Welcome to Edinburgh's
Southside Community Council

Minutes of 84th meeting, held on Wednesday 11 March 2009, from 7pm until 9pm, in the Nelson Hall, 5 Spittalfield Crescent, Edinburgh.

Abbreviations used as required:
ASCC = Association of Scottish Community Councils; CEC = The City of Edinburgh Council; CYP = Canongate Youth Project; DEG = Dumbiedykes Environmental Group; EACC = Edinburgh Association of Community Councils; EUSA = Edinburgh University Students’ Association; HMO = House(s) in Multiple Occupancy; LA = Licence Application; L&BP = Lothian & Borders Police; LHC = Late Hours Catering; NP = Neighbourhood Partnership; PA = Planning Application; SCC = Southside Community Council; SCNP = South Central Neighbourhood Partnership; SG = Scottish Government; SP = Scottish Parliament; TRO = Traffic Regulation Order; UoE = University of Edinburgh; and other initials = members of the SCC.

Chairperson: Robert Beaton {RB};
Elected Members: Colin Christison (Secretary) {CC}, Linda Hendry (Vice-Chairperson) {LH}, Bob Hodgart {BH}, Hilary McDowell (Environmental Spokesperson) {HM}, Jo Scott (Planning & Licensing Convenor) {JS}, and Justine Stansfield (Treasurer) {JSt};
Local Interest Groups’ Nominated Members: Margaret Bagan {MB}, George Pitcher {GP}, and Stewart Reid {SR};
Co-opted Members: Carol McHugh {CM} and Keith Smith {KS};
City of Edinburgh Council: Councillor Ian Perry {IP};
Lothian & Borders Police: PC John Leadbetter; and
Members of the Public: Three.

1. Welcome, and apologies for absence

Robert Beaton welcomed those present to the meeting. Apologies for absence were received from Mary Devine, Liz Mulligan, Kathleen Newis, PC Tom Hopper and Sarah Boyack MSP.

2. Police Report

PC John Leadbetter, standing in for PC Hopper, reported that his fellow officers were prepared for the week of action. He mentioned various incidents including reports of anti-social behaviour at Bristo Square, drugs raids in Buccleuch Street, and counterfeit £20 notes being passed. A recent exercise in which plain clothes police officers caught people involved in drug and alcohol crimes and graffiti writing was likely to be repeated over the Easter holidays. Some members reported activities which concerned them.

3. Minutes of meeting held on 11 February 2009

Approved; proposed by CM and seconded by JS.

4. Matters arising

Item 5, (5.4) – no news on the Causey grant application.
Item 10 – pencils had been purchased for distribution at the King’s Hall during the Week of Action.

5. Secretary’s Report

5.1 EACC’s (Edinburgh Association of Community Councils) letter to the Director of Services for Communities in reply to his idea of establishing a strategic forum between the Council and the EACC. This new forum could plan and develop the work of Community Councils to make them as effective as possible, and in so doing, would also make the NPs as effective as possible. The EACC considers that it already is the strategic forum. The Director is to be guest speaker at the EACC’s June AGM.

5.2 The Lord Provost has asked various organisations including CCs to help shape the outcome of the Edinburgh Award 2009, the recipient of which last year was JK Rowling. Nomination forms available.

5.3 Sarah Boyack MSP had arranged a meeting for CCs to discuss the issue of holiday lets for hen and stag parties; details were given to members, and JS hoped to attend.

5.4 Cllr Burgess had forwarded information on Community Short Breaks – Carer Recruitment; a campaign to attract more community based carers for older people and adults with learning disabilities. More information from CC.

5.5 CC Funding Information Event – to be held on 23 March. CC hoped to attend.

5.6 The Chief Executive of The Queen’s Hall had asked the SCC for a letter in support of the venue’s application for the ‘Edinburgh Prize’, organised by the Scottish Community Foundation. After some discussion, it was agreed to write.

5.7 The next Southside and Old Town Crime Prevention Panel meeting is on Tuesday 17 March. The L&BP Wildlife Officer will make a presentation.

5.8 NHS Lothian (Strategic Planning & Modernisation) – Public Consultation on its draft strategy for Maternity Services; would like views from community councils. Papers were circulated.

5.9 In autumn 2008 just over 5,000 residents from across the city were asked their views on their neighbourhood; what are the best things; what needs improved; what they think about Council services. The findings are presented in a suite of short reports which covers: Neighbourhood Management (includes information on each neighbourhood partnership area), Community Engagement, Environment Services, Landlord Services, Community Safety, Community Facilities, Libraries, and Schools. The link to the Annual Neighbourhood Survey 2008 findings, produced by the City of Edinburgh Council is here.

