfaces at bus stops deteriorating this way. Proper substructure at heavily used bus stops?

Pavement Step at St Patrick Square. Paint marking the edge has worn off. At least one person has fallen there recently. The issue was brought up at Environmental Forum II. Officials appear reluctant to repaint as it’s on private land. Roads dept has been asked for a price for raising the pavement to match the step, or come up with other ideas.

Nicolson Square. Enforcement action is to be taken to get pavement reinstated, though that can take months. Many complaints from a variety of sources.

The Grapes pub. This seems to have become a magnet for hard drinkers and there are problems morning, noon and night with ASB.

Tobies. The saga continues, but no action.

Meadows. A proper reinstatement was done this year, with turf covering the main area affected, the diesel spill soil having been excavated.

Parks Events Strategy is going out to consultation with CC’s and other groups. I have been part of a group preparing briefing papers on the subject. We are covering terms and conditions to try and mitigate damage, the removal the public’s right of access, and where the money goes.”

14. Reports from meetings attended

Again, as time was pressing, these reports have been submitted for inclusion with the minutes. 14.1 Braidwood Centre Management Committee (3 November)

RB submitted the following:

“The Centre was successful in its application for a Community Health Development Grant of some £3000 towards skills learning programming for local unemployed people in helping to find employment. Paul Harrison, chairperson, will join the CYP management committee as the Braidwood Centre representative.”

15. Public Question Time

There were no questions.

16. Any other business


17. Date of next meeting

Wednesday 9 December 2009, in the Gray Room, from 7pm until 9pm.

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