Monday 10th June 2024, 6:00 pm

Nelson Hall, Spittalfield Crescent

AGM Agenda

  1.  Welcome and apologies for absence

  2.  Minutes of the last AGM held 12th June 2023

  3.  Chair's Annual Report

  4.  Secretary's Annual Report

  5.  Treasurer's Annual Report

  6.  Engagement Report

  7.  Demit of current office bearers / election of office bearers

  8.  Date of next AGM - 9th June 2025

Regular monthly business meeting


  1.  Welcome and apologies for absence, declarations of interest.

  2.  Ascertain issues brought by members of the public: determine when and how to deal with them

  3.  Minutes of the meeting held May 13th and matters arising

  4.  Councillor's report

  5.  Reports from office bearers.

  6.  Reports from Committees and meetings attended

  7.  Planning and Licensing applications.

  8.  Hustings

  9.  Meadows Festival Stall feedback

10.  Safety of Lithium Ion Battery campaign

11.  Any Other Business

12.  Date for Next Meeting: September 9th 2024