Communications Report October 2018

  1. Newsletter 5000 copies of the newsletter were printed and handed over to Central Belt Distribution for delivery in our area. They should be dropping through letter boxes any day now.

  2. Pop-up Bob The cardboard cut out Policeman with a speed gun will be with us soon. He was to be coming next week, but as I am away, and nobody else was able to look after him, I asked for a delay. I haven't had any further news of when he will be arriving. I haven't heard from anybody about where they would like him placed. If you know of a good place where he might be effective in slowing down the traffic please let me know.

  3. Speed indicating sign I was quoted a price of about £1700 for this unit, solar / battery powered, designed to be moved from place to place. The Traffic Signs dept. replied to my application with "Your request has been forwarded to the Road Safety Team & the 20mph Project Team for consideration." I haven't heard yet from either of those teams. In the hope that we do get permission, and the CC approves the expenditure, we should be thinking of locations where the sign would be effective. I envisage it being mounted in one location for a couple of weeks, and then be moved to another location for two weeks and so on, to have maximum impact.

  4. Vinyl Map I have been trying to get quotes for this from local printers, some of whom are a bit elusive. I will keep trying.

Philip McDowell
October 2018