6. Treasurer’s Report

Balance £1203.11, at 19 February 2009.

7. Correspondence

The following items had been received: February 2009 edition of the Dumbiedykes Community Newsflyer, proposed amendments to waiting, loading, and unloading times, and information from L&BP on how to combat garden crime.

8. Planning and Licensing Committee Report


8.1 Extend basement to form new en-suite bedrooms and celtic knot gardens above, alter garage to extend existing dining area at 43-45 Salisbury Road (08/04312/FUL) – objection considered material.

8.2 Signage - Salisbury Hotel x 2, 5000 x 600mm, Gabbro x 1, 145 x 800mm, and Gabbro x 2, 1800 x 40, at 43-45 Salisbury Road (09/00169/ADV) – objection lodged.

8.3 Mediation in the planning system - Ministerial Launch. JS and RB will attend.

8.4 1 Parkside Terrace – wall has been reinstated.


8.5 Locomotive-Scotland Ltd etc – objection lodged, not acknowledged. IP said that the application had been refused. CC again expressed dissatisfaction at the lack of information from the department, while acknowledging that they seem very busy.

8.6 Salisbury Hotel, 43-45 Salisbury Road – suggestion submitted that an evening time limit for the use of garden be written into the terms of the licence. Acknowledged, but advised that a letter of objection should be written. After some discussion, it was agreed that IP (and the three other councillors) be informed in writing of the concerns about possible late evening and night time noise from the gardens.

8.7 HMO LAs – six.

9. Environmental Report

HM distributed large maps which defined the area to be covered in the forthcoming week of action for members to mark places which required attention, together with briefing notes. The clean-up of Brown Street would take place on 14 March. She also mentioned a link to Scottish Water which helped get problems dealt on a high priority basis.

CC said that following concerns by Southside and Tollcross CCs the wide line in the centre of Middle Meadow Walk had been repainted in a narrower width, and new signage had been installed.

10. Reports from meetings attended

10.1 Canongate Youth Project Management Committee (9 Mar)

LH reported that further funding applications were in process, and that the recruitment policy was being rewritten.

10.2 Edinburgh Association of Community Councils on Licensing (7 Mar)

RB and JS attended, and reported that about 15 CCs had been represented. An informative Q&A session with the Chair of the Licensing Board (Cllr Maureen Child), the Chair of the Regulatory Committee (Cllr Colin Kerr), and a new member of the Licensing Board (Cllr Cammy Day) had taken place. Notes will be made available.

10.3 Friends of the Meadows & Bruntsfield Links (16 Feb)

JS and HM said that a very well-attended talk on the history of the Meadows had been given by Graeme Cruickshank in the Greek Orthodox Church.

10.4 Meadows Short-life Working Group (6 Mar)

JS and IP were present. IP said that there was increasing frustration at the lack of progress in presenting the Parks Events Strategy. It is hoped that there will be full information at the next meeting.

10.5 South Area Housing Board (18 Feb)

JS said that there had been a presentation from the Liberton and Gilmerton SCNP sub-groups. The Board was reminded that it was time for next year’s road improvement projects to be put forward.

10.6 South Central Neighbourhood Partnership (23 Feb)

JS, LH, RB attended. Discussion about HMO Licensing, and a short life working group was set up to continue the subject, including two representatives form the SCC; RB volunteered.

10.7 South Side Community Education Centre Management Committee (10 Mar)

MB, CC, CM, JS, and KS were present. KS outlined some of the current projects. The drama group had received NP funding for their summer play. The Heritage Group had produced heritage information boards about the Southside which will be placed outside each of the two centres once planning consent had been obtained. He discussed the forthcoming end to the temporary staffing arrangements, which will lead to further uncertainty, particular with more spending cuts in the department. Good progress was being made to improve the running of the café. Remedial work to the building next to Quarry Close would mean the closure of the lane which gives access to the rear of the Centre, and efforts were being made to ensure this work was not scheduled for August, when the Centre was used as a Fringe venue.

10.8 Southside Association (3 Mar)

RB, CC, MD, CM, JS. Week of Action discussed and many suggestions put forward. Cllr Burgess said that he had been in contact with Duddingston House Properties (owners of the former Odeon Cinema), following a question at the February meeting. Planning consent had been granted in October 2008. This consent depended on Historic Scotland’s opinion of the plans for the demolition of the listed parts of the building, and if there was economic justification for the demolition. It was understood that the Council, DHP, and HS were about to meet. Cllr Burgess had expressed his concerns to DHP about poor state of the front of the building, with redundant signage, boarding, and posters, and hoped that DHP would make the appearance less of an eyesore.

