Welcome to Edinburgh's
Southside Community Council


Minutes of 102nd meeting held on Wednesday 8th December 2010, from 7.00pm until 9.00pm, in the Nelson Hall, 5 Spittalfield Crescent, Edinburgh.

Meetings are held from 7pm until 9pm on the second Wednesday of the month, from September until June, in the Nelson Hall, 5 Spittalfield Crescent, Edinburgh, EH8 9QZ Telephone: 0131-667 8838
*Further information on any of the items below is available from the Secretary, by using the above postal address or web site: www.edinscc.org

Abbreviations used as required:
ASCC = Association of Scottish Community Councils; CEC = The City of Edinburgh Council; CYP = Canongate Youth Project; DEG = Dumbiedykes Environmental Group; EACC = Edinburgh Association of Community Councils; EUSA = Edinburgh University Students’ Association; HMO = House(s) in Multiple Occupancy; LA = Licence Application; L&BP = Lothian & Borders Police; LHC = Late Hours Catering; NP = Neighbourhood Partnership; PA = Planning Application; SCC = Southside Community Council; SCNP = South Central Neighbourhood Partnership; SG = Scottish Government; SP = Scottish Parliament; TRO = Traffic Regulation Order; UoE = University of Edinburgh; and other initials = members of the SCC.

Chairperson: Hilary McDowell (HM);
Elected Members: John Largue (Treasure, JL), Caroline Barr (CB), Susan Brown, Keith Smith (KS), Bob Hodgart (RH), Deborah Charlesworth (secretary, DC), Liz Mulligan (LM), Lisa Sibbald (LS, representative for the South Side Association), and Colin Symes (Community Church Edinburgh, South Clerk S), Keith Smith (Southside Community Education Centre).

City of Edinburgh Council: Councillor Cameron Rose Four members of the Public were also present.

1. Welcome and apologies for absence.
HM welcomed those present to the meeting, including a student representation. Apologies for absence were received from May Linton, Nikki Thomson, and Michael Strain.

2. Angus Currie gave a presentation about the University’s Estate Strategy, including developments at the new Royal Infirmary (ERI) and Easter Bush sites, as well as the Southside (including the proposed sale of the Dick Vet site for re-development, and the University’s interest in the Causey Project ideas). The information is also available on the University’s web site (http://www.ed.ac.uk/schools-departments/estates-buildings/news). There was a discussion of parking at ERI, in response to a question from JL. CB enquired about access to the Old College quadrangle after the re-paving, and it seems that this will be easier than formerly. DC asked about noise levels in the Meadows from the Main Library air conditioning, and Graham Bell responded that this will be looked into.

3. Chris Brace (Edinburgh council cycling officer, strategic planning) gave a presentation about the proposed Quality Cycle Corridor between the Kings’ Buildings campus and the city centre campus (details can be seen at http://www.edinburgh.gov.uk/info/674/consultations/1179/quality_bike_corridor/1). Cycling improvements and the chance of improved awareness of cyclists were welcomed, though comments were made that some cyclists do not obey traffic rules. HM noted problems at the east end of North Meadow Walk. There was a short discussion of the need, ideally, for dedicated, segregated bike lanes, but it was hoped that the proposed changes will help change attitudes and safety.

4. Police Report from Jeanette McCulloch (accompanied by a colleague from Morningside): The bad weather seems to have led to lower crime rates, but police numbers are also down due to restrictions on overtime. Police are nevertheless walking in Nicolson St to S. Clerk St, to deal with antisocial behaviour etc. Nicolson Square drinkers have mostly moved elsewhere and the police are monitoring them. 4. The Minutes of the 8th November 2010 meeting were approved (Proposed JL, seconded LM).

5. Matters arising • HM has been contacted by the press about roof parties at HMO properties.

6. Treasurer’s Report: There is £1,673.38 in the bank, and 6.09 petty cash. As the Southside Association Christmas party was cancelled due to bad weather, the £75 allocated for this was returned to the CC.

7. Reports from meetings attended. • RH attended a meeting of the Edinburgh Association of Community Councils. • RH attended a meeting about the budget cuts, and he has circulated the minutes from this meeting (Nov 2010 EACC Big Debate on the Budget.doc).

8. Secretary’s Report. There were 25 emails, and 4 paper items.

9. Correspondence
• HM read a letter to Sir Tom Farmer asking for his support for the renovation of the Odeon as a cinema. It was agreed that HM and DC should send this letter. DC also sent a letters on the same matter to the director of Historic Scotland and Fiona Hyslop MSP. The possibility of attempting to get the building A listed was discussed, and RH was encouraged to initiate this.
• DC reported that we were emailed about major tree cutting in the Hermitage of Braid woodland, which residents were not aware of until it was too late to stop it. Cameron Rose told us that he has information that can justify this, which he will pass on.
• HM wrote in response to an enquiry about Freshers' Festival 2011, stating that this event should not be happening on the Meadows, due to damaging the grass. Bristo Square would be a more appropriate venue.
• HM and LM prepared responses from the CC to Ross Finnie’s questionnaire about parking restrictions at dropped kerbs. This was approved after adding in response to comments from CB that new markings should be added over time to indicate that not even disabled drivers’ vehicles can park there.

10. Publicity group. The group has prepared a draft newsletter, which will be circulated for comments to CC members.

11. Roads proposal HM and LM have identified Viewcraig Gardens pavement as our choice for repairs. Damage has been done by cars parking, and bollards are needed, as well as repairs. This choice was supported by the CC.

12. Association of Scottish Community Councils (ASCC) Annual conference HM reported on this meeting. The CC discussed the possibility of inviting the ASCC to send a representative to one of our meetings, or preferably to a meeting of the Edinburgh Association of Community Councils.

13. Public Question Time: There were no questions

14. Any other business: As the meeting closed, SB asked HM and DC to include a discussion of procedures in a meeting in the near future.

15. Date of next meeting – January 12 2011. (Agenda item 14, Bike Project, carried over to January meeting)

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