Welcome to Edinburgh's
Southside Community Council

Minutes of 97th meeting of Southside Community Council, held on Wednesday 12th May 2010, in the Nelson Hall, 5 Spittalfield Crescent, Edinburgh.

Abbreviations used as required:
ASCC = Association of Scottish Community Councils; CEC = The City of Edinburgh Council; CYP = Canongate Youth Project; DEG = Dumbiedykes Environmental Group; EACC = Edinburgh Association of Community Councils; EUSA = Edinburgh University Students’ Association; HMO = House(s) in Multiple Occupancy; LA = Licence Application; L&BP = Lothian & Borders Police; LHC = Late Hours Catering; NP = Neighbourhood Partnership; PA = Planning Application; SCC = Southside Community Council; SCNP = South Central Neighbourhood Partnership; SG = Scottish Government; SP = Scottish Parliament; TRO = Traffic Regulation Order; UoE = University of Edinburgh; and other initials = members of the SCC.


Hilary McDowell (HM), John Largue (JL), Caroline Barr (CB), Colin Symes (CS), Susan Brown (SB), Colin Taylor (CT), Bob Hodgart (BH), Nikki Thomson (NT), Liz Mulligan (LM), Michael Strain (MS), May Linton (ML) and Cllr Ian Perry

3 members of the public were also present.

Apologies were received from Sandra McCormick, Deborah Charlesworth, Amy Williamson, Cllr Steve Burgess, George Foulkes MSP and Sarah Boyack MSP.

1. Minutes of meeting held on 14th April

The pub that was broken into (police report) was Koko not Nation State
May Linton’s apologies were left off
Cllr Rose was going to investigate who authorised the purchase of toadstool sculptures in Deaconess Park.
Colin Symes gave apologies for the last meeting (and the spelling of his name was corrected)
With these corrections the minutes were agreed, proposed by CB and seconded by JL

2. Matters arising

Cllr Perry is still trying to get the pub opening hours list
Jo Scott will continue on the HMO Working Group. No other person is needed on the group

3. Secretary’s Report and Correspondence

1. Connect newsletter from Scottish Community Health Council about re-vamping their community engagement
2. Sales material about play park equipment
3. Invitation to Salvation Army centenary celebrations at St Giles Cathedral on 27 June – reply needed
4. Edinburgh City Plan – HM warned that this is a big document requiring concentration
5. Tac Talk from the Neighbourhood Partnership
6. 2009 Annual Neighbourhood Survey for South Central NP
7. Invitation to the AGM of the Edinburgh Community Representatives Network, 21st May. CB to attend.
8. Letter from Planning about application for 51 Nicolson Street (being considered today).
9. Café at 67 Nicolson Street was refused permission and enforced. (We had objected.)
10. The Causey are having a public consultation on 3rd, 4th & 5th June.
11. Keith Smith presented outline information about a health event at the Crags Sports Centre on 10th June.
12. Invitation to the South Side Community Meeting at the Square Centre on 16th June. If somebody would like to go to this, please let Hilary know.
13. Insurance for Community Council – passed to JL

4. Treasurer’s Report

John reported that grant from CEC was £644.94. We have spent £50 for audit fees. The Meadows Festival Association approached us for donation. Last year we gave them £70 (membership of £20 and a donation of £50). We agreed to give them £95 this year (£20 + £75). NT made a plea for funds from any other organisations represented here. South Central Neighbourhood Partnership has given a grant.

5. Environmental Report (HM)

Graffiti: There is a large amount on Roxburgh Place, reported and asked if it could be removed.
Gullies: The FoI request has disclosed 5 known to be blocked in our area. We reported 2 others currently blocked – 102 St Leonards St., and at Spittalfield Crescent under the bins. Others cannot cope with normal rainfall. See full report on website.
Pavements, Roads & Lighting: After a walkabout with staff from Roads dept (5/5/10) many defects were marked for remedy soon, and HM noted real progress.
Parks: “Welcome” stones at park entrances already discoloured by being used as dog toilets.
Signage: Enforcement action was taken to remove signage at Crags pub, but sight lines for crossing the road are still blocked, and the schools crossing patrol is concerned. “Safer Routes to School” and Enforcement have been spoken to.