10.9 Braidwood Centre Management Committee (4 Mar)

RB said that there would shortly be a report on the survey of the recent needs assessment.

10.10 West Crosscauseway Association (2 Mar)

BH reported that fund-raising was continuing; next meeting in the Community Centre at 7pm on 6 April, and all are welcome.

11. Public Question Time

11.1 With reference to the provision of digital television, Jeff Haddow asked if the City Council had plans to realign the communal aerials in Dumbiedykes towards the Canongate/Holyrood Park relay transmitter. This is a relay transmitter, and it is part of the Craigkelly in Fife transmitter group for the STV region.

11.2 Caroline Barr said that the missing toby cover at the end of Rankeillor Street had been replaced at long last. She was grateful to Robin Harper MSP for his assistance in resolving the matter.

11.3 Samantha Gardner, representing Haddon’s Court said that they hoped the week of action would see a continuance to the improvements in the Court.

12. Any other business

12.1 LH hoped that the Meadows Festival Association would meet in the near future. The ongoing uncertainty over the use of the Meadows for public events meant that there was doubt about the Meadows Festival taking place in 2009, but if it did go ahead it would be on the weekend of 6/7 June. She asked for support from members, and hoped that new committee members would come forward. Help was required with the preservation of the cricket pitches during the Festival. Members felt that the Meadows Festival was one event which should be allowed to take place.

12.2 KS referred to the forthcoming closure of the Royal Commonwealth Pool, and wondered if the City Council was going to offer any alternative arrangements for the health and fitness users. The University Sports Centre is open to the public at certain times, and the Crags Sports Centre is available.

12.3 JS mentioned some information which had been sent in an e-mail from JSt. This is reproduced below (message came from the Ambulance Service):

”We all carry our mobile phones with names & numbers stored in its memory. If we were to be involved in an accident or were taken ill, the people attending us would have our mobile phone but wouldn't know who to call. Yes, there are hundreds of numbers stored but which one is the contact person in case of an emergency? Hence this 'ICE' (In Case of Emergency) Campaign.

The concept of 'ICE' is catching on quickly. It is a method of contact during emergency situations. As mobile phones are carried by the majority of the population, all you need to do is store the number of a contact person or persons who should be contacted during emergency under the name 'ICE' (In Case Of Emergency). The idea was thought up by a paramedic who found that when he went to the scenes of accidents there were always mobile phones with patients but they didn't know which number to call. He therefore thought that it would be a good idea if there was a nationally recognised name for this purpose.

In an emergency situation, Emergency Service personnel and hospital Staff would be able to contact the right person by simply dialling the number you have stored as 'ICE'.”

12.4 HM said that Spokes (the cycling organisation) would be holding an exhibition in the King’s Hall during the week of action.

12.5 GP discussed the Dumbiedykes Writers’ Group, and the defunct Holyrood ICT Centre. See the following letter which was sent to the SCNP.

“Some eighteen months or so ago the previously SIP funded project, Holyrood ICT Centre, situated at the base of Holyrood Court, was closed after the winding up of the Strategic Programme Social Inclusion Partnership.
Dumbiedykes Writers’ Group was a regular user of the facility and since the closure has continued, against the odds, to keep a profile in the area producing on a much reduced scale a local newsletter, Dumbiedykes Community Newsflyer, as well as meeting with a tutor on a weekly basis at the Braidwood Centre. The centre also catered for a wide range of users offering training for the European Computer Driving Licence, the opportunity to prepare CVs as well as general computer usage. The Centre has lain empty since the day of closure, with all of the equipment (now sadly outdated) still intact. Looking at the criteria for allocation of the Fairer Scotland Fund (FSF) it appears that here is a facility that could be re-launched using some of the funding apportioned to the South Central Neighbourhood Partnership.
The commissioning process linked with the protocols which are in place whereby FSF funding can be moved across boundaries prompt me to suggest that the Haywired Centre based at Craigmillar could be invited to tender for a project to service the facility at Dumbiedykes, offering training for computer skills to the young and unemployed thus meeting FSF criteria and benefiting both early intervention and employment prospects. The potential to meet other FSF criteria is there in the form of support for the Dumbiedykes Writers’ Group which caters for all, including the young and the older person, surely demonstrating an equalities environment. A report is awaited from consultants who have recently carried out a survey in the Dumbiedykes area which is likely to demonstrate the need and a willingness to participate at least on the part of some of the residents. This is a first approach to the South Central Partnership Board on behalf of the Dumbiedykes Writers’ Group, meanwhile a wider group in the area will be making preparations for any necessary application.”

13. Date of next meeting: Wednesday 8 April 2009.

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