Minutes of the meeting on Tuesday, 11th May 2021, 7:00pm
(by Zoom)

Tim Pogson (TP, Chair), Bob Hodgart (BH), Sakshika (minute), Philip McDowell, Cameron Rose (Councillor), Liz Logie, Joan Carter, Linda Dryden, Stephen Rodger Benson, Anne Binckebanck, David Robertson (CEC), Tricia Hill (CEC), Kat Hasler, Stuart Tooley ( University representative)

Agenda item Discussion Action
1. Welcome Chair welcomed all to the meeting of the Community Council.  
2. Discussion of Consultation: Future Development of Cowan's Close Depot Site Tricia Hill & David Robertson, Edinburgh City Council planning development managers, delivered a presentation on a consultation on the future development of Cowan’s Close site. They mentioned about a proposed affordable housing scheme. David proposed using the Place tool for assessing the pros and cons of the site.

They are seeking ways in which to most effectively consult with all local interests, residents and others, to secure the successful redevelopment of the site. Bob asked about the definition of affordable housing. Tim mentioned that many of the local residents are older so may not be able to engage with purely online activities.

Stuart asked David to connect with the university to discuss the potential for using their community engagement resources.

Tricia and David are proposing a programme of engagement May – June and will involve the Community Council at every step.
3. Previous Minutes Adoption of the minutes of the meeting held on 13th April 2021, with correction to the date of the hustings.  
4. Matters Arising 4.1 Holyrood Park Road signage. Tim had thanked the Park authorities, HES, for their improvements to the signage but had commented on the positioning of the northbound sign on Dalkeith Road and also that they were often knocked over. HES replied that they would continue to consider further improvement.
4.2 Holyrood Park road closures – Nick Marshall, Northfield Willowbrae CC, would put the issue to Duddingston Conservation Society.
4.3 Philip shared about success of the newsletter distribution.
5. Councillor's report (Cameron Rose) Early morning noise at Cowan's Close had been raised independently by a resident. Cameron would once again mention to the site manager.

Following the significant disturbance in the Meadows, police, the Council, etc, had responded well. Additional public toilet facilities would be provided for the summer period.

Anne raised the issue of the timing of bin glass collection at Hermit's Croft and Salisbury Court, which is at 6:00 am that makes a lot of noise in the morning. Such collection should not be happening at this time. Cameron will look into.

Kat raised the issue of Spaces for People amendments around the Preston Street school and the extended paper that had been submitted. No response was received after sending emails to the council. It was thought that a meeting was being arranged shortly after the paper was submitted. Cameron will chase.

Joan asked about an update on the medical centre around the Unite accommodation. Tim will chase.
6. Chair's report (Tim) Tim has put up his report on the website. He attended the meeting of Events on Public Spaces Working Group which was attended by a large number of community groups and events companies. Little business at first meeting, but Tim had volunteered for the Factors for Consideration when considering events and the Communication and Engagement subgroups.  
7. Treasurer's Report Svetlana had ensured the annual insurance premium had been paid. The handover between Svetlana and Liz was progressing.  
8. Reports from Committees and meetings attended None  
9. Bernard Terrace Zebra Crossing No update had been received since the news that the completion date had been put back to October. Alan Dunlop had been replaced on the job by Andrew Easson. Community Council's confidence in any commitments is limited. Cameron promised to raise at next Transport and Env Ctee. Noted that reference to deputation had not been included in minute of previous Committee meeting. Philip will chase progress with crossing at start of June.                                           
10. Planning and Licensing Applications (42 - 44 Buccleuch Street) Tim raised the issue of the size of the upper storey apartments in the 42 - 44 Buccleuch Street redevelopment. Agreed to object. TP
11. AOB Daniel mentioned that, following the promotion in the newsletter, a number of local residents had been in touch to borrow the anti-graffiti kits. Tim would chase up the promise of the Council's Graffiti Manager to discuss the option of working more closely with the Community Council with his team. Joan asked about follow-up in regards to the opening of Newington library. Cameron reported that the use of the centre as a testing centre was a decision taken as part of the planning of resource nationally, and its need in tackling the Covid crisis would take precedence.  TP
12. Date of next meeting Next meeting on 8th June 2021 is AGM - all members to consider taking on an officer role, Secretary post vacant, also Engagement Officer, any volunteers for Chair role would also be welcomed. All