6. Police Report

PC Ben Merrick is at the High Court this week over the recent murder in Nicolson Street. PC Graham Watt and PC Matt Pearce attended, although this is not their area. Additional patrols were active in Nicolson Square and Bristo Square until the end of May, to move the drinkers (Operation Destiny), but the problem continues. We are asked to call police about disturbances in Nicolson Square, where there are joint patrols with the Safer Neighbourhood teams. A by-law prohibiting drinking was discussed, but the CC was told by Cllr Perry that this could prevent responsible picnicking on the Meadows; ASBOs are not given for drinking. Evidence from a CCTV camera being installed in Nicolson Street may enable prosecutions.
The Festival policing operation (Artisan) will run again this year, with six officers providing additional foot patrols in Bristo Square, Meadows and Bruntsfield, plus joint patrols with Environmental Wardens.
A new inspector for the area (Andrew McLaughlin) has joined St Leonards from CID, replacing Ian Moffatt, and Debbie Wickstead will also be replaced. Two new PCs joined the team. The new policing arrangements give us 20 police officers and one car, so that most patrols are on foot.
A member of the public asked about beggars on Nicolson Street and South Clerk Street, and requested the CC to survey local residents’ views about the problem. It is not a crime to beg, but the police will move anyone begging beside cash machines. HM suggested that a future meeting could discuss this problem, and Cllr Perry suggested that the Neighbourhood Partnership might set up a working group (similar to the HMO group). The next NP business meeting is in June, and full meeting in August.

7. Reports from Meetings Attended

a. Neighbourhood Partnership report

LM reported that the Meadows Management Group is an advisory management group. Policing issues will be discussed at 3 meetings of the new policing priority group. Southside CC does not wish to be part of this new group. We will continue to liaise with Ben Merrick. The Crime Prevention Panel is re-forming.
Funding for redecorating Southside Community Centre and football strips was refused. A health and wellbeing group is being set up, led by NHS Lothian, which will oversee better services for the elderly. The first meeting will be on 9 June, Braidwood Centre, 9.30am. CS will represent the CC.
Dumbiedykes is being included in the 20mph residential zones.

b. Friends of the Meadows

HM reported on the last meeting, which discussed barbecues. The Council has put slabs down to protect the grass, but no signage to explain them.
There is great disquiet about the kiosk (see AGM report). The Meadows Advisory Group was not consulted after the preliminary stages, and there have been complaints about the diesel generator. JL will write a letter of complaint asking why the CC was not consulted, despite prior assurances.
Chinese State Circus will be at Ocean Terminal, not Meadows, but a big commercially run student freshers’ event will take place in the autumn. Council vehicles continue driving across the grass, and staff were seen urinating into the hedge. There are park wardens on the Meadows only one weekend in five.
A piece of street art has been installed in Middle Meadow Walk/North Meadow Walk junction. Council officials consider it graffiti to be removed. HM will write asking for it to be preserved.

c. Environmental Forum

The Dumbiedykes steps were voted top priority for action, and the carriageway work outside the Kings Theatre second. Generally CCs voted for projects that protect pedestrians and cyclists.
The joint environmental forum was felt by HM and CB to be a waste of time. Officials want to give information whilst the public want to raise matters of local concern.

d. South Side Association AGM

Bob Hodgart reported that existing office-bearers were confirmed in post for another year. It had been suggested that the membership subscription be raised from £3 to £5, but written notice had not been submitted prior to the AGM so this was not voted on.

8. Roads Update

HM reported on progress on the Bernard Terrace junction. Caroline Barwell at CEC hopes to meet towards the end of June with councillors, officials, road engineers and safe routes to school, Nelson Hall, Scoosh, the community council and Gilly Dennis from the schools council. The Council is using the money identified to draw up the proposals rather than actually doing the work. Cllr Perry said that money would be available in next year’s roads budget.

9. Public Question Time

Isobel Leckie spoke about the West Crosscauseway Association. Since an event in 2007, designs for making improvements to the space have been prepared, and two are being considered, with a launch on 3rd June at 6pm at Inspace Gallery, and public consultation on 3rd June to 5th Jun.

10. Forthcoming Meetings

Edinburgh Association of Community Councils (20th May) on Edinburgh Partnership
EACC AGM (19th June) asked us to second a proposal to amend the constitution rule that representatives are elected for two year terms. The officers agreed to this. The committee of EACC is up for re-election. It was agreed to nominate Jenny McKenzie as secretary, and John Palmer from Grange/Prestonfield Community Council as treasurer.
Meadows Festival 5/6 June. Volunteers were requested for the stall. A petition about anti-social behaviour in the tent was not approved, but JL suggested pursuing this through the Neighbourhood Partnership. This was agreed.
The Crags Open Day taster session 10th June, 10am – 1pm. Volunteers are needed to run a stall. JL will think about this.
Southside Community Tea, Square Centre, 16th June, 5-3.30pm. MS will try to attend.
Joint Community Council meeting about Neighbourhood Partnerships, 21st June. HM will attend and others are welcome.

11. Any Other Business

SB asked for common repairs and stair cleaning to be included on the agenda for next meeting.
Two meetings ago Cllr Burgess said he would discuss the situation regarding the Southside Community Centre door opening times on surgery nights. SB requested an update on this.
The planning application for the restaurant expansion in front of the Square Centre is going to committee.
The student festival on the Meadows for this weekend has been cancelled.

12. Date of next meeting

Wednesday 9th June 2010 at 7pm. This will be the last meeting before the summer.
Meeting was closed at 9pm.

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